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oya_bazookateam published a game 5 years ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
In Oya, discover a world populated by strange creatures, with whom you can interact with points of attraction.
Team Sonata published a game 5 years ago
A downloadable game.
Controles : ZQSD pour le déplacement, espace pour le saut, E pour changer le thème musical Explorez l'environnement musical de Phyllon et utilisez les bons thèmes musicaux pour progresser et résoudre les énigmes. Direction Artistique...
GravityBox published a game 5 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
Dedalirium is a puzzle game in first person. Rotate the gravity to explore and access new places, and solve puzzles to find the Dedalirium secrets. This version includes the first tutorial only. Notes : - There is no ending. - Walking on so...
A downloadable game for Windows.
part of HitsPlayTime 2018 YOU NEED GAMEPADS AND FRIENDS ____________________________ The game was made by chouqi janvier tymus nalhue and boordaf _____________________________ FeleFelix is a local multi player racing game set in space ! gra...
Kergor published a game 5 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
Face à un choix difficile, nous sommes très nombreux à avoir déjà été tiraillés entre notre coeur et notre raison. C’est ainsi que cachés au coeur de l'âme, derrière les apparences, le pragmatisme et la sensibilité sont en per...
A downloadable game for Windows.
In Flux, the world is populated by small and bright creatures. The player can draw a flux that will put them in motion. The fluxes can be intertwined, and thus, create a network that the creatures will navigate. Their movement tends to crea...
Never2Late published a game 5 years ago
A downloadable game.
[English following] L'histoire Laissez nous vous raconter l'histoire d'Inti, une petite flamme qui cherche à atteindre le sommet du Volcan. Lors de son ascension, elle devra trouver son chemin tout en veillant à préserver sa vie en brûl...
verybadgreeks published a game 5 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
Very Bad Greeks has you play as four Greek Gods, fallen into modern Greece, in a challenging mix of hack'n'slash and puzzle game. Your goal: Claim back your place on Olympus! Incarnez quatre dieux grecs projetés au milieu de la Grèce mode...
A downloadable game.
[FR] L’Ultimate Bounce, c'est LE sport mondial : des spinners s’affrontent à mort dans une arène, en se projetant des bounces les uns sur les autres. Ce grotesque divertissement de violence et de vitesse, enflamme alors les passions e...
whitebenoit published a OFFICE ninja 5 years ago
A downloadable OFFICE ninja for Windows.
Synopsis Dans Office Ninja, vous incarnez un salaryman qui travaille pour la terrible, l’infâme GOGO Corp, le leader des toilettes de luxe. Forte de son monopole sur l'un des plus bas besoins de l'humanité, la compagnie tyrannise ses em...
TeamGradus published a game 5 years ago
A downloadable game.
Gradus is a simple experimental game where you can make towers rise and fall with a simple click. The towers have a natural tendency to recede, and crumble when they've reached their apex, so that the surface of nodes is an ever-changing st...
Rémi Cros published a game 5 years ago
A downloadable game.
A la croisée du jeu vidéo et de l'escape game, Every System Down vous emmène au coeur d'un sous-marin en détresse. Coincé dans le cockpit, interagissez avec votre panneau de commandes et votre environnement pour aider votre seul allié...
Voices published a Voices 5 years ago
A downloadable Voices for Windows.
Voices is an eerie first-person experience, in which you play Thomas, a clerk of the Newport Court in Wales. One November evening in 1989, he comes home and hears his mother talk to him though she has been dead for a couple years. This is o...
Life_Dev published a game 5 years ago
A downloadable game.
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