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A member registered Feb 29, 2024 · View creator page →

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I really like the art and audio. The gameplay is relaxing but I feel like storm fase should be more exciting. The rest of the game feels polished great submission!

(1 edit)

Yes indeed we had a lot more ideas on the list we wanted to add. The ability to upgrade the player and the turret where on it together with a way to gain health.

I was sadly enough working a full time job on the side :’) so time was the real problem. Thanks for playing and the feedback!

HHahhaha the game gets so hectic after only 15 seconds it’s amazing! So unique, and the art style works well. I had a blast replaying the game and improving every single time. The fact that they care so much about eating that they don’t even care about the fire is so funny to me! :) Great game!

The idea of completing the level in the calm phase and retrieving the item in the storm phase is unique and very fitting to the theme. The game looks really good, and the challenge was fun but a little too hard.

Great game!

Wauw! The graphics and audio are very nice. The feeling I get when I kill those enemies is similar to smashing a mosquito pretty awesome XD The game has this very polished feel to it. Great game!

I saved the village! I like the emphasis on the calm aspect of the theme. It was nice and relaxing. You get the player to create a tree that is strong and resilient, and you leave enough time to make it your own unique, beautiful tree. The art and audio are also very nice!

Great game!

I also got softlocked in the game, sadly enough, because I would have loved to see where the story went. The abstract interpretation of the theme is great, and the French voice lines were a nice touch.

The idea is great and verry solid. The storm could use some tweeking tho. Making the storm faster or slower based on how many items you throw in it or how many times you switch direction would be intresting.

Great game!

The dog in the dialogue was nice :) The gameplay is solid, the chickens are pretty dumb though XD

Great game!

Great suggestion!

Thanks for playing!

Thanks for the encouragement and thank you for playing!

Thanks for the constructive feedback!

And thank you for playing :)

Thanks for playing!

Thanks for the constructive feedback. Balancing is always a struggle so we dicided to make it pretty difficult.

Thanks for playing!

Very unique and mathy game. If I had to describe the game in two words to a friend, I would say ‘Geogebra game.’ I love that! I would have liked to see more levels and a mechanic for blending waves instead of only tuning one. But what an Awesome game really well done! :)

The graphics are really cool. they make the game run really fast for 3D in the browser :) The music puts you in a sort of dream state. and the storm was scary. So you checked all those boxes =]

I would have loved it to be a little bigger, but still, Great game!!

(2 edits)

Yes, I think so too. It was my idea, though :) Anyway, thanks for playing the game!

Damn the storm fase is really satisfying when you kill 4 zombies in 1 click. There is no better feeling :)

Great game!!

Thanks for playing!

I like the art style and the sounds. The story is also relatable to my own life :’)

I think the player should get some more movement abilities because the movement is somewhat repetitive. But still a Great game!

I love the way you introduce the player to the game. It really grabbed my attention, and I was fully immersed. I also like these sorts of grindy games where you build tons of stuff and need to keep it up and running. The part with killing the pigs is pretty brutal, though…

Overall Great game!!

I like the abstract interpretation of a storm as traffic. The graphics are also very smooth. The cars sometimes have funny behaviors one just started spinning, so that was pretty funny. :)

Great game!!

I liked the grappling hook you use to navigate the circling tower. The sound and UI are also nice. I would have loved some sort of enemy to create tension in the game.

Overall great job!

The switch from the calm phase to the storm phase is really satisfying. I liked the gameplay, but the storm phase is really difficult. Great game!

Anyway, I may be a bit biased because I love sheep. <3

The game is pretty fun. I would have liked some sort of timer to see when the hunter would shoot. overal Great game!

It feels like you combined Tetris with Factorio and made it turn based. And it feels good :)

Nice atmosphere overall. Great game!

Yes, thanks for the suggestion and thanks for playing!

Yes, we had this idea but didn’t have enough time to implement it… It was a 2 men project and i had to work a full-time job on the side. But thanks for playing the game, and we appreciate the feedback.

This was my first ever game jam. I liked it a lot and i will be joining more in the future :)

I like the art style. It comes together nicely. The gameplay is pretty basic, but overall, good job