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A member registered May 08, 2021 · View creator page →

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Pretty good; the negative scalling thrown me for a spin when it glitched the whole level, but overall GG

As a wise robot once said: "Waaa-lee"

Love physics based games, but after a bit with the amount of objects it becomes a bit too hard to move around. Also, the camera felt a bit jittery when moving up and down the 'level'; but overall, great game, GG


I keep overshooting the size of it for so little... Great game, doubles as something to help with measurement by eye skills.
Also,  found out that if you keep clicking the fit after fitting the square enough, it will shrink out of screen. Some more and it eventually fills the screen. Guess that even the glitch makes a perfect fit.

Simple fun, tho the mouse control was quite weird and I think the camera/scroll glitched midway through

Took my time since puzzle ain't my strong suit, but I enjoyed it a lot.
Pretty cool concept and execution, GG

Currently the fields end being [seconds vs seconds] or [hours vs minutes] with each betting one card from their side; A functional variation could be two spots for the same value (like minutes) against 1 of her spot;
Would look something like [minutes minutes vs hours] or even [days vs seconds weeks]

I imagine it would take more work to adjust something like that, but it's an idea. Hope to have explained myself better

Accept the mold, be one with the mushrooms - grow and multiply, let us rise against the machines
Really good, GG

A bit slow, but a fun time; GG

Poor Alice just wants some company and maybe a few human organs; I'll be sure to bring some trinkets and books for her next time.

Silly gameplay suggestions, if ya care:
- The total amount of time is a bit too condensed, visually, which makes it a bit hard to read it at a glance - If there were some distance between the numbers and/or a lil label, would be nice.
- Removing or adding a field (like day, hour) between rounds when she adds extra rules could spice things up - or two fields affect the result of another
- This is more thematic, but the times where she most speaks about hearts, would be interesting to see the following round to only have the card suit's be heart
- Or, more practical, the heart suit cards could have more value then other cards
- The time going even during the dialog is very nice for thematic tension, but if the idea were to pressure more the player with it, then making a time skip between rounds would add even more pressure. The dialog takes seconds, losing the round has it's own timely consequence, but then a time skip? That's some interesting difficulty scaling (ba dum tzz)


5/5 - Gained 10.7 years to my lifespan; Do recommend

Artisticly speaking: great;
But the hook's a bit clunky, no collision with enemies and believe it or not, I found a place in the map to softlock myself. Still, GG

Base upgrade devoured the towers I had too close by; oof.mp3

Fun lil tower defense and 10/10 on style - spectacular visual+audio, GG

My playthrough is over, but in my head I'm still swinging in ropes. GG

Simple concept, good execution, accidental flying box goes yeet \o/

The hyper-speed yeet glitch when playing/playtesting a physics based game will never cease to put a smile on my face; GG

Lovely gameplay, lovely music and lovely art style. A fun time all around!

Was confused the first time, but got the hang of it. In space, no one can hear you having fun

Pretty fun, but the thrill of the longer snek is the downfall for my score

Do you remember in which screen or rooms the crashes happened?

Thank you for playing!

Agora é só fazer a conta pra combustível e manutenção que sobrar depois das entregas... Sobrar...

Bom jogo - fiquei sabendo deste depois de ter visto a respeito no Meteoro Brasil

Precisamos de mais jogos desse tipo

The Jam isn't rated 👀

Charming little spin on the idea. A few levels did solve themselves (Maybe a bug?) but overall nice game.

Really really liked it - Controls were responsive, levels well made, visuals great.
A fun time to be had, that's for sure. Only thing I can think of how it could be better is by having more levels, so good job!

...With crate powers  comes rated responsibilities ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Nice take, gorgeous presentation. The grid rotation added to what direction characters would move were a bit confusing at first trying keyboard only; But the mouse hover preview helped.

Would be perfect for mobile - I could see myself playing it a lot on a bus stop.

Charming and well made premise.

Also, taking "Please look at me, I'm undoing my misdeeds" to a whole new level.

(1 edit)

I liked a lot your take on the concept. However, since some objects aren't controllable in some levels while others are, could be helpful if there were some indicators to it.

Since I smartn't, didn't manage to finish it all the way thru - but pretty neat.

Edit: On a second note, affected objects could be a bit more consistent between levels - Since it's weird that in some levels the flag isn't controllable and that the score is in others.

Some say that if you stop and pay attention for a  hot second, you can still hear the developer  giggling to this day. GG

That said, I'll have a cup of knife with chopped cup, please ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

An example prompt made into good entry?  GG

The resolution thing was a bit weird, but the game was addicting.

I've seen this concept made before - but I like your take on it. Visuals really convey what they're supposed to be, controls are simple and the game doesn't overextends  itself.

Liked a lot of the written interactions . All in all, cozy vibes and a good time.

Good  platformer, but  not being able to change the gravity mid jump/air defeats the best of it's use.

It's not a bad reversal, but I do believe that with more tweaking on controls/mechanics and on the level design to accommodate such quirks, it could flesh out the best of it.

But 48h is 48h, so GG.

The floaty jump looked a bit weird; but that aside, if it had a bit of extra control on the blocks size, I can easily imagine it having levels to traverse and  alter.

I wonder if this will plant seeds to be developed in the future ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Good game, great animation/visuals. Music got me hooked from the first second.

Really enjoyed it - and the last level really took me for a spin.

F for Carl... Anyway,  making the golf course was surprisingly more fun then the premise gave off.
Poor Carl facing lightspeed golf car sized golf balls.

Was good, but I feel that if it had a few more enemies in the level, it could force/incentivise for the player to move more often and do a strategy. As it stands, one can mostly spam their way to victory

Looked fun - And playing it felt even better!
Great game overall. It leaves me thinking how you've set up the AI;

Also, I imagine how it could be scaled up. The simplicity adds to it.

Bite sized, bit sized. Curti, mas concordo com Vimlark, se as ações fossem automáticas seria melhor ;)