Nailed the SNES vibe - the chosen patches and voicings really brought me back immediately.
Tower of Illusion feels multifunctional - I could imagine in it in an intro, as a title theme or a track that kicks off right as the player gains control before setting out on an adventure. Great choice of voicings here - it has a triumphant kind of tone to it but not a distinct fanfare, if that makes sense?
Living in Paradise is a great follow-up; feels exactly like what I'd expect to follow the previous track. Ambles along at its own pace with some nice melodies and progression. I love the occasional cheeky trills and arpeggio bursts here in particular - a little bit of extra ear candy!
Journey Towards Reality is gorgeous - the change in voicings here hits hard. Really nice choice of patches and layering here. The wind melody feels comfortably lost amidst the accompaniment and slowly comes to the top before dropping out in favour of the piano. I think this may be my favorite of the bunch, honestly.
Mystical Power does a great job of striking a balance between awe & wonder and a slight sense of tension or perhaps trepidation is better. Befitting of the title as it feels as though the player has discovered something massive and there's this equal sense of curiosity and wariness that comes with approaching it and learning more about it. Really nice arrangement here - I love how the various melodies weave around one another without the mix sounding crowded.
Conspiracy, by contrast, abandons that balance and is up front about how it wants you to feel. Great orchestration here to really set the tone and make no allusions about the thick tension present here. I think you killed it with this one as 16-bit era games had a very specific way of going about ambient, dark kind of tracks that I can't quite put to words but you've managed to emulate perfectly. It's a weird mix of light sound design, drones and some use of chromatics to subvert expectations of where the mood is going.
Finally, Encounter is gorgeous! This has a fanfare kind of flair to it; the big battle has finally come and the player must now put their skills to the test. Again, really nice orchestration here and I love the piano work that comes in and out in this. Great use of dynamics in this as well - the arrangement swells and backs off multiple times, emulating the flow of a final encounter.
All in all, great work - this is super solid. Brought me back and makes me nostalgic for a game that doesn't exist! Nicely arranged, well produced and with some fantastic choice of patches and voicings.
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