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A member registered Nov 16, 2014 · View creator page →

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Haha, I get what you mean. The more I played with it, the more I kept thinking "This feels rewarding to me because I know how it works but would probably frustrate anyone looking for a game".

Thanks for trying it out anyway :-)

What an interesting idea! I played a few round on different seeds, and some of them definitely offered an interesting challenge.

I have also seen a few cases that produced this kind of half-and-half table; I wonder if this could be detected and dealt with in some way or another.

The car was a bit too powerful for my driving skills, but it was still fun to try and hunt down the various pieces of the OST by going down the streets. I liked the atmosphere of the night, especially the various lights on both the environment and the cars.

That comment about the default number of iterations being too large for a large number of systems should probably be unrolled by default ;-)
Aside from that I enjoyed playing around with the various examples. I never found an excuse to dive deeper into L-systems than the superficial rewriting-grammar analogy but seeing how much parameters and control you can encode into those rules is really inspiring!

I played around for a bit trying to recreate the cool looking effects you show off in your screenshots and it took me a few minutes to notice that you can use the arrow keys to control where the camera is looking at; combined with the "peintre" command this instantly made the experience better, I liked it a lot!

I liked having the parameters on both sides of the screen, it makes it easy to experiment and play with the generator! As I remember from when I tried a similar project, it seems like the more rocks you have the easiest it is for our eyes and brain to see the path to the exit...

I would love to have more details about how you generate those levels :-)

The process used to generate tracks generates some interesting results while staying really simple and easy to grasp. I want to race on that track :-)

The layout generation in itself is quite interesting and does look like something that could be from an actual game, but the building process visualization on top of that is really awe-inspiring.

I am looking forward to see what comes out of that next "tricky part" :-)

I like how you can see the whole city building itself and rising in front of you, and of course the end result is stunning :-o

1400+ sprites is a lot (even when accounting for 1-bit depth and multiple frames per building block), but the variety it offers really shows, the buildings still look organic and quite different from each others. How long did it took you to draw all of them?

(2 edits)

Despite the numerous options to adjust I think my favourite results were the more abstract ones I got by reducing all shapes to 1 and the number of colours to 2. It got me something that looks like a lion's head (on the right) and a minotaur that could come from a Rayman game. Pretty fun to play with!

This was a lot of fun to play with, having controls over so many parameters is always a joy :-)

I thin I understand most of the sliders pretty good, except for the ones that define the proportions of each type of terrain tiles. Is it only based on the height of the tile (e.g. a lower tile will be assigned the sand type before a higher one) ?

(1 edit)

Je comprends bien ce que tu me décris, c’était la première approche que j'ai tentée :-) J'avais deux problèmes majeurs avec les résultats qu'elle me donnait :

  • ça ressemble de très près à une technique de marche aleatoire, et comme les images de Wikipédia l'illustre bien le chemin qui en résulte a tendance à s'amasser en certains endroits tout en laissant d'autre pans de la carte complètement vides
  • je ne pouvais pas garantir que le chemin fabrique était le plus court, et finir en deux-trois mouvements un niveau qui aurait du en prendre une vingtaine ça me signifiait que je n'avais pas bien le contrôle de la difficulté des niveaux générés

Le deuxième point était le plus important pour moi, et sans faire de raisonnements et preuves mathématiques sur mon processus de construction je ne me voyais pas pouvoir créer cette garantie de manière constructive. Je suis donc passé par la solution de secours du bidouillage algorithmique qui consiste à faire un parcours en largeur de la carte à chaque modification pour s'assurer de ne pas avoir réduit la longueur de la solution sans le vouloir.

Vu que ça me donnait facilement accès à tous les chemins existant depuis un point de la carte, j'ai aussi pu me débarrasser de la marche aléatoire et me contenter de placer des rochers au hasard de manière uniforme, ce qui a fortement augmenter la probabilité d'utiliser toute la map ou presque. Une bonne façon de s'en assurer pourrait être de considérer un chemin en plusieurs étapes plutôt qu'une solution en un seul segment, mais le coût en calcul et complexité de code dépasse surement le temps que j'avais à consacrer à ce problème pendant la Procjam...

(et pas de raycasting non plus dans ma première approche parce que si c'est un outil utile quand on vit dans un monde continu, moi je travaillais sur une grille discrète qui est facile à explorer de manière exhaustive)

Content que ça ait plu :-) Je ne suis pas assez bon en pixel art pour sortir des designs de ma tête, donc j'ai effectivement gardé la map de la route de glace de Crystal ouverte pour me servir d'inspiration.

