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Don Whitaker

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(1 edit)

I'll keep track of changes and additions to the package as I finish the project. 

July 31st, 2020  v0.91

  • Added FDM specific versions of Spin Fern, Helix, Dreadlock, Drooper, Headcrab, Trigon, and Triple Three
  • Added solid versions of Jags and Bulby artifact
  • Added split versions of artifacts that need them, plus the Drooper and Dreadlock trees.
  • Added un-based versions of the core plants
  • Added a readme file with printing tips

Still missing from core files: 

  • Nothing. :) I may tweak a few files here and there before called it all done, but the core files are now complete.

July 24th, 2020   v0.9

  • Initial release of core files
  • Includes all 11 of the original plants plus supported and high resolution versions
  • All 8 fractal artifacts plus supported and high rez
  • all 5 props including supported, high rez, and variations of rocks, pods, and jags.

Still missing from core files: 

  • solid versions of a few artifacts/props
  • split versions of artifacts

cool thanks. I'll check it out later today.

I downloaded the game, but don't see a way to start it for Windows. I don't see an .exe, .bat or any other obvious app. Looks like just the MacOs stuff maybe?

Here is the full changelog for Chunky Orbits. It's been a long journey over the last 6 years It's gone from Android to PC to Gear VR to SteamVR - and now back to Android on the Quest. (^_^)

Oculus Quest Changelog:

October 11th, 2019 - v0.91

  • Initial conversion to Oculus Quest
  • Upgraded from Unity 5.6 to 2019.1
  • Converted fro UnityScript to C#
  • Switched from SteamVR to Oculus SDK
  • Known Issues:
    • No music
    • Some Reboot orbits are messed up because old me was a dumbass.  
    • Reboot flash is annoying and too much in-your-face
    • Still can't get the throwing release just right. Still best to use a pushing motion.

SteamVR ChangeLog:

June 23rd - v1.11

  • Fixed a bug where the player would move in the wrong direction after rotating using the right stick. 

April 26th, 2017 - v1.1

  • New movement option.You can now move around the sim with controls that are similar to classic first person controls. Use the left touchpad/stick to move and the right touchpad/stick to rotate. You can also point with your left hand to modify your direction or go backwards by pulling back on the left touchpad/stick. The old 'accordian' style movement is still available for those who like it.
  • Change your scale by pressing in on the right touchpad/stick and then pushing it forward or back.
  • Gamepad users now need to press the Start button on the menu menu instead of the A button.
  • Some small changes to the way the main menu detects input and decides whether to launch the gamepad or tracked controller version of the sim.
  • Updated to Unity engine v 5.6
  • Updated to SteamVR plugin v 1.2.1

December 20th - Release v1.0

  • Photon torpedo now lasts a bit longer and travels a bit farther

December 16th - Beta7

  • You can now create, delete, and grab chunks with both hands. 
  • Option to turn the background music on and off
  • Option to turn the help text on/off
  • Added a particle stars effect to the area around the player. Gives a little more sense of depth and motion.
  • Tweaked the calculations of the gravity sim. It's now even more similar to RL physics. I've stil taken a few liberties for the sake of fun and easy interaction, though.

December 9th - Beta6

  • Support for Oculus touch models. If you're using Touch you should now see a proper representation of the controllers. Vive users should see their Vive wands.
  • Refined the help text. Easier to read, more specific info, and proper positons for Touch/Vive. Please let me know if any of these help text objects seem out of position.
  • White Dwarf now behaves like the other chunks - hold trigger to create, release to set it free.
  • Center Stone no longer locks in place. It does have some 'drag' added to the physics sim to keep it from moving freely. White Dwarf has this drag as well. I think it's nice to be able to set up some orbits with these (mostly) stationary objects.
  • New 'cursor' object visible when selecting menu items. Easier to tell exactly where to 'poke' to select items.
  • Absorber chunks are now take on a random color when created.
  • I got rid of the transparent 'currently selected tool' icons. They were reduntant since the same info is on the help text screens. They also cluttered up the view.

December 2nd - Beta5b

  • Added haptic feedback to tracked controller version. SteamVR added Oculus touch support for haptic feedback yesterday, so I went ahead and put it in the sim. You should feel little rumbles whenever you choose a menu item or create/delete a chunk.

