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A member registered Jun 10, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thank you for playing and the feedback! :) <3 We will definitely improve the playing experience by making gameplay options more clear! The spikes themselves don't have an invisible wall btw. That is just the collision of them and the Emu, but I get your point and we will definitely see what we can do about the level designs and communication towards the player :D 

Thanks for your kind words! <3 :D

The egg is indeed a little hard to push against the pitchfork at times, especially with the farmer chasing you. I always have trouble with it too, though the other two seem to be better at it, so maybe there's a trick to it that I just don't know ^^" Thanks for trying the game though! <3 :D

Thanks for trying the game! :D Yea, sound would definitely have added quite a bit

Very nice game! Honestly had a lot of fun and very addicting to just keep going :) Well executed and fun idea! Would love to see a polished version of it!

Alright alright, this game is great. You guys did amazing work! The art and music is wonderful and the animation is just absolutely adorable with the little guy bouncing behind as you gathered speed! The controls might have felt weird, but I think it actually was for the better of the game. Gave it a bit more of a goofy feel. Some tweaking here and there is always possible of course, but all in all, well done :)

Don't know how to open the can though.. :D

Looks incredibly cute. Took me a little while to understand what exactly I was doing, but once I got it, it's pretty fun! I would recommend maybe leaving the tiniest bit of coyote time between the arrows changing and the player pressing though. Currently it felt like I was sometimes pressing the next arrow. I seem to have the worst timing and always press right as they're changing... :D Might also just be a me-issue. However, very well done for the short time span!
(Also, I just read that the arrows more from left to right in one of your previous answers, had not noticed that either. Woops :D)

Thanks a lot for the kind words! :D <3 We do hope to flesh it out post-jam for sure! Unfortunately we ran out of time for sound and animation, but we'll keep all feedback in mind :)

Nice little game! :D Well done! I like being able to see the AI. Pretty easily figured out where I could place units, however it might be nice to display the cost of a unit somewhere. Also took me way too long to figure out I could collect the coin bags. I guess 2am me is not the brightest. However, all in all for 48 hours this is very nice! Good job :D

I liked how it incorporated the Resident Evil fixed cameras and stuff. Definitely felt like playing a zombie from the actual games. The music fits great too and makes it feel nicely eerie! Saw the file size and instantly knew it was Unreal :D We love you, Unreal <3 Either way, for 48 hours, you did a great job! Had to get a little used to the controls every time the cameras switched, but all in all, great work! The characters looked great as well! :)

Well executed! Can be quite the challenge, but that's not necessarily bad! :)

The music and graphics are amazing and the gameplay is also very enjoyable! Nice job! Loved how hectic it felt and the skeletons are kind of adorable :) Well done!

It looks adorable! Controls felt like my little mouse moved a little fast at times , but I've also never been the greatest gamer, so might also just be my lack of skill :D  Also the death sound breaks my heart every time. All in all, a good game! Well done! :)

Thanks for trying it out :) Glad you enjoyed it!

Took me a little to find a way to remember what items were what, but it does make sense in the end :D Definitely becomes very hard at the end, but was very enjoyable. Liked the art style and music as well

Played it from the game page instead of the random submission page and it worked flawlessly! Nice game. I very much enjoy puzzle games and while the premise is technically simple, the puzzles themselves are of an enjoyable difficulty. Cute graphics and great sounds. Very fun and satisfying :) Would love to play more of it!

It's a cute puzzle game with some nice potential for sure! I'll be honest, by the time I understood what I had to do, I had already finished it.. :D Would love to see this worked out even more!

Pretty nice game! Very enjoyable platformer. Not too easy, but also not frustratingly hard at least :) Definitely liked the music and visual changes between the worlds. I feel like the attack side could be used a little more with maybe some enemies, but besides that, pretty good!

Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it! :D

Aw man, that hurt :( We love you, Bob! <3 Either way, fun little game!

