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A jam submission

They Grow During the DayView game page

Explore during the day, but be cautious after the sun goes down
Submitted by José Lebreuilly, DaLostPrimus, SerenePixels, prti — 2 minutes, 47 seconds before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score

Ranked from 14 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Godot Version
4.3 rc3

Wildcards Used
Dynamic perspective

Game Description
A lonely robot grows plants to save his planet and protects them from the monsters.

How does your game tie into the theme?
The gameplay is connected to the brightness of the sun and darkness of the night!


Discord Username(s)
proti, Aby-artistik, Shyrik, joselebreuilly, Kiro - The Cursed

Participation Level (GWJ Only)
For most of us it's our 1st, for one guy it's 2nd.

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Great concept. I think daytime could be a bit shorter since there isn't much to do, and enemies tend to get stuck on logs.


Wow, very cool concept. The camera switching is a really cool feature. The tooltips at the top-left were a really nice touch as well. The day/night loop is a cool implementation of the theme, and the weapon variety is nice in combat mode. The short range gun was satisfying to use.

I do wish there was a bit more clarity with a few things. I didn't realize the white circle was the recharge station at first. And when watering I couldn't tell what plant I was targeting, it seemed inconsistent.

Very cool idea though, and pretty fun. Nice work!


I love the changed perspective, it was a lightbulb moment when I figured it out.   The controls, lighting, and music all felt nice.  Felt like a gamejam version of the old Savage rts games.


Really liked the split perspective concept of having a top down plant mode and a third person shooting mode.

Wish there were more plants to work with but that's understandable as we have limited time in these jams.

Music is really good and I like the way it changes from day music and night music.

Overall you guys did a good job! 


Great concept! the music is amazing, the gameplay is a challenge, I enjoy fighting in the nigh (I only save one sunflower XD)
Good job


The music is absolutely beautiful! I like being able to change up the perspective based on what activity I am doing.


Great concept so far.  Can't wait to see this game progress!


  • Loved the Day/Night Music Split, definitely made you aware of when you had to prepare yourself.
  • Interesting use of Dynamic Perspective. 
  • Great to see a 3D game in the mix


  • Would have been nice to know about moving plants in game (Could have been in the upper left, but I missed half of those messages)
  • Having some type of pause would be nice
  • Would have been nice to have a way to sprint, even at the cost of more energy
  • Would have been nice to see Jumping available. Didn't venture out to the reef rocks like in the screenshot for fear of getting stuck.
  • Didn't see a way to adjust volume, or other options.

Unfortunately the pause menu had to be gutted at the end, but hopefully we can add it and the other suggestions in an update.


Original concept, and great implementation of dual perspective! I liked the concept of protecting your plants, sort of like a reverse TowerDefence.

The game guides you through thoroughly, but I feel like the first night might have taken too long to come. I kept checking to see if the enemies were going to spawn, before the capsule mobs finally appeared. The combat feels like it could be fleshed out more, with visual feedback of attacks landing or damage taken by player.

This would be a good base for a polished game to be built on.


Hey, idea is really original and it fits very well with the jam theme! 🌱

Some assets look unfinished, but I understand that it might have been a matter of time, which is natural in a jam.

Congratulations to the whole team, I loved the protagonist's design! 🤖


Thank you for your feedback, we had plenty of fun making it. We would have loved to add a bunch of features which sadly had to get cut to make the submission.

As for the bot model, it is GDBot by GDQuest. Unfortunetly we were not able to make our own model in time.