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A member registered Jul 22, 2020 · View creator page →

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Knew about the collisions on the pencil being imprecise but better collision led to the pencil getting stuck in objects.  Finally found a solution to making the collisions continuous on the pencil without the pencil get stuck in the editor. Thank you for the feedback!

Finished your game. I love the art and the music.

I think a tutorial where things start easy would help make things more clear and better visual clarity, like not having the sphere ball flicker, not having the triangle on the ball, having the text box fade away after a few seconds or knowing where those wind beams originate/ identifying each beam separately since most of the time all I see is a blue mist all over the screen. 

Overall good job! It's a good game!

Loved the story and voice acting. Giving the choice of which case to take was a great idea. Good job!

Really like the visuals and the sounds during the harvesting of tachyons. Good job!

Thank you! I found and was able to fix the issue in the editor.

Unique game! I love the art and music. The controller made rewinding the line fun.

I did record the sound effects myself. Thank you! You got a thin and long looking pencil right? If so do you know how it happened?

The art is really well done with a lot of attention to detail. I love it! The use of music and song to create stressed and relaxed moments is really well done.

The controls and platforming is really good and very celeste like. I love the sheeps a lot.

Really nice sprites and sound effect! Had some issues with movement when going near walls.

Good looking game with fitting audio.

Interesting but funny use or rewind. Good job!

The controls are hard and the game is unforgiving. It makes for a great really hard platformer with not much space for error.

Fun bouncing around the disc and the sound effect gives good feedback.

Was a bit lost in the menu UI but once I figured it out it was pretty fun platformer with stimulating movement.

Very good looking platformer. Good job!

Well made tutorial and controls are smooth. Wish it was a bit longer.

Really fun and clean aesthetic and the sounds are a pleasure to hear. 

Also did something similar to getting over it!

Thank you! If you play again make sure to throw then after a small delay jump. You should hear two different audio clip indicating you succeeded.

Slightly buggy but really nice art and level design. Good job!

Really cool rewind mechanic. It has a good mix of platforming and puzzle. Good job!

Didn't get stuck, completed all levels/testing chamber

Really nice art. Good job!

Really good puzzle design, I just had a hard time getting around corners sometimes. Good job!

(1 edit)

Short and fun shooter. Good job!

Fun to play with challenging platforming. Feels more like a platformer than a puzzle game. Good job!

Fun sequence of minigames with really nice transitions. Good job!

Really like soothing simple ambiance. Great job!

Great job! The audio feels really good when moving and the levels feel like a good mix of hard platforming and puzzle.