I'm just poking fun. I really liked the original Batty Vamps as it played a lot like the original Chopper(mac). And the first time BattyVamps was submitted to DD/agdg halloween jam 2021 was also the same time that I submitted Hidden/ShadowStalker for the first time.
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Great game, I love the art and the sound design and the general "gamefeel" of moving around in the giant mech, you definitely got it down.
Performance (mainly stutters) was one of the main downsides but I think that can easily be fixed.
Level design at least in the first few levels looked (but not played) very undercooked, but honestly you shouldn't worry about that until close to release or unless you want some really nice screenshots for promotional material.
About the weapon switching and the shotgun, the shotgun either fires way too slow or doesn't do enough damage(which sucks because I love shotguns), at least not enough to be used instead of the gatling gun. when I would use it, it wasn't very rewarding as when I wanted to switch off of it the switching felt too slow.
A way to fix the feel of weapon switching if you want to keep the weapon switching slow (it's a giant mech hauling around giant weapons so I don't blame you if you do) would be to add some feedback, probably with a sound file that plays when switching or some bouncy first-person animations for the switching.
One thing with the lock-on launcher, It felt really inconsistent to use. I'm not sure if it was modeled after the SPIKE LR2 where it shoots up into the air before coming back down, so in my case it kept smashing into the ceiling. But sometimes it would just fly straight towards the enemy and insta-kill them (which felt really rewarding.) Not sure if bug or just quirk of using the weapon so it wouldn't be too OP compared to the other secondaries (which it almost already feels like, because I wouldn't use any of the other secondary weapons.)
Overall, great art, great gameplay, great sound design, performance can be fixed, map design can be worked on later when you feel comfortable with the rest of the game.
All in all, I think this game is GMI.
(Only other game you have to compete with is Psycho Patrol R, but his art style isn't for everyone and from the looks of it, the actual mech gameplay doesn't look nearly as fun as what (A)woken currently has.
I love the wiki, I felt like I ran down a rabbit hole just shifting through it. The tutorial is surprisingly easy to break and get stuck in after you finish. (got who knows how many errors after smashing my keyboard buttons and clicking on random things trying to get back to the menu). Overall great work, and I am trying to get to the dreaded "pink" planet people are talking about.
Made it to the tree level, after that no matter how many times I pressed restart from checkpoint the next level wouldn't unlock after I killed everyone.
While the combat is really well made it kind of gets a little stale since there is no sound or anything to do besides get to the next level, have you thought of adding a shop or a ranking system like DMC or Ultrakill?
Can't wait for you to add sound.
Also there aren't any monster girls.
Everything about this game is fun. The SFX are very well done. I almost left a bug report for when you get your eyes poked out. I also found a way to cheese the first boss. If you allow him to follow you to the edge of the level one of his guns will get stuck behind the wall. Besides that it was a very fun boss fight.
The humor in the game is very deadpan/tongue-in-cheek but not too over the top where it becomes cringem, I highly enjoyed it. Very cute/stylish game.
I've played so much FTL that I didn't even need the tutorial and enjoyed figuring out everything.
While holding down shift is ok, I would recommend coloring the icons for the different rooms or at least darkening them/increasing the contrast so it's easier to see where everything is at a glance.
Highly enjoy the music, almost seems like it adapts to what is happening (is it?). Can't wait to see the designs for the other ships. I would probably also like to see selecting multiple characters at once.
Love me' crab ship. simple as.
Nothing I can say will be different than what others have already said. It feels like a full-fledged game. Combat feels wonkey at first but you can used to it very quickly. The feedback from combat such as the sounds, the blood, and the animations makes combat rewarding.
My only suggestion is maybe work on the ui a tiny bit more. the main HUD is already great but the pages for the pause menu, and some of the other ui (not the spellbook, the spellbook is already perfect 10/10) could use some more coherensy; Such as maybe not having them so bright and vibrant. and maybe match each other a little more.
Other than that it feels like an already complete game.
Movement and camera controls are great. Combat feels good and rewarding when I can actually get it working (I can tell it's in it's early stages and can't wait to see how it turns out). Level and creature design are really good and just get me immersed. The one complaint I have is the combat feels very hit/miss; it either works really well or it just doesn't work at all.
Got stuck in the dialogue system and couldn't leave. Also the buttons in the dialogue system don't work. The movement/combat feels great, but the design choice of having the camera controls set up like they are and being able to jump in a top-down game are confusing to me. The respawn animation really stood out to me, it is really cool.
Great work overall.
Thanks for playing the prototype. You can throw snowballs from anywhere because you are going to need to throw snowballs at targets at certain heights and I thought it was funny. I tried making it so you could only throw snowballs while standing still/it would force you to stand still and it wasn't fun. I'll see what I can do about the floaty aspect but it might make some of the puzzles/goals a lot harder to hit.
The 64 in the name is literally something I came up with while submitting the project. I don't even know why I did it either, lmao.