December 1st - Beta5a

  • Fixed a couple of the 'currently selected' icons that weren't displaying correctly.
  • Re-enabled single-pass stereo rendering and disabled GPU instancing. They don't seem to be working together in Unity 5.5 and performance was better with stereo rendering on.
  • Switched to Linear color space.

November 30th - Beta5

  • New chunk: Comet. A small rock with a sparkly trail. Also added Comets to the Chaos reboot mode.
  • You'll see a transparent icon above your right hand to remind you what tool is currently active.
  • Fixed a problem with the menu icons triggering other menu icons when they overlap.
  • A few adjustments to the Chaos mode. More variation in each random reboot. 
  • Update to Unity 5.5. Should provide some improvement in physics performance. I did notice some trouble with single-pass rendering, so that is turned off for now. Not a big deal for Chunky Orbits since the scene geometry is fairly simple.

November 22nd - Beta4a

  • New reboot option: Chaos 
  • New objects on Reboot are placed in front of the player instead of in the center of the playspace. Look down if you want the new chunks to spawn below you, look up if you want them above.
  • Particle effect when a White Dwarf consumes a chunk
  • Move the pinch and pull direction indicator back to the centerpoint between your hands. Fixed jittery motion of the indicator, too.

November 18th - Beta4

  • Molten Chunk. A destructive projectile with fancy-schmancy particles. 
  • Asteroid Belt. New option for rebooting your universe that spawns 150 small Absorbers that orbit a center stone.
  • The mini solar system Reboot now creates random orbits for the 3 planetoids plus a sparkly comet with eliptical orbit. 
  • Adjusted the menu positions so they are less likely to interect your other hand when activating.
  • Menus now disappear when you move away from them or span a new chunk.
  • Fixed a case where chunks would get stranded in space and not included in the gravity calculations.

November 3rd - Beta3

  • New Menu system. Press the Menu button on either Vive wand to open and close a menu of 3D icons. Poke at them with your controller to select 'em. Left hand brings up the ReBoot universe menu, right hand brings up the list of Chunks that you can add to your Universe. Rift+Touch users can use the A and X buttons. 
  • Fixed a problem with the Center Stones not absorbing chunks.

October 26th - Beta2a

  • Improved performance. I optimized the main game loop that caclulates the gravitational forces. It's now twice as fast and more consistant across all rendered frames. Should provide a smoother experience and allow you to add more rocks to the scene before performace decreases. On my system I can get nearly 300 chunks going before I start to see frame drops. 
  • Fixed the texture on the Vive wand on the title screen. Wrong button was highlighted. 
  • New Universe starts with 100 rocks instead of 42. Soon you'll be able to choose what to spawn when you reboot your Universe.

October 17th - Beta 2

  • You can now create Rocks with Trails that help you track their motion through space.
  • The new Absorber chunk will consume any smaller rock it touches.
  • New Atrract and Repel tool will pull or push rocks toward your hand.
  • You can now grab existing rocks. Just get close to a rock and point to highlight it, then press the right Grip button to grab it. Release the button to set the rock free.
  • You can also delete rocks. Any time you're holding a chunk, just press down on the touchpad to delete it.
  • Players can change their scale - from a normal human size to a 100 meter giant.
  • Removed the boundaries from the tracked controller version.

October 10th - Early Access Beta 1

  • Initial support for tracked controllers with 4 items that you can add to the sim - rocks, white dwarf, center stone, and photon torpedo
  • Pinch and Pull movement system 
  • Simple 'reset' button
  • new loading screen for player to choose between gamepad and hands
  • Vive wand models in-game
  • simple text-based help system that describes each button and option
  • Fixed a problem with the Gravity sim that was causing incorrect behaviour. I'd messed up my calculations during a intense bout of optimization. o.O

September 30th, 2016: Steam Release

  • Changed name from Gravitas to Chunky Orbits
  • Released on Steam. Itch customers now receive Steam key as well.
  • Raised minimum purchase price from $0 to $1.99

August 31st, 2016: v0.92

  • Added support for HTC Vive (via OpenVR). If you try this on your Vive, please let me know how it works for you. I'm still kind of flying blind with Vive support - don't have one yet. []-)

August 24th, 2016: v0.91

  • Updated to Oculus SDK 1.6
  • Performance improvements with Unity's new Single Pass Stereo Rendering
  • Thrust is now on Triggers
  • Can now Roll the ship with shoulder buttons

April 20th, 2016: v0.9

  • Updated SDK for shiny new Rifts (runtime 1.3)
  • Added some windows to the ship.

