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A member registered 15 days ago · View creator page →

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thanks for playing!

this is amazing! the gameplay's great and the art and sfx fits really well together. well done!

thank you for playing!

thanks for playing!

thanks for playing!

thank you for playing! Like you said, the spikes really are hard to see. We'll learn from it.

thanks for playing! Now that you mention it, it's true we should have added an indication to go back to the start of the level after the storm hit, thanks for the insight!

sounds and visuals are insane. the upgrades are simple yet super noticeable (which I love). this game has serious potential, congrats!

it's actually really fun. it's hard but fair and the audio and visuals are well made. tigers biting the curb tho.

Thanks man it means a lot.

the game feels awesome. the attacks are satisfying, the visuals are gorgeous and the music fits  everything together really well. The menu's have some persona level of polish and details. amazing game and amazing quality!

the visuals are insane! the game is fun too, attacking is satisfying and balanced. great work!

fun combat and cool visuals! the game did crash at the second obligatory fight though.

the visuals looks good and the gameplay has cool potential! a sensitivity slider would be great.

looks good and feels good! but i dont hear audio, is it intentional?

controls are really good. the graphics too and the music fit just right. really nice!

you're right. thank you for playing!

that's true. thanks for playing!

i really like how the projectiles work.

thanks for the feedback! great game btw

thank you!

W voice acting

amazing art and storytelling

pretty cool

art is phenomenal

cool concept

I really like the controls

its great how most events happen at the same time.

well polished.



insane art

really cool potential for a more developped game.

really cool potential for a more developped game.

control doesnt work for me. looks really good though.

crazy potential