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A member registered Nov 06, 2023 · View creator page →

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I did exactly that, I even created a new project of my own and tried to import it but nothing worked. I could have been an issue on my end, im not entirely sure

Great game, animations and controls were very satisfying and gameplay was fun. Well done!

I unfortunatly couldnt get this game running

Very fun! The animations were really cool and gave the game life. The sound effects were cool and the maze was pretty difficult. When bumping into walls the character would occasionally change directions which would get me killed, thats my only gripe. Nice job!

environment and gameplay was fun and engaging. Having camera follow the mouse I think would enhance the gameplay further and adding character animations and adding some background music would really flesh out the game

Cool idea and very interesting information and narrative. Some music and some more visuals would make this feel more fleshed out

I was unable to get this playing on my unity, unfortunatly couldn't test

was unable to get the game to upload into my unity and was unable to play unfortunatly

Lot of fun! Great way to introduce the controls, everything feels good but the delay in the sword swing made combat feel just a little off. Music changes between combat and background was a nice touch!

Was unable to play unfortunatly, tried to import to my own unity and was unable

unable to play unfortunatly

Very fun! everything worked great for me and was a lot of fun! Only thing I can think of is some background music would really make the game feel more alive

very cool! The character needs some animation to make the game feel more fluid but otherwise the controls were great and the game was fun to play

very cool! The character needs some animation to make the game feel more fluid but otherwise the controls were great and the game was fun to play

very cool! The character needs some animation to make the game feel more fluid but otherwise the controls were great and the game was fun to play

looks and feels great! the combat is a little wonky, I was struggling to determine if i had been hit or if the enemies had been hit or how the block worked but otherwise very cool and fun to play

Nice job, the controlls feel really good and the animations look really good! The background music wasn't working for me but otherwise well made!

This game was a lot of fun and gameplay and controls are very smooth and easy to use. I do wish that you didn't have to hold down sprint the entire time but overall very well made

Great environment and map design, the sound effects were great and the movement feels very fluid and satisfying

The controls took me a couple of trys to figure out but once I got it figured out the game was fun to play. Not on theme but still well made

Feels really smooth and satisfying, I really enjoyed the puzzle in the cave and the cutscene features