September 8th, 2015: V 0.7 Initial release for Rift

  • A quick and dirty conversion from a Gear VR app, still a few references to the ear VR controls in the audio. I'll re-record that eventually. :)
  • This version was built using the integrated Rift support in Unity 5.1.2f1 - so I believe it is actually using Oculus SDK

PC Monitor version released 2014

Original Android version (called Gravitas) released 2013
Version 1.0 (November 2013)
+ New toy - Rock Tumbler
+ New main menu
+ Added original, spacey music and more sound effects
+ More logical use of the buttons in Chunky Orbits.

Beta version 0.9 (August 2013)
+ First public release
+ One toy - Chunky Orbits
+ Plus, minus, trails, absorb, CenterStone and follow cam

The more I think about it , the more I would like to see a custom threshold price for the External Key distribution.  50 cents is fine for my old games, enough to probably deter key resellers. But for my game-in-progress, a higher minimum would let me attract more players/testers during development while still attaching a 'Retail Value' to the game. 

Maybe something similar can already be accomplished with the Refinery tools? I did experiment with a crowd-funding style reward system when I first posted Gravity Garden on Itch, but I've failed to generate much buzz. Maybe too early in development, poor marketing, not enough interest.  

I did switch my VR games,Crashed Lander and Chunky Orbits,  to Pay What You Want with a bonus Steam key. See if I can generate some buzz. If it goes well I might consider something similar for Gravity Garden


Excellent. I was hoping that's how it would work. The standard minimum of 50 cents will be fine. Thanks for the info. 

(1 edit)

I have a game that has been selling with a minimum price. It includes a free Steam Key with purchase. I'm thinking of changing the price to free with a suggested donation. I'd like to continue to give keys to people who pay, but not to free downloaders.

Is it possible to continue distributing the External Keys, but only when someone pays for the game? 

Very cool.   I've spent many, many hours in Mandelbulb 3D. It has a sort-of-real-time view of the fractals, but it all feels a little 'ephemeral' until a full (slow) render is made. This feels so solid and physical.  Lot's of fun possibilities there.

Awesome! I love to explore 3D fractals, especially in real-time. 

Is this using pre-generated data, or could you create new variatipons on-the-fly?

Thanks for the clarification.

So content that supports VR and the device Vove

Is this a typo? Do you mean the FOVE eye-tracking  dev kits, or the HTC Vive? 

Thanks Skydjinn. I probably won't be improving this specific version of Breeders, it is just too janky. I've learned a lot about Unity and coding since making this. I may work on something similar in the future, though.


(21 edits)

Here's what I'm planning to working on in November:

  • Improving Save/Load : need to include all plants, critters, and soil info
  • Collections Tab: new menu tab to keep track of camera effects, artifacts, other collected items
  • Achievements Tab: new menu tab to show and track tasks

My overall goal for the next few months is to put a little more actual Game in the game. Give the player a few goals and a way to track what they've accomplished. I also want to refine the way the plants interact with the 4 different biomes.

If you're interested in the game then now is a great time to send your ideas and sugestions my way. My main goal during Early Access is to have players help we steer the Garden to it's final form. :csdsmile:

Excellent - thanks for giving it a try. I like the 'playdough meets Tron' description.

Glad that you recovered from your rocket mishap. :) They'll be a better tutorial someday - kind of just dropping people into the game and letting them poke around for now.

Achievements will be a big part of the final game. This will allow me to create a game where players are free to just goof around or challenge themselves by working toward specific goals.

A few that I have in mind

  • Grow X number of a certain plant
  • Grow a perfectly healthy plant
  • Find X number of Alien Artifacts
  • Collect X amount of Energy

What sort of achievements would you like to see?

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I know about these bugs:

  • Player sometimes gets stuck after teleporting rapidly, especially when using both hands to teleport. Can usually be fixed by teleporting again and then pausing for a second before the next action.
  • GeoMelons sometimes mutate and start growing vines that aren't connected to an plant. These def need a rewrite - they are janky. :)
  • Had to turn of Single Pass Rendering feature in Unity - it's causing the game to crash when built. Hoping to get this worked out asap. It'll provide a big performance boost.
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Alpha 12 - November 22nd

  • New menu look and layout. Still chunky but more 'put together' and consistent across all the tabs.
  • New menu tab called Collections. First page shows your collection of Vision Mods - they work like camera filters. Collect them by eating new fruits.
  • Occlusion Culling to reduce number of objects being drawn each frame.
  • Player now harvest fruits by eating instead of the hand-attached harvester. Player will eat everything to collect, harvest, or learn about things. nomnomnom!
  • Water-vision can be toggled off by selecting the water tool a 2nd time. Same with the fertilizer.

