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A member registered Mar 20, 2021 · View creator page →

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No problem! Getting good feedback was super helpful to me when i started. Some of the best pieces of advice and feedback came from MVM

Here's my gameplay and feedback recording

Here is a recording of my gameplay and feedback

Here's a recording of gamplay and my feedback!

Here's my feedback video!

Very cool game! Here's my review and feedback.

Here's my feedback

Here's my feedback

Fun entry! Here's my recording and feedback.

Here is my gameplay recording and feedback.

No problem! I actually noticed when checking the audio levels that I missed a room that I had forgot about. It required the T piece to progress. If I had remembered it, I would have progressed more.

Here's my gameplay and feedback. 

Yeah, sometimes that happens and there's not much you can do about it. Different strokes for different folks and all that. I do hope the feedback is helpful though!

Ahh ok. I'll put this on my list of games to play after the jam ends so I can get the full experience.

Here's my recording of gameplay and feedback.

Here's the recording and feedback video.

I'll add it to the list. Trying to get to playing as many as I can with the time I have available.

Ahh I see. Its no biggie. I'll give it a play again after the jam!

I'll put it on my list

No problem!

I'm not sure if I just had bad luck with encountering a bug or if the game ends where I was, but here's a short recording of the gameplay.

Here's my feedback recording.

Alright. I'll give it a shot. 

I wish I could have played longer, but I started to get bad vertigo and had to lay down. Here's my feedback recording for you.

No problem!

Here's my feedback video for you.

Here you go!

Here's the recording of my playtime and feedback.

Alright, I give it a play as soon as I can.

Here's the recording of my play and feedback for your entry

I've recorded what I managed to play, but its very short. The controls don't match the description on your page at all. Everything that displays the A button to interact with doesn't work because the A key is moving me to the left. Basically, all I can do is move around and jump.

Here's my feedback recording

Added to the growing list!

I'll add it to my list!

I've added it to the list!

No problem! That's one of the best things about game jams. Getting good feedback to help improve!

No problem! Yeah, I could tell the beginning area was about giving the player ample time/room to learn the controls and movement. I definitely think keeping that type of area linear is more beneficial than having different paths. This is one of the games I've put down on the play again list after the jam is over. The player mechanics were so much fun!

Here's a recording of my feedback and play