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A member registered Dec 15, 2019 · View creator page →

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We're happy you are enjoying the game! We are very proud of it :)

Thank you for the localization offer. At the moment the game is not set up for Cyrillic (neither of the fonts used support it), so further localizations in non-latin scripts are going to have to wait. We'll keep you in mind if/when the time comes, though!


I already released the three most important parts of the engine (pathfinding, multitasking, dialogues):

Everything else is either gluing things together or having to do with inputs and GUIs.

I originally intended to release the whole thing, but it accumulated too much cruft and I don't have time to polish it and write a decent documentation for it. What I will likely do when I have a bit of time is releasing the engine source as is, so people can use it as a starting point.

That's needed in another room later. Have you been able to reach the ceiling above (or below) the eel?

Have you interacted with the eel yet?

"Once upon a Möbius strip" (which is actually the second one, but it's a prequel)

I'm not sure, check if adding them as admins works.

If I remember correctly from the last time I participated in a jam, if the contributors joined the jam and you add them as admins on the submission, they should be able to vote.

Incidentally, there is an actual fish in the previous Ines game.

By the way, if you are looking for a smaller font you could use the one from the original game, which supports less languages but it's smaller.

It's possible but it requires swapping out the font with a different one.  Doing this only for some lines is also possible but requires modifying the source code to add this functionality.

The autosave feature is a wonderful idea, now I wish I had thought of it for the original game!

There is no way to save, but you can enable the debug mode (see here) which allows you to switch between rooms quickly by pressing the numbers 1 to 4 on your keyboard.

Did you make any changes to the game source files? I tried running the default kit with your and I also get the error.

The game source should be in a zip file (, but you have it as a folder.

Yes, you first need to add the line to the game source, and then to the translation file. When added to the source it needs to be wrapped appropriately—for example if Ines says something, it should be something like INES(1025, "This is the text"), where 1025 is the id you assigned.

I figured out how to fix the error. I'll prepare a new version of the kit, but in the meantime it can be fixed manually by changing the source ( as follows:

  • Open the file assets/rooms/collector.tuba in a text editor
  • Find the line that says name = "new_poster"
  • Modify the line above so that baseline is -1 instead of 0
  • The final result should look like this

Good catch! It's a bug in the order in which things are drawn on the screen. The fix should be as easy as changing one number in one of the source files, I'll look into it as soon as I have access to a computer.

It seems the problem is the poster on the right though, which I think is also already included in the background, so you may be able to fix this by removing that poster from the PNG (including the English version).

When you add a line you need to assign an id to it (the number that you use in the translation file). Just make sure it's something that's not already used and you'll be fine.

That's what I did to make the outline (and the reason why I said to add the padding), but I created a script to do it for me instead of having to edit manually.

A way to make the outline manually that's easy is to create 8 copies of the font omg, offset by 1 pixel in all directions (including diagonally), make them all black and merge them, then add the original on top.

that's correct, without quotes. I'll edit the post to avoid confusion.

Can you check from the javascript console log of the browser if FMOD is giving any errors? If you don't know how to do that you can look here for instructions.

You could use an online Lua compiler like this one, copying the whole content of the translation file and trying to execute it. If it reports any errors it will also tell you where in the file.

(1 edit)

I investigated your submission, the problem is on line 296 in the translation file, where the wrong kind of quotes is used to enclose the string.

Are you able to access the javascript console of your browser? That would allow you to get the error message from the browser so we can figure out what the problem is. If you don't know how to do that you can upload your project to itch and send me the link, so I can take a look at it for you.

Make sure that you didn't end up with a single folder inside containing everything else (it happened to a few people already), as the engine cannot load the assets that way.

(1 edit)

You can investigate this kind of thing by looking at the source of the game ( The comments at the end of the line in the translation file tell you in which file the line appears (in this case rooms/collector.moon). It's a LOOK line, so it appears when the cursor goes over something (but it's possible that it only happens under certain conditions, which looking at the source can help you figure out).

(1 edit)

I made the necessary changes. I sent the updated kit to the organizer, with updated instructions on how to change this setting.

If you'd rather get the change immediately to test things you need to modify the game source ( by replacing the content of the file "say.lua" with this. After this is done, you can modify the duration of the text by adding the line (without quotes) "t.glyph_duration = 0.1" (change the value as needed, 0.1 is the default) to the file "text_translated.lua" after "local t = {}".

There is a way, but it requires modifying the source. I'll look into it to make it an easily changeable setting instead. It should be easy, so I should have something ready soon.

Yes, that's it! Make sure to disable it before uploading the final version of your game though, I made that mistake once and players broke the game by pressing random keys XD.

(2 edits)

That's correct. And if I remember correctly, the band does in fact reply that the hotspot label didn't technically say they are a band.

That refers to the text that appears under the cursor when you go over objects/character.

It's part of the joke, the player has four options for things to say but Ines ends up saying "...yes" instead.

When you  recreate the file after modifying the image you have to make sure that it has the same internal folder structure as the original. Often compression tools will create a zip file that has a single folder inside, which then contains all the other files. This prevents the engine from finding the files, so make sure it's not what's going on in your case.

È stato notato anche da altri. Domani l'organizzatore aggiornerà il kit, nel frattempo si può risolvere manualmente come descritto qui:

The currently uploaded version still has a "game" subfolder in the zip file. Everything should be in the top folder for it to work, otherwise the engine cannot find the files.

Do you know how to access the JavaScript console log in your browser? If you do you can check exactly what the error is from there and that can help me figure out what the problem is. Alternatively you can do an upload to itch and share the link with me so I can inspect.

That's a hidden option used for testing the credits, and is not meant to be translated (it wasn't wrapped in the necessary macros). It doesn't show up during the actual credits at the end of the game.

You can use fontbm to convert a ttf font to the required format, it's what I used to make the fonts for the game (I'm one of the authors). The font should be a pixel font and ideally a similar size to the one already there (although the engine will allow any size). There are some subtleties regarding the outlined version of the font (which I recommend having for legibility): when you create the font with fontbm you should add 1 pixel of padding in all directions, so that you can edit the resulting image to add a 1 pixel border. I made a script to do the outline for me, so I can help if needed.

One other thing to keep in mind is that the font should also support english text, otherwise the source will need to be modified to allow changing between fonts depending on the language chosen at the beginning.

We're glad you liked it!

Thanks! We're glad you enjoyed it :)