The player controller definitively needs some work: player is too fast (usually games have the opposite issue), feels like slides on ice, controls are very unresponsive (like tere is a sorta of delay), and some quality of life features, like Koyote Time and Jump Buffer (i usually reccomend this video when talking about those: Also i'd liked some checkpoint because it was a bit frustrating having to do the same progress over and over. Oh, and also If you die, and then restart the music doesn't reset
Ok, enough with the "bad" feedback: the game music and art are really good (ik they are from various asset packs, but still... :P) and the game has a good premise, and i'm sure that if the player controller was a little bit better (and maybe some checkpoint) I'd definitely had played until the end.
From what i've seen, this is your first game, and if that's true, this isn't bad at all!! (I mean, it isn't bad anyway, except for the player controller, but still...), especially for your age!! I'm sure that you'll make great games, with time!! DON'T GIVE UP!! :D
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