Alpha 11 - October 28th

  • Newer new terrain system. Main island is now using Unity Terrain instead of a custom mesh.
  • Fancy-schmancy terrain textures with height-based blending.
  • Grasses and weeds swaying in the wind.
  • Biomes. There are now 4 areas with different soil conditions, colors, and grasses.
  • New Trees. A new kind of plant. Less active with fruits that are good for a quick boost of Energy. For now the player cannot harvest or plant these.
  • More critters. A little more life in the Sim with RoboBees, RockNoms, and Herders. The Herders will eat some of your plants and be repelled by others. If they do eat your crops they will leave behind a little fertilizer as a thank-you. ;)
  • Floating islands are back. They are still pretty much empty, but that will be changing soon.
  • Help Tab on the menu with basic info and instructions.

Alpha 10 - April 27th, 2019

  • Mega Island home. Greatly expanded area for the  player to plant and explore.  Approx 4 square kilometers, or 1.5 square miles.   Sounds huge when I write it down. :) Not finished decorating but it looks great so far.
  • Spiffy new soil system. Live updates to the soil's texture that reflects current Water and Compost levels. This has been my holy grail since the beginning of the project. I finally have a version that is fast enough for VR - less than .3 milliseconds to update the soil textures. 
  • Eat fruits! Harvest a fruit and shove it in your face to see the world in a new light. :)  Soon this will also give info about the plants and other goodies. 
  • Quick Teleport. Press A/X button on Touch or Click the pad on Vive for a quick Teleport in the direction your are pointing.
  • Long Teleport.  Use the Stick or Touchpad to fine-tine the teleport location and distance.
  • Beginnings of the Save/Load system. Very crude at the moment but you can save your current plants and load 'em later. Soil conditions not saved yet. This was a big step for me, never coded anything like this before. :)
  • New and in-progress plants. Some are not yet fully functional. All are kind of a mess in regards to growth parameters water use, compost use, etc. 
  • Lots of changes under the hood for the plant growth system. More efficient now and much easier for me to create new plants and variations.
  • Changes to the lighting system. I've given up on full real-time lights in favor of baked lighting with light probes. Looks great and the performance is much improved.  This also lets the player see shadows for the full camera rendering distance.  
  • No floating islands at the moment. I had a system set up for fading them in and out but something went wrong and it's causing crashes. The islands will be back soon. 

Alpha 9 - October 13th, 2018

  • New Cloud system. Clouds now drift about and occasionally clump together. When enough of them gather it will rain.  This will be xpanded on later with new types of 'rain' - including pests and other challenges for the player. 
  • Tweaks to the zero-G locomotion. Still tweaking the various Speed settings for the free move locomotion. Really need some more testers for this. I'm pretty much immune to VR sickness so it's hard for me to judge what is too intense. :)

Alpha 8 - October 1st, 2018

  • Removed the Full Body Avatar. I've been messing around with the player movement system and the avatar was requiring way too much attention. I had to tweak and adjust it along with every change I made. So it's gone for now , but may be back in the future. 
  • New "Artist's Palette" style menu. The Menu button opens the menu that's held in one hand as you select an icon with the opposite hand. 
  • Point at a seed or tool to see a short description and inventory amount
  • New Options tab on the menus. Lots of locomotion options:
    • Snap turn + angles
    • Smooth turn + speeds
    • Teleport
    • Free Movement + speeds
    • Swap move/rotate hands
    • steer with hand or face
    • swap hands for info text scree - coming soon.
  • Menus and controls are all fully ambidextrous.  Use anything with either hand.  
  • Revised movement system. Smoother when switching gravity on/off and overall more consistent between modes. 
  • Some tweaks to Teleport system, but it still needs work.
  • New cursors for grabbing, info, and menu selection. Should be easier to tell what you are pointing at. Player can still only grab ripe fruits. 
  • Basic sound effects when player bumps into things are skims across the ground. 