Nice work! I've never been more stressed about a fish, haha. I'm never very good at typing games, but this one was doable :) Took me a while to realise I didn't need to press all the buttons within the time of the bar depleting at the bottom. Made a lot of mistakes because of that, but after realising, it became a lot easier. Maybe make that bar go as fast as the time that you have? :D

I like the idea of the game! I would definitely speed up the battles though. It's a bit slow :) I also do like the idea of just giving the worst cards possible. Maybe if you add some information on the monsters coming up, there could even be some extra strategy in it! However, all in all, good job!

Controls feel great! Loved playing it and looks nice! Especially for 24 hours, this is quite impressive. Well done!

Nice game! Worked first try for me too, so that was nice. Really liked the concept. Some more dungeons and having the dungeoneers take random routes would be nice, but otherwise, great job! :D Was quite fun!

Aww, thanks for giving it another shot and the kind words! :) <3  I'm glad you figured it all out though! We will definitely look into the performance issues at a later time still :D

Very cool concept and actually great fun! I mainly wish I had a little bit more time during a level. It's pretty hard :D

Fun concept. Also had the problem of the enemy freezing up during the second attack phase however. In which case I could click away the enemy's card's icons, but nothing else really happened anymore. Also didn't really know what the special powers were, but I think that would also have been more clear the longer I'd be able to play. However, for as far as I could tell, it felt like a fun game! Well done!

Looks very nice and loved the tutorial bit. I need more of that motherboard! The comments were also pretty fun :) However, I'm lacking a little bit of strategy or so. Currently it's just click what comes available whenever it becomes available. Also, being able to see how many of something you have to load, might be nice! Love the sound and art though! Nicely done!

Oh boy, those are some disturbing.. creatures.. :D Definitely nailed a horror aesthetic. Sounds fit really well.

(1 edit)

Thanks for playing and for the feedback! <3 :) While not technically intentional, we did encounter the farmer flying a couple of times as well. Wasn't too game-breaking and kind of funny, so we didn't really care fixing it for the game jam :D

As for the lag, it could be the AI. Honestly, most of the assets are too low poly and the material is too simple for them to cause too much lag, but we'll have a better look at it another time when we have some time again for sure. Thanks for the idea though! :) 

(1 edit)

Aw man, this is actually a great game. Both visually and how it played. I had a blast! Great job! :) Not too easy either. I like what you did in terms of AI. For two days, this is amazing! Well done! All I can really nitpick about it, is that the checkmark and cross when placing a tower aren't too visible. Might want to give them a slight background or something, and/or put them under the tower you are placing, so they appear where the player is looking. Missed them the first time around! However, that's really a minor thing!

Edit: Also, maybe up the contrast a little between the text and background of your page? It's kind of hard to read :)

Very short, but honestly, I had a lot of fun with what was there! Fun concept and fun to play. Maybe if you have more time, you could do even more with it, but well done for one day! :)

Awww, thank you! We are hoping to! <3 :D Thanks for playing it!

At first I was wondering where the horror was in the gameplay and then it just turned more and more disturbing. Nice take on the theme. A little confused as to why the babies were falling into the lake, but hey, I can roll with it :D Those 25 fishermen is pretty brutal with the full reset on missing even one though. All in all, good job though!

At first I was wondering where the horror was in the gameplay and then it just turned more and more disturbing. Nice take on the theme. A little confused as to why the babies were falling into the lake, but hey, I can roll with it :D Those 25 fishermen is pretty brutal with the full reset on missing even one though. All in all, good job though!

Thank you for these kind words! Glad you enjoyed playing it! <3 :)

Such a cute game! Felt very polished and honestly was a lot of fun too! Great work :) Loved the little dinos and their animations and the physics on them feel great. Wasn't entirely sure sometimes when I could or couldn't move a platform as they sometimes felt like they were stuck even if the blue dino was not on or close to the platform, but had a blast either way. Well done!

Pretty fun game, love the concept! All if all, I'd say you guys did a great job. The rams still gave a little bit of variety in the gameplay. All sheep look very cute as well! I did manage to get myself flying by walking over a rock and couldn't hit anything any more, because of it, but it was basically the end of the day anyway, so all fine :)

Thanks! <3 Glad you liked it. Will definitely be looking into some sound effects next time :)

True! Next time we will definitely add sound! :) Thanks for giving it a shot!