Oui, tous les niveaux sont générés durant le fondu au noir qui les précède. Je viens de rajouter une explication du fonctionnement dans la description ; mais en quelques mots l'algorithme place des rochers au hasard, calcule le chemin le plus long et essaye d'ajouter ou de retirer des obstacles tant que ça rallonge la solution la plus courte.

(donc pas de raycasting, mais beaucoup de pathfinding pour essayer de s'assurer un niveau jouable et intéressant)

On top of the simple buildings looking good, having the drones build them at high speed is so satisfying to watch! Especially when they place a block then destroy what is not part of the building.

The patterns and generated flowers look really good! I cannot decided if I prefer the coloured or lineart version though.

That is a really original idea, I like it a lot!

While I would not be able to read some of those number by color alone, it seems like the dots used to represent the number always end up smaller than the background ones, which makes it easier to tell the number anyway.

The output is visually really nice to look at, and I like how some lines end up sharing some stations! I hope you can find a solution to this messy name problem though ;-)

Those mansions look so good! Is it possible to quickly explain how your algorithm is choosing to "grow" the house (where to add a piece, which size, that kind of detail)?

Thanks for the report! I made a quick fix to increase the volume, I may try adding a volume slider later on.

I think the output feels really similar to your actual goal, so congrats on that! I do not know if this fits the movie you talked about, but would it be easy for you to show those plants growing ?

Yes, that is the one! although it was a group work (I only did the buildings and filled the lots with them). We also had our share of stupid, time-wasting issues with Unity, but overall spent a lot more time in our generation code.

The collisions felt a little bit wonky on the down-left and down-right sides, but the sprites looks very cute! I hope you can make something even nicer out of it!

(1 edit)

Really nice! The layout strikes a good balance between organic and organized. I participated to a similar project but your output is visually much nicer than ours.

The screenshots look really nice, but I cannot get the window action to do anything on my computer. Otherwise this looks quite cool, congrats!

The first time I got stuck just before the top because no green block generated on the top two layer, leaving me at the bottom of two-units-deep holes I could not jump out of. Other than that, it worked very well for a 3D maze, the size was just enough to get lost a little without it becoming too frustrating. Great job!

The result is very pleasant to look at! I wish you could just refresh the image by clicking on it, it would be easier to generate new ones that way.

Thanks a lot for the feedback! I have been able to locate the problem with the help of a friend, but had no chance with finding a fix, so I just changed the way both backgrounds and text are rendered. It should be working right now.

First, thanks for playing and commenting! Separating buttons was mandatory to execute some of the puzzle I had in mind when designing them, however I did not manage to fit them into a single screen yet...

On another note, I am interested in getting some more feedback about this rendering error, since a friend of mine reported the same issue but I was not able to reproduce it on my computer. Can you read the text on the very first level ? For time constraint reasons text and background are displayed with the same code, so an answer or even a screenshot could go a long way to help me fix the issue.

First generation Surface Pro ( Good luck with your engine !

The game was a fun to play and very polished experienced, displaying the trajectory was a good idea to make the game less frustrating and more about reflexion than execution. My favourite puzzle was the symmetric one not long after the box return, that was great. Transporting those cubes and solving puzzle with them made me think of Portal...

The diffracting mechanic was REALLY interesting, and although I cannot say if I got through the level by thinking about them or through sheer luck, I would definitely love to see an even more fleshed-out version with more levels. Well done!

Yeah, I know. I just went away to other games and other genres, so a little refresher is always a good thing !

Nice game, although I sucked at getting a good time (around 50 seconds was my best I think). Just so I know, is there actually a way to use the path just left to the starting point ?

The game is simple but really fun to play once you find a good strategy and try to stick to it! I got to the high 47000 with two bodies, as this is the setting where I felt I could best control the other bodies' trajectory. Is it possible to avoid the collision right after the beginning though ? I could never manage to do it ...

Thanks for the suggestions ! I did follow the same thoughts that you had but chose smaller, one-screen sized level because they were easier to create; but nothing actually restricts the level size, I actually had to block the camera's movement.

Really nice game with a lot of polish, the slimes were just too cute.

The game ran kinda slowly on my computer, and I could not find anything to do except playing the jumping mini-game. I like the flickering lamps though, they surprised me at first but it was a nice touch to set up the atmosphere.

Even if it felt a little bit slower than a Sonic game, you really nailed the feel for the controls. It made me realize how much I missed playing 2D sonic games...

Nice visuals, and the icons were a big help when testing on a tablet.

The diversity of trees I managed to create with it was impressive, and most of them were very good looking (and miles better that what I could do myself by hand). Playing with it was very fun!