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Thanks for the kind words and suggestions

(1 edit)

ah yeah the wall grip animation could definitely use some tuning. As for difficulty, we would have liked to smoothen out the difficulty curve, but we wanted to give experienced platformer players a challenge and didn't have enough time to create more levels. We will definitely add more levels in the future

took me a bit to get the hang of it but I enjoyed it

LOL thanks for playing!

Yeah for some people the wasm build runs slow. The native build should be noticeably faster.

I really like the art. Got jumpscared a few times lol

Pretty novel idea, I like how well the sounds matched the action

The alternating AD makes you feel like you're actually riding a bike

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Cool concept and cool monster design!

interesting concept. I think the snowman needs to melt a little faster because I found myself mostly ignoring that mechanic and being fine

fun tycoon game. Having some sort of ending screen after building the victory statue would be cool.

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Fun experience, with an amazing artstyle!

Game might not look impressive, but it feels really good to play. I imagine if you had more detailed assets the game would be a lot more fun

Thanks for playing!

thanks <3

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hey thanks for playing (and not quitting after 200 deaths :D )!

Honestly this game is super fun and I think it has a lot of potential. The whole time slow mechanic is so cool and makes me feel like I'm in an action movie or something. Very unique aiming system as well. I hope you continue to work on it!

Nice chill game, reminds me a bit of fire boy water girl. Would be nice to have wasd for one character and arrow keys for the other. Nice work!

Just saw a married couple get obliterated in front of their newborn.

Great game

I haven't seen art this unique in a long time. Your artist did a really good job!

Pretty cool game, neat concept and executed well! Would definitely be nice to have a skip phase button (for the build phase at least).

Cool concept, I really liked the music and atmosphere, but I was kinda confused on what to do

Really cool optimization game