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Ordos Mk.0

A member registered Sep 23, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thank you!

No problem I enjoyed my time listening :)

thank you :)

thank you :)

thank you :)

I like this a lot, feels both very calm and yet also dystopian! Agree with the others that it's a great bass sound but I also really like the stuff you layer on top of it.

this is a lovely song, very full of emotion!

love how the arpeggio and drums fit over the piano & strings, all sounds great!

This is really nice! Great melodies throughout and all the different sections contrast nicely without feeling too separate from each other.

I can hear this as the soundtrack to a silent hill game, where the transition to the darker version of the world happens mid train journey.

Really well composed & mixed and also engaging throughout!

I really like this! It reminds me quite a bit of the soundtrack for Sim City 3000, which is a favourite of mine.

I read in your comment below about your struggles with the software and controlling the dynamics but I thought for the most part it sounded pretty good in that regard! Only a couple of spots where I thought it built up to a point that felt a bit overly loud but other than that all pretty good!

All of the little motifs you've used to build the track are very good!