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A member registered Apr 24, 2016 · View creator page →

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Pretty fun for how simple the concept is-- my only suggestion would be that there should be no ceiling because once I get up there I feel like there is no more progress I can make and I'm actually at a disadvantage now for doing well.

Nice job though!

Conceptually this is maybe the coolest game I've seen yet. It took me a minute to realize how to clear lines though. 

My only criticism is that its a bit too easy since you can kinda take as much time as you want (as far as I could tell) to pick which side to send your tetromino to. 

Overall though, excellent work!

This was alot of fun, very intuitive too. I just wish there were more levels!

Rad-- took a bunch of trial and error to figure out what the different modules did but that's not necessarily a bad thing. I could not make it to wave 4 though. I was a little disappointed this was not an actual physics simulation after I saw the Jenga tower, but oh well.

It looks great, the music is very charming. Nice work!

Rad-- My only suggestion would be to simplify the controls for grow/shrinking the blocks.; maybe allow the player to do it with the mouse or something?

Also, loved the last puzzle, but the jump in difficulty from the 2nd level to 3rd was a pretty steep one

Overall though, I enjoyed this quite a bit.

glad you found the level skip bc the game is hard, I actually added it to the description. I will also add something about the grow/shrink.

Thanks for the feedback!

I don't normally play or like these kinds of games but I legit enjoyed this. It was fun to puzzle out just exactly how the signs worked. Maybe I should play games outside my comfort zone more often, but I choose to believe that you just did an exceptionally good job, so good job :)

Man, despite all the whirling spiked doom wheels everywhere, this game establishes a really calming vibe. The music, the simple graphics,  and sound effects-- its all very soothing. Good work!

48 hours is a tough time constraint, especially if it's your first time. You should be proud of what you've made! I liked the sprite work, and with the few interactables you managed to put in, I could see where you would have taken this with more time. This is just the first step. I hope you continue showing up for future game jams :)

(1 edit)

I really like the concept you came up with for this. Even in this brief game jam build, I can easily picture a deeper, more fleshed out version. Perhaps with more disguises or maybe the enemies could have dialogue or other non visual clues that might tell you what disguise they require. There's a lot of room for more here. Good job!

I thought the perspective being from inside the microwave was a nice touch. The idea is a fun one. To offer a bit of criticism, I found myself wanting more out of the movement system. Specifically I felt like I wanted a little more weight to my movement, more "oomf", ya know?

Interesting concept, I wasn't sure how I was actually meant to figure out who the real killer was, but good ol' fashioned process of elimination got me there.

This is a great concept, and you present it exceptionally well. I was a little confused about how the gameplay loop was supposed to work because I was playing in full screen, and I think my ultra wide monitor was cutting off essential UI elements. Once I realized where I could see what the villager wants  without him asking for it, it all clicked. Great job!

(1 edit)

This is a really good effort for a mostly solo team that only had 24 hours to work. Your core idea is a good one, and should you choose to develop this further, you will have a lot of options for providing more depth in the systems you've created here. All things considered, clever writing, cool art, good job :)

I love the 90's feel! The presentation was really fantastic, very good job on that front. The sprites, the music, the sound effects-- all top notch. To offer some criticism, the jump and the attack moves may be a little too similar. I was wondering for a bit if there was even a difference. If you continued to develop this game, you might consider distinguishing the two abilities a bit more.

6lkpjhp6rekl6ekr... oh whoops! Sorry, I turned my keyboard upside down to play this game and forgot to turn it back :) 

This was a neat game! It was a challenge for me to convince my brain that I was moving the serving tray and not the baked goods themselves, hence the upside down keyboard strat. Good job!

Cut Throat Cleaner

Awesome presentation! I really liked the intro cinematic. One bit of criticism I had is that you get all these knives and swords and other bladed weaponry for your robot vacuum, but it never at any point felt to me that I was able to kill the enemies any faster or more efficiently. So even when I had 3 weapons and should be feeling pretty deadly, I could not really appreciate any difference in my character's actual ability to kill. (my team playing your game is in this VOD) (my team playing your game is in this VOD) (my team playing your game is in this VOD) (my team playing your game is in this VOD) (my team playing your game is somewhere in this VOD) 

Thanks Neddy!

No problem! Fantastic game we had alot of fun playing it

This is pretty amazing. 

Here is a video of me playing it single player, and then also playing it two player (which may be even more difficult than single player or three player honestly, haha)

Excellent work!

(1 edit)

Thanks for the input, I actually originally meant to keep the fire speed constant so I could have a puzzle where you had to fling fire offscreen and into the unknown to solve a puzzle, but it was pretty much just guess-work and I could not figure out how to turn it into anything better so I ditched it. 

This is a pretty good suggestion, I should implement it or AT LEAST minimize the number of pixel offscreen the flame travels before it stops (it does eventually have a leash at about 9k pixels currently)

Thanks again for playing!

Yeah the sound and art people did a great job on this one-- we decided on some vibes-y puzzle stuff early on and that slowly evolved into this "serious existential self-explorative indie game... staring a French velociraptor  on a Unicylce"

Thanks so much for the feedback.

Also, saw the game you demo'd in the PGM server on Thursday it looks super polished and rad as hell. I'd be down to playtest if you need more people (I am Coyote Frame on Discord)

Thanks for the feedback, I kinda agree about the death screen. It actually used to be shorter but I lengthened in order to prevent a weird bug I was seeing pop up in the last couple hour before submitting (rather than actually dealing with the problem, haha)

I am very excited to play your entry-- it looks super interesting (  bit like a more frantic version of Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime), but it's the only one I haven't played yet because I'm going to try (hopefully) to get two friends to do it via Parsec and stream/record it. I'll send you the VOD if I do or if my friends don't show I'll just play it solo QWOP style

Hey thanks for stopping by the stream, the video of me playing it is saved here if you're interested: 

Hey thanks for stopping by the stream, the VOD of your game is saved here if you're interested:

Hey Thanks for playing my game on stream, I did the same with yours and the VOD is saved here if you're interested:

Hey, thanks for stopping by the stream last night, I rated just now and the VOD is posted here if you're interested:

Hey, thanks for stopping by the stream last night, I rated just now and the VOD is posted here if you're interested:

Hey, thanks for stopping by the stream last night, I rated just now and the VOD is posted here if you're interested:

Hey, thanks for stopping by the stream last night, I rated just now and the VOD is posted here if you're interested:

Hey, thanks for stopping by the stream last night, I rated just now and the VOD is posted here if you're interested:

Hey, thanks for stopping by the stream last night, I rated just now and the VOD is posted here if you're interested:

Hey, thanks for stopping by the stream last night, I rated just now and the VOD is posted here if you're interested:

Hey, thanks for stopping by the stream last night, I rated just now and the VOD is posted here if you're interested:

Hey, thanks for stopping by the stream last night, I rated just now and the VOD is posted here if you're interested: