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JS Vickers

A member registered Aug 30, 2018 · View creator page →

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it is a tough life surviving as a fairy

(3 edits)

Sorry to post here again, but I just wanted to comment that I really believe the more major issue is not Safari, but rather the itch desktop app's built-in browser. Enabling a feature when you submit your game should not cause the entire app to crash on page load, even if the feature is experimental. I don't believe this to be a problem with Godot, but a problem with Itch. With the rise in popularity of Godot for game jams, I just feel like this is an essential problem to fix as there are a lot of people who would rather use the desktop app. There has to be a work-around for this, even if it means the game doesn't embed or something.

Addicting lil game

Thank you for playing!

Thank you! And yeah that's one of the things I loved about that set of assets :D

Cute graphics and audio and I love the sort of switching on/off mechanic. Just well made in every way.

Cute, I think this would work super well as a casual phone game

Wow, super polished all around. I could see how this could be expanded to be a full on horror game!

As others have said, love the general aesthetic :)

Relaxing and yet elements of micro management too. Good fun!

Wow I love this idea a lot, already super repayable, I imagine as a full game this would be so addicting!

I had originally planned to have formations be a core part of the game but (as always with gamejams) had to scale down scope - but I'm glad you suggested that! Thanks for playing and the positive comment :)

Thank you! :)

Thank you for playing!

Thank you so much :D

I definitely agree I overturned the difficulty a little, oops! There wasn't much time for play testing! I played around a little with making the hero walk on the right side of the screen, but it became very easy and you couldn't see where he was shooting most of the time - so I thought it better to almost force you to walk infront / around. It seems I should have compensated for the increased difficulty of that with faster movement and mouse controls :)

Reverse fishing is such a great idea, and this was really fun. Would love to see it expanded further, endless possibilities for mechanics you could add.

Thank you!

Thank you so much! What's funny is that I did code the ability to use the mouse, but I turned it off! I kind of liked how you have to factor in how fast your cursor is, but probably wasn't necessary considering it was tough enough as is :D

This is so relaxing, I love it! Favourite game of the jam so far.

The art is so good, and the most fun take on the reverse flappy bird idea I've played so far!

This is brilliant. As others have said, controls are funky but in a kind of charming way

This is a cool concept and building out your dungeon is fun, but it is a little confusing trying to figure out how the mechanics work

As others have said, great idea and it becomes super frantic once the cities start building up. 

Really well designed throughout and progression of mechanics / difficulty felt super good. Wasn't expecting a puzzle game when I read the description, but that was a pleasant surprise!

Thank you for playing :) 

Thanks for playing! I was hoping to give the hero more states to make his actions a bit more random, but didn't have the time :D

This one definitely makes you think! Clever use of the theme and good level design / progression throughout.

I was hoping there'd be some schmup's here! There's a pretty interesting back and forth in this with how you control both your bullets and the enemy's at the same time.

It seems I learnt nothing from all that time spent playing pontoon with my grandparents growing up, I can't even seem to win when cheating! Fr though really neat concept.

The graphics and audio are so adorable, and I laughed out loud at the interpretation of the theme! Super fun. As others have said, maybe a tad too difficult - I want to see the rest of the game but I can't make it.

I could definitely see this being super addicting if expanded on

This absolutely oozes style. Love it.

Super fun and juiced up. Once you get the hang of it, switching between different units fast while dodging and weaving is incredibly satisfying.

Every time I do a jam I'm guilty of making things just slightly too difficult! Thanks for the comment <3

Wow, this was great in every single way. Cute graphics and sound, unique take on the idea and fun level design!

All my hours in Cities Skylines, and I never once thought about how those poor sims feel

Character design was cute

(1 edit)


I've just uploaded a Godot 4 project for the GMTK jam following this guide and it works great for most browsers.

However,  attempting to open the game's page in the Itch Desktop App results in the program hanging and no web page being displayed at all. The Itch app even crashes sometimes. Am I missing something to get this working? The page is here:

I'm assuming this is because the Itch Desktop App's browser does not support games using SharedBufferArray..?

Is there not currently a way to make it so the game will only embed if this is supported? If not, this would possibly be ideal for the future.

Edit: I've seen that other projects that seemingly are using made in Godot 4 this is also happening to.

Love doing some orca barrel roles

Super enjoyable!