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A member registered Jun 23, 2016 · View creator page →

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Hi! Sorry it took me a while to answer.
If it's a free collection not sold for profit I have no problem!

Enhorabuena por completar el juego. xD
Me encanta que los cartuchos de Pico 8 se guardan en un png y funcionan. xD

I think I'm not very good with this (maybe because I'm not good at playing music?), I only was able to play a very short first line, but it's a very interesting and experimental game. :D

I actually liked that it was hard! Having to repeat the rooms a good bunch of times makes it better when you success. XD

Great game.

Thanks for playing! :D

Collecting mushrooms from the ground can help a little bit to collect enough of them in time, even though the main source of mushrooms are, in effect, the tranformed rabbits.

Thanks for playing. :D

Funny dialogues and very interesting choice of graphics! ^_^

Really nice game!
For some reason, the game got stuck in the "flip the car" minigame in the second level, when I tried to solve it before the "delete the fotage" one.

You're right, some kind of indication of when you could use magic would be a good improvement.

Thanks for the comment! :D

This game felt very soon like it was huge! :D

Super fun, very good controls! :D

Good idea for the jam, really fun! :D

I got 57 after three tries. XD

Interesting game!
I think it could become great if there were multiple floors and more kind of tiles.

Yeah, it becomes very hectic very fast. XD
A limit in the max number of bunnies could be a solution for that.

Thanks for the feedback!

Nice game!
I'm not sure yet how to use the portals, I discovered I had four of them in level 2. xD

Storywise, it's kind of strange (in a good way) having these worm-like beings eating inocent (candy) people, narrated like it's a story for kids. XD

Nice Game Boy styled graphics!

My first client I got it was a bard right away because he asked for wine (after a while looking for wine when I only could see hats xD).

It's obviously incomplete, but something cool can come out of here once you add some game mechanics. ^_^

Nice puzzle game! :D
I was confused at first when at the end of the introduction it asked me to restart the level or going to the menu, I thought I was missing how to play. XD

Nice! A very complete game for the jam. :D

I wasn't sure when pressing 'E' to recruit the defeated enemies worked, if I had to position me correctly in front of them or was any other thing.

Nevermind, maybe that was my impression at first because I'm bad at aiming. XD

This was fun, I completed it.
The only thing I can complain is that hero beat the game before I was able to create the last weapon. XD
I think it would be a good idea if there was a bin or something to throw leftover objects (at your own risk), or any other way to keep everything a little more in order.

It's definitively one of the most original ideas I've seen!

I still don't know how to win, but at least I got that I was moving everyone except the "hero". XD

I think it would need an easier start before becoming as hard as it is now, but this an awesome looking game!

This is so good!

The monster proximity sensor alarm helps you know when the monster is getting closer, yes, but on the other hand, is the bigger source of tension in the game. XD
Very good work.

Really nice with a great graphic style! :D
Sometimes my arrows seem to fail their objective, I'm not sure if that's intentional, having them to be a little unreliable.

Thanks for playing! :D

Hmmm... Maybe I should have changed the text in the "Start" button to "Restart" once you start playing for the first time.

Yeah, my idea for the game was that you have to manage the amount of mushrooms spent in magic to avoid being overrun by bunnies while conserving enough of them to be able to escape.

It's kind of hard, I can't deny that. xD

This protagonist is clearly not the hero. XD

I think the game got bugged when I tried to buy the bigger sword, I wasn't able to make damage to the enemies anymore.

Fun short game. :D

I got 474 in my second try. XD

Thanks! :D

The intro and game over screen are really funny. XD

The gameplay is a little too hectic, I barely could see what was happening, and died very quickly.

Nice concept! It was fun to complete the levels.

I don't know if I can complain about it, because I was able to beat some levels for this reason, but a couple of time my monsters had (apparently?) 0 hearts, but needed another hit to die. xD

This was fun! XD
I wish it had sound effects.

What a good idea for a game!
This game with a little slower pace to being able to mangage what's happening would be great. :D

I found a secret place and the promise of two more! But I didn't find those other two. XD

The music loop is waaay to short, though.

Good graphics! I like the addition of cinematics with the story, too. :D

The music is also nice, but maybe it feels too calm at the beginning with the village in flames being attacked by monsters.

Very good aesthetics. I wish there were more levels! :D

A thing that happened, in my first try, I didn't know how to shoot and didn't destroy any robot and there was no way to go back, so I wasn't able to reach the 1000$ goal and had to reset.

I didn't know what I was doing, but it definitively has style. :D

For some reason the progress bar with the total money count was cut on the right in my screen.

Yeah, maybe I would have needed to find some way to balance it to don't be basically defeated in that situation. XD

Thank you! :D