Alpha 7 - January 15th, 2018

  • Full-body avatar test. Using a fantastic unity plugin called FinalIK to add a full body, animated avatar for the player to control. All of the animation is generated on the fly from the position of the player's head and hands. Very tricksy. 
  • New Pest - called RockNom for now, but hoping to come up with something better. ;)  Eventually will spread as part of a 'thunderstorm' type event, but for now a sparkly comet might deliver some to your island.  They'll eat all the nutrients in your soil and they multiply quickly. You can eliminate them with one of your garden tools. 
  • Tweaks to player controls and grab system. 
  • Alignment of scanner, delete, grab, and other lines was changed to match the new avatar hands. Eventually there will be options to adjust these angles.
  • When Gravity is On  your avatar is a humanoid figure that walks and mirrors your movements. With Gravity Off you are a disembodied cloud of  fire and stone floating through space. :) New avatar set-up will allow for some fun character customization options. 
  • You can now see the active Tool or Seed in the palm of your hands. 

Alpha 6 - November 8th

  • Updated game engine to Unity v 2017.2
  • Nifty new shaders that supply a slightly cartoonish look.
  • Grab all fruits with both hands - current fruits active on GeoMelon, CosmiCorn, Bambooya, and DingleBerry
  • Tele-grab. Grab things from a distance. Your hand turns green when it's ready to grab. Uses the Grip button to grab  Soon an option for trigger, too. 
  • Tele-harvest. Harvesting 'portals' attached to your hands. Turn your  ripe fruit into more Seeds, Energy, or Compost.   Finally have an actual Game Loop. :)  Plant, Care, Harvest.
  • More tweaks to the locomotion system. Trying to make both modes feel consistent even though the Gravity On version needs to be different to make it work on uneven terrain.
  • Teleport now works when gravity is off. Just point into space to TP.  Set distance for now - later the player will be able to adjust the distance. 

Alpha 5 - October 6th

  • New player controller. Now it's all under one coherent system, all physics based.
  • Teleporting is no longer a tool based action. 
  • Player can change locomotion modes: teleport or thrusters
  • smooth turn or snap-turn
  • snap-turn by specified angle or choose any angle with stick/pad
  • turn strafing on/off
  • Improved teleport controls and marker
  • fixed velocity of thrown objects
  • fixed: some held fruits pushing player around

Alpha 4 - September 6th

  • Player can now harvest fruits from plants. Right-hand only for now. Grip button when your hand is near a ripe fruit. 
  • Fruits now give an indication when they are ripe.  More colorful and brighter is ripe.
  • Improved Clouds.  Now physics-enabled and more efficient. 
  • 14 new islands to find and explore.  Empty (for now)
  • 4 new farm-able islands. 
  • Velocity is transferred when player turns gravity belt off. 
  • Water and fertilizer particles now inherit velocity from player
  • Improved skyboxes

Alpha 3 - July 31st

  • Updated to SteamVR plugin 1.2.2
  • New Hands. Wanted to see what the game feels like with hands instead of controllers. Feels good. Just a few generic poses for now, but I will add more specific poses as time goes on. 
  • New configuration for fly/walk. Toggle between flying and walking by pressing the right stick/trackpad. Much easier now to switch between modes. No more 'pull-string' rocket tool, but I may bring that back in the future. 
  • Lots of new floating islands - I made a baker's dozen of new islands to populate the sky. All empty for now but eventually they will have things to discover and experience.
  • Dynamic lights -  similar to a day/night cycle without the annoying night time. :)  Still needs work but I like this first pass. Adds some nice variation to the visuals without bringing affecting performance significantly. 
  • Player now rotates around their head, instead of the center of their playspace.  More comfortable.

Alpha 2 - June 20th

  • Updated game engine to Unity v 5.6
  • GPU instancing now functioning properly along with Single Pass Stereo Rendering. Big performance boost!  
  • New plant - Energy Bubblers
  • New skyboxes
  • New control  to apply modified colors and image effects 
  • Delete plant tool
  • New cloud system
  • Beginnings of Inventory system
  • Harvest water from clouds, energy from stars, fertilizer from planetoids

Alpha 1 - May 14th, 2017

  • Basic player movement - classic first person controls or teleport
  • Bare-bones menu to choose plants and tools
  • Tools for watering and fertilizing soil
  • 7 different plants that grow, die, produice fruits, and respawn
  • Gravity jets that allows players to fly and navigate in 3D space
  • Scanning tool for testing soil conditions and identifying plants

I'll use this thread to collect all player suggestions. Tell me what you'd like to see in the final version of the game! You can reply here or start a new thread.