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A jam submission

Sealmeu - The White Dragon's MelodyView project page

Submitted by Sealmeu — 2 hours, 16 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Correlation to theme#493.4443.444

Ranked from 18 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

I imagined a game with the Zelda aesthetics, and this song would be the soundtrack where the white dragon tells his story, from hard times to the moment he shines and become a proud white dragon.

I used Reaper as DAW. The orchestra is made with "Albion One", the piano with "The Grandeur" and the percussions with "Action Strike".
I used this jam to experiment with the orchestra composition.

Message from the artist
I entered this jam thinking I had the weekend free to work peacefully on this track but then I came up with only 10 hours free.
Nevermind because it's just for fun and I did have it! This was my first OST jam and I really liked it so I can't wait to enter another one again in the future.


Chronicles of the Azure Sky: The White Dragon's Melody
Picture theme

How does it fit the theme?
It tells a story of a dragon that passed hard times until he became the proud and strong white dragon.

Link(s) of the submission on streaming services

Soundtrack use permission

Yes (CC BY)

Any project

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That intro piano is so sweet. Kind of wish there was more piano parts lol. Very cool borrowed chords. Great work!


Thanks man! I'm not a pianist but I'm having fun improvising...not enough pro to make a full song of it ahhahah


Excellent work! I like all instruments of this song,it each good workings.


Thank you very much!! 🙏🏻


I really liked the piano intro and sound effects with it! though i think it went in a bit undefined of a direction after that part. Great work regardless though


Thanks you very much!!

Yes, I agree that the direction is not clear, I'll do Better next time

Thanks you very much for the feedback, I appreciated :)


Hey fellow Reaper user!! I really loved the piano passage around 1:15 - I think adding more from the low end instruments when everything else kicks in might help with the climax you mentioned in the previous comment! Anyways, not criticism, just an observation - great work! 


Hey Reaper Bro! Thanks you very much for the appreciation and for the comment! 

Every observation and suggestion are really appreciated! So thanks you for the advice, I needed It :)


I really liked the piano sections and the orchestral section but I think it could be even better with a bigger climax. as it is it never feels like it reaches the heights I'm expecting it to.


Yes, I agree with you that it needs a climax. I'm now learning how to write orchestral sections.
Thank you very much for listening to it and for the nice comment :)


I like the balance and calm feel to the piano. It depicts a scene very nicely. 


Thank you very much man! Glad you liked it :)


I loooove the piano parts, they're so gorgeously written and mixed. I think having time to balance your orchestral elements with more modulation (first orchestral section) would have helped, but I do like how the mix sounds in the second orchestral strain. Interesting how the piece can take itself in so many different orchestral directions and when it returns to the piano, it sounds so unified and great. I almost want those orchestral sections to feel bigger to contrast the piano... this is nice work; I really like it!


I love the echoey piano parts too! I want to reply to this comment too because I agree with a lot of things -- from the appreciation of the orchestral elements and creative directions this track took. And the main thing I agree with is that the orchestral sections can feel even bigger! 


Thank you very much! I promise I will learn to write more realistic orchestral sections...maybe I should start by listening to classical music first ahahah
So glad you liked the piano parts! Thanks man :)


Hey man I'm so thankful for the comment you made! I'm glad you liked's the first time I publish a track of mine and I was really nervous.
You're right about the orchestral elements, I'm now studying how to write them and can't wait to figure out how to let them sound more realistic.
Thanks again for listening to it and commenting :)