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I loved it, my only issue was with timing your motion. As it was, if you wanted to go somewhere, you had to time it pretty well, and if you over or under shoot, then you need to restart. I think it would be neat if you can press the direction multiple times, but once you press a different direction, you can't use it anymore. That way, if you want to get to a certain point, you can press the forwards button multiple times to get to the precise location. This wouldn't affect the puzzle of the game, just allow you to do more complex manoeuvres. Still though, super cool game, good job on the graphics.

Thank you for your feedback!

That's exactly what we want to try next, my only issue is that it's a bit harder to explain at first, so we will have to find a good way to introduce it.

Thanks for playing !

I know what you mean. It's pretty frustating when it happens.

But I think your solution will break how we decided to include the theme in our game.If you can go in each direction many times there is no more "only one" :(

We will highlight the next square the player will go on to fix this issue :)