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A member registered Jul 04, 2018 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Thanks!! I'm so happy it's being used and you like it :D
I'll add links to the games when they're up!

This is great, hilarious concept and fun aesthetic, reminds me of karateka for some reason

Really solid game, the graphics are great too! That level with the spiky ball was really interesting

Somehow addictive

Amazing  graphics!! I love the pixelated look and the blob snow. The game feels easy after a while, especially if you keep turning around in circles it's easy to farm idnefinitely

Love the end :)

In Godot you can set the window to scale in "viewport" mode, which keeps the original resolution and just scales all the sprites in this pixelated way :) I assume this is how it was done here

You're pumping out fonts like crazy!!

There's some really good GDC talks about that on youtube, specifically "Level Design in a Day: A Series of First Steps - Overcoming the Digital Blank Page"

such a cute game :)

Really fun, the movement felt a bit tedious sometimes but not unusable. With a more zoomed out camera it would have been even better! Love the cat sounds

Thanks for the link, I will!!

Short and sweet! The movement and animations fit really well together. As others have said, there wasn't much point to the darkness/light mechanic besides reducing annoyance from not seeing well. If you wanted to go the more casual route, I think even getting rid of the "click to light" control and just lighting torches automatically as you pass could be fun. I found myself using them as a marker of where I'd already been. Maybe that would work in more complex levels where avoiding getting lost could be part of the appeal? idk. anyway, solid game!

Thanks so much!!

I really like this. The visuals are super nice. Can't wait to see where it goes from here!

Pure fun!! The graphics are simple and really polished, the controls feel super smooth and the combo sound is great! It took me a while to realize I could move and stuff could happen on the boat, I was so focused on combos, lol.

I love the visuals, the cat sprite and animation in the 3d world look really funny and unique. Also the keyboard minigame is really fun :)

Thanks for playing! Yeah, we didn't have time to add subtitles, rip accessibility :')

Thanks so much :)

Super original idea! The graphics and sound are great too. I wish it was a bit easier, I kept losing :')


Really interesting concept, and executed very well! How the heck did you make the "tightening" mechanic when the ball rolls off the table?? The levels ramp up really quickly in difficulty, so it was hard for me to stay hooked

This is really well put together. The art and atmosphere are really cool. I love how simple it is with only a linear map, but still allows for a lot of interesting decisions! Great stuff.

Hilarious concept, I love the graphics too, it feels very chaotic :D

This really fun. I love all the little details and characters on the islands, especially the cryptobro cat :) I got rich!

Cute art and music. The cat designs are fun. The game froze but I managed to catch the tentacle cat (but the he died 😭)

Really fun combat and chain reactions

So cute!!! I love it, I wish it was longer

Nice and juicy! I wish the enemies fired a bit more slowly at the start, it can be hard to get a hit it without getting hurt

I love this!! The concept is really smart and the levels are well thought out to use the mechanics. It gets so tricky trying to juggle the cat and the cheese and avoid getting caught!

Thanks!! Haha, we did not expect to have voice acting at first either

Really fun concept!! I can't believe someone hasn't thought of this earlier, it feels like the "near miss" score bonuses in Forza games, but arcadized. Love it.


(2 edits)

Hello, I would be glad to help out, I usually make pixel art but also vector or sketch stuff too. You can look at my page to see if it's good. I'm UTC+1 timezone so it would work out nicely :)

edit: can also help out with programming/game design if need be

Awesome game! Long live godot

Very cool mechanics that all accommodate the driving well! I really wish there was a distinctive feature to help see where the front of the car is, but otherwise really fun!

Wow. This took me off guard. Love it!

Thank you for your honesty

Thanks for the really thoughtful feedback! We never really considered how the damage could disincentivize movement but you're totally right! I don't know if this game will ever be expanded, but if it is this advice will definitely be useful. Cheers

I love the aesthetic in this, reminds me of old nes or atari games