Paradise time !!!
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This is so good. Big STICC.
Only thing I didn’t really get is if weight affects damage - I just noticed that the heavier it is the further the ennemies get knocked back. My initial strategy was to just make a compact stick but I guess the point is to make it ridiculously big so it can hit more things at once…?
Anyway amazing game, one of the best I’ve played :D
Artstyle and animations are super cuuute !
Interesting mix of Zombie Tsunami with the scaling mechanic - maybe a bit under-exploited but overall really nice. Got some physics jank though, that forced me to restart a few times after getting stuck. Thankfuly the levels are not that long so it’s not too bad :)
I really enjoyed the artstyle and the animations, the dark humor is on point :’)
But there are a few issues: like others said there’s a lot of trial & error where it’s not really obvious why a specific time scale works, and you can’t skip the animation to restart immediately. And regarding the controls, it was a bit annoying to have to unselect objects after switching time scales - I thought multiple times they’d unselect themselves automatically.
But overall good game, very original !
Oof this is hard ! The AI is pretty unforgiving and kept me focused the whole time, but I managed to get to the 3rd level. Fun game overall, the sprites are cute.
I died in the tutorial too, my recommendation would’ve been to only have 1 or 2 ennemies there to make sure the player can win and see the whole gameplay loop there (with the upgrades/units)
Very very cool ! Really enjoyed the mix of Space Invaders and Tetris, and it was well executed. Solid entry overall.
Some issues I had though: there’s no indication of a block’s health (maybe add cracks or change the brightness of the color depending on damage), and depending on the shape of your team and the ennemy placement you could get softlocked (see image, maybe make ennemies move more across the board)
Fun game ! That platforming has tech :o
A few useability issues (lack of feedback for the jump strength, background and foreground colors not distinct enough in the first levels) and some physics jank but apart from that a solid concept with a really cute art style !
Had a lot of fun experimenting with the movement, figuring out cool moves, and getting to say things like “ah, I died because I pushed the bell with my ass” very seriously
Omg this is amazing.
Played with friends, at first we tried completing the game “normally” by adapting the vehicle to the level but then we started seeing convergent evolution in our designs… Ended up comparing and testing our “crabs”, ONE vehicle that can complete the entire level :D
(this is mine, I call it Spiderman)
Oh wow this is so fun ! Wasn’t sure what to expect, but it definitely wasn’t this :D
While the gameplay and story were a bit confusing (and repetitive), I loved all the wordplay and little references in the text. Never knew you could do all this with IFs !
Overall a good entry, I’m close to the target audience so I really enjoyed it :D
This was super fun to play ! My friend destroyed me ;-;
The control scheme is a bit weird but you get used to it pretty quickly, my main issue was how sometimes it can be hard to see what mode you’re in (lose or win) or who gets the point.
But overall very solid entry, needs a bit more polish on the sound and visuals (the transition rectangle wasn’t large enough to cover my whole screen)
So good ! You nailed the voice acting, the visuals fit perfectly and the theme is spot on.
Also omg the drawing feature had me on the floor, it’s so nice to be able to draw your own thing and see it in real time in the game ! The puzzles were perfect too, not super hard but great at selling the idea.
Overall one of the best entries I’ve seen, really hope it gets noticed !