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A member registered Nov 19, 2023 · View creator page →

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This really reminds me of Secret of Mana in the way that the game feels and looks, the sprites are very nice and the story is very interesting! 

I love the dash, it really made it feel like it was super smooth and you could make any jump if you timed your double jump and dash correctly. Overall very fun! 

Interesting concept, with some more polish this could be a fun simulation game!

Pretty fun game overall, other than the issues described by Meapers there's nothing else to add other than good game! 

There is no cooldown for the jump, and no limit to it either, so the challenge aspect was gone, other than that it was a nifty experience. 

Most of the time the spiders would just clip out of nowhere and kill me, and not having a restart button made it very annoying. Also why is there no sound for the bullets, or the spiders, and why could I clip through pretty much any time I just ran into it. 

The controls just did not feel good, I understand you were going for a game like QWOP, it just was not fluid at all, and it was off theme. 

The game is not on theme, and on top of that when I try to play the spaceship is not even visible, and I just have to hope that I am shooting at the right area, and on top of that I do not have a sure tell of when your bullets are depleting. 

Game does not work. 

I really like the story bit, and the options menu was very nice! The ladders were very hit or miss for me, some of them worked some did not. But other than the character seeming to move a little slow, it's a promising adventure! 

The music and atmosphere were top notch, along with the level design. I do think the music is a bit loud, but that is just my preference, a checkpoint system would be nice, but other than that it was a fun platformer! 

I really liked this game, any game that has a grapple hook is a good one in my opinion, the only complaint I had is the spikes hitboxes felt a little to high. Other than that I enjoyed it a lot! 

I very much enjoyed the inner mind, and the funny little sound effects that each of the little critters had, the only real complaint I have with it was there were a few times the interactions didn't trigger, but they could have just been random things that could not be interacted with. If that's the case, you did a great job in making me want to go and check every nook and cranny for interactions! 

I liked it, a fun little adventure into a ruins, the controls could have been a bit smoother. I loved the rock throwing, it was reminiscent of throwing the stars in Super Mario Galaxy, and I really liked the choice of music, it really added to the atmosphere!

I am unable to play the game 

I liked the idea of using Greek Mythology for the game, but the Minotaur was not ever really a threat if you knew how to properly kite it around, and the camera felt a bit too up close, other than that it was a fun game! 

It was a fun little game, the controls were responsive, and I like the wave mechanics! 

It was an interesting concept, and decently fun to play, there was some grammatical errors, but other than that, it was a short and sweet experience!