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A member registered Jul 31, 2022

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The look, sound design and controls play together really well and create an immersive experience. It's enough to have some fun for a while, trying to find your own objectives.

It could have a bit more going for it gameplay-wise though. I think even simple goals like "make X win" or "make X & Y fight each other in the finale" would make a world of a difference. Or some kind of a system in which players bribe you to get out of a tight spot. I wonder how it would play, with the foundations as solid as they are.

Didn't get that you have to press space to deal damage the first time around, but then spammed my way to victory in the second attempt ^^

For some reason I assumed that the effects are pre-scripted so it was nice to see that different things/placement happened on replay.

The idea has potential, I just wish it was a bit more... tactile? Like if minions dealt damage through collision and bounce away or something.

Other than that the dialogue was funny and yeah, the menu looks pretty cool, as mentioned. Good job on your entry!

I really enjoyed the art style and trying to figure out the optimal route through all the puzzles. It's clever, I'd only like to restart levels a bit quicker. Maybe by pressing 'R', able to skip camera transitions too.

I also appreciate the coins for some added challenge, got them all : >

I like the overall idea and the variety of blocks. Trying out different tactics is fun, especially with wall blocks and spawners which you're trying to protect.

The tempo can sometimes feel overwhelming and I find it difficult to balance making decisions VS just spamming blocks as fast as possible. Maybe it'd feel more manageable if there were more kinds of builder blocks, providing fodder.