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A member registered Dec 21, 2016 · View creator page →

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I love the idea of choosing your own path through the world and having that choice reflected in the level structure. The character is fun to control and the level gen never felt unfair. Would love to see more of this—nice work!

Having the attacks on the beat makes the more frenzied moments really great. I think you could definitely get into a flow state given the right circumstances. As is tradition I'm not great it this but I enjoyed what I saw 😊

I didn't quite know where this was going but I should did enjoy the jourey. Even though, as you say, it's not particularly fun or deep you still managed to make it work as an experience. And that ending 👌

This is genius! I am not good at it but each game is still a huge joy. Really happy to see you're continuing to develop this post-jam!

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This is a really cool concept and what you've shown here is really promising! Would love to see more of it! I'm sure a few QOL features and maybe a slightly more forgiving "regular" mode and you've got a cracker of a game on your hands 😃

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Right, thanks for the clarification, I really appreciate the insight! I'll be honest—it's not something I'd consciously considered but I do like giving context to player actions in aggregate. This is mostly inspired by things like morgue files from roguelikes and the somewhat cuter+more succinct summaries you get at the end of Spelunky levels, but also having spent a considerable amount of time in a professional context taking significant quantities of data and making sense of them and the pleasure in that reification.

Thanks for the thorough feedback, BillyB0nes, glad to hear my intentions connected with your experience!

I'm curious how you decided what time to assign as the goal for each run.
It was a combination of just doing a few runs, seeing what the numbers looked like and picking what seemed to be reasonable numbers:

I tried to make the time feel fair without being overly generous.

this is probably on your list of 'to dos', but my suggestion would be some visual cues to help people mentally map the space.

Indeed it was! The space is a definitely too geometrical and spartan as it stands, but if I work on this further then I'm hoping to garnish the various names in the asteroids with a sense of place too.

Thanks for the feedback, tiimtoon!

You really seem to have a way with data

How do you mean "have a way with data"? I am intrigued  😄

This is a fantastic first game jam entry! I really enjoy the strategy of where to where to place the tiles and the slow reveal of the map, would be great to see this idea expanded further.

I have not won a game yet but I am enjoying losing 😅 The UI does a great job of getting out of your way and the look, sound + feel are really nice. If I had an iPhone I would be all over this game!

This is the kind of game I always knew I wanted (i.e something like Spelunky that isn't combat–centric) but could never play. The movement feels just right, the art is delightful and all the SFX and music fit perfectly. I know it's "just" a demo but the potential it shows is amazing, up with this sort of thing  ⬆️

A triumph! I'm thinking of giving up my unemployment and taking up grounds keeping.

Love the chill music and the finicky lawnmower. Would you consider uploading your cart to the Lexaloffle BBS, then it would be trivial to play from anyone's PICO-8  😁

Thanks for playing, pancelor! And thanks for confirming that the game can be completed, I only ever got to the end with code hacks 😅  

As for the aspect ratio—I was just copying what I did for past games and I honestly can't recall why I used that ratio. Thanks for the tip, will fix it here and for the other PICO-8 games!  🙏

Alien hostiles—dealt with! Feels like this would've been right at home on an Atari 2600.

Worth persevering on macOS to play this, it's a real treat! The bouncing is good, the plinking is good, the looks are good—it is good.

You do a lot with a little and it's a neat little loop which feels like there's more to explore. An interesting time was had!

I liked where this was going, the mechanics are quite satisfying, but not sure quite where to go once I reached the bottom. Would like to play more of this!

This is is a fun chill game that is very pleasing to play. Would love to see what else you can do with it, Cody!

Solid thrusting mechanics, would be nice to have a solution to turtle–backing. Good chaotic fun in two–player.

I made the right choice (on the suitably sinister left hand side) and went to hell. Great effort, noahpoole! Looking forward to see what you make next 👀

Winning entry here having kept it short on nearly every axis! Now if only there were a game where the tiles could be swapped to fight the fires somehow …

This might be the hardest version of Snake I have played, so it meant when playing each game I could keep it short. A neat little brain bender 😄 🐍

The immediacy of the game is a delight. Having to parse the text and apply the rules mentally is an interesting challenge. A very compelling entry.

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I played maybe 5 games on Beginner but couldn't finish the task but then something clicked and I got through to Grandmaster (but not yet past!) in quick succession. For a game with minimal movement it felt like there was a lot going on in a brain–teasery sort of way, it's good!

Love the concept of this game and enjoyed the levels I could get through, would be keen to play this on a controller (I played on a Macbook  😬) with a slightly gentler ramp up in difficulty. The presentation is great and the SFX are spot on.

Just incredibly charming and a great take on Snake. Having to manage the space that you navigate through is quite satisfying and often bewildering, but in a good way. The graphics are very clean and pleasing to the eye  👌

Thanks! Glad you, and others, enjoying zipping around as that's where I wanted the to be fun, the game structure, such that it is, ended up being cobbled together at the last minute.

Marvellous, mission accomplished :D

I have a real soft spot for programs that have simple automata which plug away at their basic tasks with no particular goal in mind. Even if it's not a game as such it is a pleasant sequence of interactions. On a separate note—Line Cook is a fun game, I appreciate that my customers had patience while I desperately put together their orders :D

This invoked unexpected feelings of nostalgia for single–screen strategy games circa Amiga 500. Which is to say I wasn't quite sure what I was doing but enjoyed doing it :)

Love the idea, now I wish more platformers would have this kind of dynamic terrain as ongoing obstacle course mechanic.

Saving the best for last eh?

> Submitted 3 minutes, 46 seconds before the deadline

There's a lot to like here: slick aesthetic, amusing background bants, mind–melting higher dimensional reasoning. Another entry that I would love to see more of!

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This game is a treasure. It's been a while since words in a game made me laugh out loud like this one did, looking forward to playing through again and seeing the non–MAD ending. I am eagerly awaiting the inevitable BBC 4 radio play adaptation.

This is a very charming jam entry and a good deal of fun! The clankity-clank rolling is a satisfying and the boost controls are just loose enough to make it challenging without it being a chore. Up with this sort of thing!

Thanks, pancelor! Yeah there's a bug I've never nailed down where occasionally exitting a sticky floor with speed shoes breaks acceleration 😔 Sorry about that, hope I can track it down and fix it one day!

The way this game reveals itself is very pleasing. Reminds me of the alpha Desktop Dungeons in a way (possibly concrete, it's been a while) and has a similarly compelling draw to it.

This very much kindled a yearning for the kind of intangible but tantalizing game this manual represents (for me). The largely, but not entirely, comprehensible instructions provoke a nostalgia for those games we had read of but not yet experienced. It's a real delight!

I did not achieve a state of Zen or learn anything about motorcycle maintenance but I did enjoy my time on the road.

Agree with other comments about the movement 👌 The idea of what this could be is quite appealing, but for some reason I kept going straight into the void after the first phase.

A lovely experience that has both a pun and user generated music, two of my favourite things together at last!

P.S. The executable didn't run out of the box (missing DLLs) but ran fine with love.exe.