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A member registered Mar 04, 2020 · View creator page →

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This is some good feedback thank you!

Thats a great idea! Thanks for playing!

Thank you!

Great work! Its like my game but better!

Great game! I really liked the minimalistic art and the puzzle aspect of the platformer!

Great job overall however i found the rewind mechanic a little bit confusing 

Really cool concept and love the player! Although some of the ui components were out of my screen and the colliders would sometimes stick to the wall!

Love the music and art! Great job!

Thank you!

Really liked the game mechanic of rewinding to help another player! Reminded me of the game Brackeys made, Date Night. Although one thing i would like to point out is that maybe you could make a slight delay for when the player lands onto the box as i often land and then immediately jump again.

Love the artstyle and gameplay! Reminds me a lot of fieldrunners

Very interesting take on the theme! Also very fun puzzle game

Nice idea! I like how the enemy is your past self!

The art and concept was very well done! Although I understand the rewind delay (yes, i read the how to play thingy), its a bit annoying for me haha.

Thanks for playing! Overall the guards are a bit glitchy and if i had time I would definitely work harder on it. (Something to do with the size of the detection area)

Thanks for playing! Unfortunately I don't have a Linux, sorry!

Yeah.. My map design could use some work haha. Thanks for playing!

Because I used unity I used something called an Overlap Circle to detect the player. Then used sin cos to make the "vision cone". When the player is inside the vision cone I simply called an raycast to see if anything was obstructing the guard's view.

Great concept and nice music! Nicely fits the theme

Like the game mechanics

This is such a good take on the theme. Love the graphics and jump scare! Excellent Job

Love the art! The music was well suited with the game!

This felt like a very polished game. This can definitely be a  mobile game or something! Great job!

Woah, I love the art and the take on the theme! Overall great job!


Thank you! Because i didn't implement pathfinding the guards are indeed a bit glitchy haha.

Thanks for noticing that! For this gamejam i tried to use a different approach since the theme was kinda constrictive with many games mainly focusing on time. Im glad you enjoyed the game!

hahaha glad you enjoyed it!

Thanks for playing!

Good Job, this was a pretty fun game!

 Love the graphics and UI great job!

Interesting concept! Good job.

Nice Relaxing Platformer! Very nice!

Wow! Really good take on this theme! Love it!

Glad you enjoyed it!

Haha thanks for playing!

Real creative idea. However there was a slight problem with the Move Tech 10000 where sometimes you cannot pick the crates up.

Unique Mechanics! Great Job!

Thank you! It means a lot!

We cant play your game bud! You have to upload the file for us to play!