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A member registered Feb 18, 2024 · View creator page →

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here’s one more from GMTK, really shows it off - https://gmtk.itch.io/platformer-toolkit

designing puzzle levels was surprisingly hard, thanks for checking it out!

yeah the movement is pretty choppy, I originally had the sprites transition between the grids with a tween. I couldn’t get it to work correctly with how I made the movement system, caused issues with the rays and shadow system. Similar issues with the movement onto where enemies currently stand, but still something I want to fix after scoring.

Thanks for checking it out!

great job, especially for a first! Seems like you kept a reasonable scope and executed it well. As a minor note, a great addition would be coyote time - its a game changer for fast platforms like this - https://kidscancode.org/godot_recipes/4.x/2d/coyote_time/index.html

Thanks! I was worried the music would get too repetitive / annoying, glad to hear you enjoyed it!

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Yeah I was really looking forward to the mechanics on that third enemy, but I’ve never touched pathfinding before so it probably would have been really rough. I’ll probably try and focus on learning pathfinding in my next jam ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Thanks for checking it out!

Dang that’s a really good idea actually, definitely adding that after the voting is done

Fun idea and worked well! Only issue I encountered is that the game speed is currently reliant on FPS, meaning that the game physics, sound, animation, etc runs faster the higher FPS you have. Still, fun time!

Fun game, I like the idea you were working towards. The health mechanic seems interesting. I’m going to guess it updates the health counter on a physics process, as it seems to mainly update when jumping / moving. The audio loop was really chill.

Short and fun game! I had some issues figuring out where the “lab” was, but it didn’t take long to find. Wonderful art and sound!

Yeah that was one of my major forgotten bits of code - reseting resources like player health. A refresh fixes it, but totally forgot to reset it during end game

Thanks for checking it out! WV lore is pretty rad

Thanks for checking it out!

The attacks are definitely a little weird. I ended up doing an implementation where the player’s attack register when within a certain area around the enemy. Because of that, attacks don’t even require the correct orientation towards the enemy lol. Next time I’ll probably try something a bit different there, I just had issues figuring out how to pass a signal between instanced nodes

Great work! Loved the small details like the music change in the brush and the shader when fully / partially inside the brush (that or was it a sprite change?)

Yeah that’s a bug I totally missed, health and other global values don’t reset between runs without a refresh.

Thanks for checking it out! Definitely planning on submitting something a bit more “whole” in next month’s jam.

It’s a fun little legend! There are some really rad “cryptids” and history throughout WV

If I had to guess, its due to my implementation of it being weird. Currently, when you do your first jump it activates a jump cooldown for ~0.2 seconds. After that cooldown, you can double jump. When you double jump, it takes your velocity.y -= DOUBLE_JUMP_FORCE. Because of that, the double jump ends up noticeably more powerful when done early in the jump vs later when gravity starts taking effect.

Once the judging period is over I may test resetting the velocity.y when double jump is activated, then do the calculations. Should make it more predictable.

Thanks for checking it out!

Ah gotcha! I had the same issue with how my mobs were made to chase the player. Makes sense!

Really solid, had no real bugs throughout. Love how reactive the light / shadows are

Fun game! Nifty idea with the 3 roads puzzle

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Thanks for checking it out! Double jump is definitely a little weird - if your downward velocity is too high it has some issues counteracting it. May also be the cooldown timer breaking somewhere

Extremely nifty idea! I had some issues figuring out if I was supposed to type the story anywhere, but listening to the other stories was pretty seamless.

Solid submission! It was fun to test my basic memory of greek myth and worked well on pc. I tried it on mobile but had some issues with the game not popping up with the 2 options when the icons were on top of one another. This typically fixed itself by moving the icons around a few times.

Great game! Really nifty way of taking the theme and the puzzles are really solid without being too obtuse. I occasionally had minor hitbox issues when pushing statues, but it mainly occurred near doorways (slightly ledge on the doorframe)

Really great work. Love the background music especially.

Ah darn, yeah I totally missed that. Looking back I should have made some kind of end game or start game function that dealt with resetting all of those stats. Now that I think of it, achievements probably aren’t reset either lol.

Thanks for checking it out!

Strange, will definitely do some bug testing on that part then! Thanks again!

That’s a really fair point on the text box placement, I’ll definitely change that after the rating period is over (have been working on an update since the submissions ended in order to get it to the state that I envisioned)

Regarding the accusation, its definitely a bit rough in its current state and the contested nature of its history didn’t help matters lol.

Accusation Info

Historically (but wildly contested), Rasputin was poisoned from the wine & cake, but was unaffected. As a result, he was shot instead. I tried to hint at this by having some text describe death by cyanide and how it differed from the body / crime scene, but I originally planned to have some way of “testing” the poison to prove that it wasn’t the final cause of death.

Regarding the accusation, the correct combination would be that the group of nobles killed Rasputin using the revolver due to his the fear of his influence. To solve it, you need to access the cellar, then find the revolver and letters at / in the desk. After that, you can “accuse” while talking with the killers and a correct selection should cause an end screen

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Thank you! Love your submission!

Thank you! 

Yeah was really hoping to add more to it - but just didn't get it all to the point I wanted. Definitely would love to add other "levels" though with other eras

Really love the graphics in this, even if it took a second to get used to it. It reminds me a lot of old school ASCII games and their addon tilesets. Gameplay was really fun as well!

Definitely short, had a lot more planned but just couldn't get those aspects to the point I wanted. Love your submission btw!

Thank you! I had some trouble figuring out how the looping worked in the dialogue system, which definitely can cause some options with figuring out how many options were remaining. Looking back, I should have compartmentalized the dialogue more to help with that.

Love the art style here, it feels really atmospheric!

Great art! Really impressive how "put together" the whole thing is