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A jam submission

The Summoning FlightView project page

Submitted by PasionFrog — 13 hours, 47 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Correlation to theme#84.2504.250

Ranked from 16 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

I composed a soundtrack for an RPG type game. My inspiration for a specific game was similar to Skyrim if it were based in Eastern Mythology. At least that is what I was going for.

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Please be nice to me.


Chronicles of the Azure Sky: The White Dragon's Melody
Picture theme

How does it fit the theme?
My composition fits the theme I believe because of the inspiration of the image that takes from Eastern worldly mythology and folk tales. I composed a piece to what I would think would be a fitting theme for summoning a legendary dragon from folk lore for a battle or adventure, then sending the dragon back to its lair to rest until the next call to action.

Link(s) of the submission on streaming services

Soundtrack use permission

Yes (CC BY)

Any project

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I really enjoy the mounting suspense over the track as it grows higher and higher, almost like ascending to the heavens. The amount of texture you've packed into all of those rapid fire notes feels fantastic. Great job!


First of all - thank you for showing the sheet music. I love videos of pieces with the sheet music, it really helps me listen to it more thoroughly.

The main theme is, in my opinion, prefect for this context - very folky, pretty catchy, and not too bright or dark.

I also like the juxtaposition of the very fast melody that comes right after the folky tune, though I would perhaps make it a bit slower (maybe 16th notes instead of 32nd?).

The flying part is also has a nice juxtaposition with the first part, and is very fitting. It's chaotic nature seems intentional (it's really stravinsky-like), and I think it definitely works, but if you intend to continue to work on this piece, I would maybe work on it to make it feel a bit more cohesive, while still keeping the chaos in it.

The last theme being the first one is really nice, and it helps the classical feel of this piece, in having this ABA structure.

Great piece, good work!


Superb composition. Exceptionally appropriate. My only critique is the virtual instrument one, where its clear that given the time constraints, there isn't enough time to do all the cleanup and tweaking of dynamics to make them sound natural. Sometimes a bit of a high quality reverb cranked up a bit can help blend some of the VST sound.

Heh, I'd love to sing on a soundtrack like this to tie some instruments together. One of my favorite soundtracks is from the movie Hero. That might even be my favorite soundtrack of all time, can't decide between that and Lord of the Rings. Anyways...

Really good work. If you can find more ways to break out of the "VST" midi sound, you'll be creating top-notch soundtracks.


Thank you for the advice! I'm not too savvy with audio aspects so I appreciate the help. Thank you for listening! :)


The orchestration was great,  felt like traditional Chinese music. I love all of the runs on the winds and strings


I'm still getting comfortable with the string composition. I'm happy how it came out. Thank you for listening! :D


Great work! All those fluttery winds really give that flight vibe. I can feel the eastern inspiration in this


Thank you!


I liked the part where all the bass drum hits came in really fast.


The timpani was something I added on a whim and am really satisfied how it came out. Glad you liked it!