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A member registered Jan 04, 2018 · View creator page →

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Thanks so much :) Planning on updating the controls soon!

Yay thanks Vic!!! :) Big success hehe

Thanks so much, I'm glad you liked it :) 

Thanks Bardent! Glad you liked it :)

SO CUTE. Love the graphics. Love the atmosphere and design. The little floating orbs, the plants. The grandpa turnip is so awesome and badass. The concept is so solid. VERY satisfying when you beat a level. The sound effects are perfect. Man just loving the game. Wishing it was a bit easier so I could get a bit farther. But man I'm just all around a big fan of this! Well done.

Cool game! Satisfying little gungeon with good controls and the difficulty was spot on. Loved your little assets, the colour scheme, and the different sprites/circles to show the pause effects. 

Couple times some of the baddies would just turn invisible? I'm not sure if that was part of the mechanic. Would have been nice to see the rewind just use the progress bar and no cooldown - sometimes i'd press it quickly once and get like 0.01s of rewinding and then i have to wait for the whole cool down to use it again. 

Well done, whole game ahas a really nice vibe to it, very cohesive styling and well polished!

AWESOME game man. 5's across the board. Music was epic and fun. Tutorial was cute and sweet and informative. Controls were super smooth and satisfying. Hitting that bomb was like YES. Rewind mechanic was sweet. Kinda hard to dodge the piggies but I aint mad. Collecting those gems was like YES. Sound FX like YES. UI was perfect & informative. Man oh man well done. 

Would be nice to see this stretched out into a proper level based platformer!

AWESOME game man. 5's across the board. Music was epic and fun. Tutorial was cute and sweet and informative. Controls were super smooth and satisfying. Hitting that bomb was like YES. Rewind mechanic was sweet. Kinda hard to dodge the piggies but I aint mad. Collecting those gems was like YES. Sound FX like YES. UI was perfect & informative. Man oh man well done. 

Would be nice to see this stretched out into a proper level based platformer!

Finally got to play this game (thank you internet!) Such a beautiful little game. Loved the peaceful music, very relaxing. Moving the camera was easy and the level as a whole is just expertly designed. At one point the little numbers were no longer above the boats properly so I had a hard time locating my little boaties.. but I think maybe they just got blown by the tornado to hard. 

Really well done, such a polished game! Oh and the leaderboard/ranking at the end was absolutely gorgeous! Congrats guys :D

Finally got to play this game (thank you internet!) Such a beautiful little game. Loved the peaceful music, very relaxing. Moving the camera was easy and the level as a whole is just expertly designed. At one point the little numbers were no longer above the boats properly so I had a hard time locating my little boaties.. but I think maybe they just got blown by the tornado to hard. 

Really well done, such a polished game! Oh and the leaderboard/ranking at the end was absolutely gorgeous! Congrats guys :D

Great little game! Loved the graphics, and the rift mechanic was super cool! I found the level a bit confusing at first but got the hang of it. Really love the look and feel with the grey of the rift and the sound slowing when you enter it, super immersive. Also the way you layered the assets, the tutorial at the beginning, the music - everything just makes it feel really polished. Well done :)

Ouch!!! looks painful! 
Thanks for sharing heh <3

Music by Jesse aka Phaze - I put his links in the description :)

So glad you like it!!!

Beautiful game! Definitely was a bit confused of what was going on but that didn't make it unenjoyable :) Very relaxing, pretty art, and controls felt nice and smooth!

Well done! 4th level actually has a bug that makes it way harder so good on you for powering through :D

i said "wow. LOVE" out loud while playing this one. super great concept, love the glitch effects, the menu is great, tutorial is great, sound FX and music are very suitable, nice snappy and quick movement, great effects when leaving the circle, not too difficult but still challenging. supremely solid game! well done!!

i love playing anything as a scraggly old wizard. super cute game, as someone who uses the phrase "it's like herding cats" often i think this is a perfect digital representation of it. love the art, easy to play. well done!

Satisfying animations, satisfying gameplay, and the challenge mode only had a little hint of stress (enough to keep me going) - perfect balance! Love how you put the zen mode on too.

This is probably because I'm using a touchpad like a scrub but I would have personally preferred a click-then-click method to merge instead of a drag. That's entirely personal though and doesn't affect my opinion of this great game!

Loved the controls, loved the art, loved the upbeat music and just sliding around the map on this little derpy dinosaur. I forgot to deliver the mail I was so focused on eating the chickens ahah

Well done!

wow i LOVED it!! Such a unique way of controlling it. I'm glad I stumbled on this game, I saw your progress on twitter during the jam and remembered the crazy ol' vacuum :)

Well done!

It's just so pretty!!! Love the split screen idea

Wonderful colour scheme, great music, and simple to figure out! Not nearly as frustrating as other games that switch your controls hehe. Well done :)

I found the camera angle change button a bit confusing/never really got the hang of how to use it. Other than that, So so cute! LOVE the graphics, music, sound FX. Very satisfying when you get a good run in hehe

Super cute, love the sound effects, controls are great and easy, love how the cacti get hit too so it you get less protection as you progress. I agree that the bullets are hard to see but other than that super lovely game!

Very satisfying to get combos! Would be cool to get multiple guns/weapons to throw as the level gets harder for more chaos. 

Thanks! Yes there are only 4 levels total so that's not so bad hehe. With more time, perhaps after the jam is over, I'll expand the levels to increase in difficulty a bit slowr. Thanks so much

Thanks so much April! Yeah it's surprisingly hard hehe. I'm glad you liked it <3