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JeTSpice Games

A member registered Dec 25, 2017 · View creator page →

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And this is even one more year later.  Thanks, we are doing good.

Cool, thanks!

Probably one of my clones.

Yeah, thanks.  Things are better now.  We are working on some new games and hope to start on part 3 of this series in the next few months.

Nice!  I mean, sorry.

Yes, your profile picture is hilarious.  No, I'm not a famous youtuber.

vid review

vid review

vid review

vid review

vid review

vid review

vid review

vid review

vid review

vid review

vid review

vid review

vid review

video review

Thanks!  I think you were the only one to escape on the first try.

(1 edit)

Thanks for the video and the critique.  If there is a third one, yes, it will start with Three, and the puzzles in Two give a clue to what it would be about. (Stranger Things, Season 1 used a similar puzzle).  I did make this one more like "soft horror", but I think people are expecting more SCARE.  So, maybe I will pull out all stops on the third one.

There is now a part 2:

Cool.  Will check out the video soon.

Did you find all the portals?  There are 5 portals, each to its own room.  Each room has a few different hiding spots for a key.  A room will only have 1 key.  Keys are randomly hidden each time you play.

Thanks.  Hope you like the game.

Fixed and re-uploaded.

Yep, looks like there is a bug.  Different monitor sizes cause the button to overlap the back arrow.  Sorry!  I will unpublish and fix.  Thanks for the video.

That's a great idea.  I'm wrapping up a second game, which is more "soft horror", but in future games where there is a monster, I'll do it.

Maybe #3 I will make for Mac and Windows.  #2 is almost done, and only exports to Windows.  Sorry.  Also, "Ooofatron 6000" is a cool name.  Sounds like Robotron.

Thanks for the play.  The headphones are awesome.  The game can be won, but probably not without a lot of jumpscares first.

Thanks for playing it on your channel.  Yes, there's a second one coming with a bit more interactivity.

(1 edit)

So I put on my kids' Oculus Quest, clicked Download... it downloaded 14.66MB.  I can't find it anywhere - library, downloads, etc.  How to get it to run?


It's got to be a record.  The game is randomzed and looks like you hit a repeating sequence.


Wow, guys, that was such a great video.  I ligit thought you guys had been doing vids for years.  Here's to great things to come for you.  ... The dancing at the end was the best! ... "What if there were millions?" Hm, foreshadowing maybe?

We just started yesterday and hoping for release soon.

Adrionic, thanks for the well-thought out critique.  We  are actually planning the second game, which will have interactive elements like you are describing.

It does help.  It really helps.  Yes, I tried to reach out to Jack and say thanks, but I think my comments got burried under  youtube videos and tweets.  But, I was just thinking tonight that even though its one of the hardest times right now, it's also one of the best times I've ever experienced because of the help of people I've never even met.  Thanks to you all.