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A member registered Apr 28, 2019 · View creator page →

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The gameplay was engaging, I didn’t understand any text, but maybe that’s not a bad thing because audiovisuals sold the story pretty well (I hope).

Late reply, but it should be possible on 4.3 with Threads disabled and SharedArrayBuffer disabled.

It’s a real fun concept, and it was fun to see the turtle moving and flyin around in TPP view. I managed to beat it on my own, but I appreciate the hints regardless.

The spritework was real nice. I think this is the smallest game sizewise this jam, well done! One thing I would like to have is java compiled into an executable or a web version.

The gameplay felt really solid, from the bouncing on walls to mix of going from and to offensive/defensive. Also the freezeframe when the combo is increased added that extra punch.

With the sound and graphics design you got the atmosphere pretty well, it made me think of a movie “Lighthouse”, one with Willem Dafoe. Well done!

That was sweet, and that you got another game coded into renpy is really nice.

I like how you made whales and terrain show on the sonar as well. Pico is <3

That was very cool mechanic of expanding the screen, felt very physical and was easy to find out by just walking. The only place where I got stuck was where you had to take a leap of faith to the left at the end of one level. Great job though!

That was fun, the different upgrades felt really powerful. I like the 3D to 2D effect, and how bacteria phase into the player’s dimension.

I liked the plankton animation, also the effects.

That was surprisingly wholesome, I kinda want to hear more about Natsumi… but gotta keep with the jam’s constraints.

The animations were great, combined with visual aesthetic. Once I judged the dodge window correctly I got surprisingly invested.

MAN, the cave diving is one of most stressful things imaginable, you captured that feeling perfectly - the sound design combined with winding tunnels and visibility getting lower and lower at greater depths. One thing I would change is mentioning that E key is for picking up scrap.

The world building is solid and the map is quite large, I liked exploring and finding next bits of dialogue. The level design used tye miniaturization mechanic quite well!

That’s a classic Lovecraftian horror - scary is not what you see, but what you cannot. What might be lurking there.

Changing size of the harpoon is a clever way to adjust the difficulty. I liked the animations and the particles, and the graphics got very abstract on the second map! Well done

(1 edit)

That was very tense, required precise inputs and quick movement to make it on time. But the controls were tight, maps creepy and sound design great. All the time I was checking cameras if something isn’t lurking in the depths :s Loved it.

I really enjoyed gameplay of this one, upgrades felt powerful, in later stages enemies got much more numerous though.

PS: are you my brother from another mother?

Tru, it never ends

I really like the aesthetics, just ran little slow on my machine. Big scale naval battles were fun

That was such a bizarre experience. The graphics were amazing, it’s good commentary on Gatcha genre, fish was a good companion. Just wish there was some more gameplay! I’ve collected 3 different gems but not sure. Is there an ending?

Pixel art animations and music are great. I really enjoyed the worldbuilding, just wish it was longer!

Looks promising so far, I like the UI design and the size contrast between the world/player.

The screen shake and hit sound are juicy.

I liked the different biomes, and the beginning animation was very nicely done! Is the game based on the Ingenuity copter and Perseverance rover? Two control methods added variety. I think I collected all the samples and found some lifeforms, but when I click “Next day” the game freezes qwq

Thank you ^^ The Novice by Trudi Canavan - for the gameplay part at least. Black Magician is a great series through and through!

Thank you for playing it! You push the leeches with same button as you drag the steering wheel - left mouse button. I should’ve added a pop-up for it… but wanted to go fancy with detecting input method but ended up scraping the idea entirely:p

That game was so uniquely weird. I love it. Didn’t notice the squares were changing at first, but I got to the one with big fish… will update if I manage to squeeze past him.

There’s no way it’s this good. Epic naval battles with orchestral theme while vibing with ducks? Sign me in! The changing wind direction played actually a big role in lot of my encounters. Yet to beat it but I want to play it some more later.

It's a very competent RTS, I liked different zones - it required me a couple of tries.
Few times I found out that all my crabs have died in the lava pit and there wasn't anyone close to keep pushing it... woops.

(3 edits)

So this is how being a fish is like. But what did the ending mean ?! 

As someone who knows just too much about thalassophobia, I could hear my heartbeat while playing it. I really like the visual effects!

Really enjoyed yeeting everything into the void, the ending caught me off guard. Also controller support was appreciated! 

I'm sorry for the bird.

That was very fun gameplay wise! The different abilities added variety which you gain add variety. The P90's changed the game to bullet hell but it was very good difficulty curve overall.

I'm not sure, I haven't compiled it myself yet. Dev 6 is supposed to have all the features, but lacking bugfixes of later versions. I would try it on a test itch project first to be safe.

That took an unexpected turn, I like the way you told the story.
btw I see you used Godot 4.3, I thought you chose the new version because you can disable sharedbuffersupport?

I really liked the aesthetic.  The fighting was effective. I liked additional areas you could go to regain your health. The game hit all the right nostalgia strings, I liked it a lot!

Glad you liked it ^-^
Clipping could also be solved by increasing the margin on collision shapes, not fully though! Maybe this will help as well, and hopefully after the jam ends we'll send the updated version.

Satisfying and well designed puzzles. Although graphics were minimalistic, I liked the level transitions.