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A member registered Sep 20, 2021 · View creator page →

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wow thank you for going through all the trouble just to get it running and thank you for the thoughtful feedback you have written here. I found the bugs in my code for the repeat music and I realized too that the switch logic is busted too (which is likely the cause of that bug) hehe so I am going to fix some of these for just a fix up post-jam version.

for real though, thanks so much for this review- you totally made my day! Happy jamming and cheers to you!

(2 edits)

If you have sidequest you can click an option to upload an APK file onto the headset, then to access the game on your headset you go to your apps, you have to select from the sorting dropdown menu "unknown sources" which should show the app "Time Climb". This will run natively on your quest and won't need to be linked to a pc to run it. I wish you luck! the process is not convenient so thank you for even thinking of trying and cheers!

nice looking game, soothing sound. fun puzzle mechanic. great job!

really fun with an attractive design. the tasks are fun and varied, the music and character are adorable. Great job!

really fun gameplay here- love that it is about the never ending battle of keeping our devices charged. the game balancing is very fun and allows strategy with some punishing or rewarding randomness. nice work!

fun and engaging gameplay, nice puzzle designs too. good job!

wow. I was not expecting this. at first I remembered something my dad used to tell me, "work harder, not smarter" so I was tempted to 3d print an attachment for my electric drill to turbo click my mouse, but then I opened the sidebar and realized choices with time are the most valuable investment- in this case the idea of investing in renewable energy earlier. this is a thoughtful and unassuming entry, I love what you did and the message it leaves for the player to synthesize. great work!

wow holy moly. feels really polished. art, animation, design, particles, everything feels really well directed and cohesive. controls are great and very intuitive, the concept allows great in-world variety of puzzles and adventure. a complete package and excellent entry!

very trippy story. reminds me of a time I drank jungle juice in the amazon and was transformed into disembodied energy, only to die over and over again, transporting to ever increasing complex worlds with more rules while being instructed and consumed constantly by the god of ants. nice work, I like the tempo control of movement that you eventually get used to. It is an interesting game mechanic, like it teaches you to take a moment and breathe. very unexpected entry. nice job

nice game.  smooth gameplay with satisfying sounds, fun power ups, and inviting design and visuals. good work!

(1 edit)

awesome music- really takes me back hehe. the timed shock game mechanic is really neat too, it is fun to see how large of a croc-shoc you can pull off. good job

wow this is super original. love the story and concept, it really takes you away to some mysterious new place. Cut scenes were cool, the narrations added to the mystery while giving game instructions in the world's voice. gameplay works well with this story/world/concept. Excellent work

nice fun game! Baseball bat my OP favorite when I figured out that you can aim it too with the cursor so I would lurk around corners and got the cheese. Nice look too~! good job

cool that you were able to create so many mechanics for this game! I like where it's going

Nice cohesive visual design- cool color choices/palette , fun animation/parallax, and intuitive gameplay. A great interpretation of the theme and limitation!

hehe tyty! also don't worry if the side loading doesn't work. My quest / quest link is more temperamental than a pack of wild dachshunds

thanks for considering! It is a lot of hoops to jump through for sure so I wish you luck-!

interesting visual style- the ghost sprites are funny, the vector table, and the soft emitted light. I may have gotten to about -4000 points-wise though. cool stuff

a fun little snapshot!!

You can play it on quest! You need some type of side loader (like Sidequest) to do it, and you may need to also enable developer mode on your headset through your phone app

a fun way to do a quiz game. Ginger Power for the win!

really nice game design- the progression and level design is great because the way it introduces new elements in a way that needs no instruction. thoughtful and fun, a very nice game you have made

fun and low stress. love it

wow really neat concept- platform puzzle. Really nice and cohesive interface and the animation and controls were fun. nice job!

challenging and fun. Those baddies sure bot block me andante on my corpse. great job!

the dualities of lightning/rain, day/night, ally/baddie all add to this being a nice package. Nice work!

really neat set-up, concept, and overall execution. Bravo!

super fun and super cute. love the 'gun not ready' sequence and mini-stress

beautiful and charming. Really nice on the eyes. I saved up three boots to turbo turbo turbo

super fun- nice work!

love it

Thank you for feedback- I fixed the collision issue as well as the controls, and also exposed more of the map that wasn't playable before. Still have more work to do on it for sure.

Thank you for the feedback and thanks for hosting the jam! I implemented your comments (switching locomotion and rotation, changed the movement speed. Cheers!

I just pushed an update, though there are lots more things to polish up for sure!

Thank you for your comment! I am still working on it and hope to have something playable in a week or two, and will post updates here. Cheers!

(1 edit)

Thank you for checking it out! And thank you for the feedback too :) 

The current download size is terrible because I was rushing to just package up whatever was showable to contribute to the game jam, so I didn't optimize anything and it included lots of stuff that isn't connected/accessible in the game yet. I hope to post an update in a week or so (after the jam is over) that optimizes the file size too. 

Thank you for being patient enough to download a 500mb incomplete prototype and giving it a try!

I think you are probably right about the speed, slowing it down is a good idea as I have been getting into to interactions/attacking.

Thanks for feedback! 

I need to work out the controls more for sure and play with some options. The skeleton I modified by taking a higher res scan and built a low poly version over it (while connecting all the bones so that the whole thing is a single unified mesh). I painted the textures using substance painter and then did the armature rig in blender. Then I used some stock skeletal animations retargeted to my mesh/armature. (sorry long answer!)

Thank you so much for downloading and trying! You are completely right about the camera zoom, I just tried it zoomed out a little more, and it even makes it easier to see if something is about to get you. I want to replace the stairs with a slightly tedious upward path that sprinkles better lead-up.  Cheers

Wow great job- lots of thought and planning in this one. Nice touches to fill out the world with mission instructions and good voice overs. The music gave some fun urgency and the environment looked really nice. I had some trouble with steering at first, sometimes it would cross my hands  but that might have been me trying to get used to steering in VR.

Bright fun feel, I liked the voiceovers, phone map, and steering mechanic. Good fast fun!