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RYBView game page

A mini puzzle game made for GMTK 2022
Submitted by Ran-chan — 1 hour, 1 minute before the deadline
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Ranked from 62 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game fit the theme?
You are a (coloured) die, and roll around to solve puzzles

Did your team create the vast majority of the art during the 48 hours?


We created the vast majority of the art during the game jam

Did your team create the vast majority of the music during the 48 hours?


We created the vast majority of the music during the game jam

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Lovely idea. So many of these "rollover" games, but I like what you did here. Great that it's PICO-8 which is where I'm getting my enjoyment right now (ex C#/Unity developer).

Really nice effort in 10 hours. Well done :)


I really like this game's concept! Even if it's a little short, it definitely shows off the game's mechanics meaningfully, and I think that the mechanics explored have a lot of potential for cool puzzles! I also think that the visual presentation is minimal but effective, and I appreciate the little sound effects for movement and whatnot.

(1 edit) (+1)

Once I got a handle on what block orientation = button activating, I had a great time playing through each puzzle! It never felt like trial and error, which many of these games tend to fail at for me. The re-painting mechanic was really clever, the player might not even notice that pushing down a button 'erases' that color from the block until the RYB gate puzzle, but it's great how quickly that information is capitalized on. Smart, thoughtful design.

Clear graphics, satisfying sound, overall short but sweet -- I know you apologize for the lack of levels in the last stage, but I still felt satisfied after playing! Great work.


Super intuitive to pick up thanks to its simplicity, but had quite a lot of depth to its puzzles. A reset or rewind feature would be nice, but given how your game page states it was made in 10 hours it's not that big of a deal.

An expanded version would be cool after the jam. Cool game, nice work! 


Nice to see another game from you! I had fun with this one, I liked the clever twists like the gates and the paint.


Turns out lots of people used the dice rolling puzzle game idea, but I still really appreciated this one. The simplification to three colours was really helpful, since I found the 6-number puzzle games very tough to get my head around how it rolled! I didn’t immediately understand that I could only cross a gate if I hadn’t made that face darker by pushing a button, but I figured it out after resetting.

Pretty cool how you can still know what all the colours are even when you can only see two pixelated faces of the die.

My favourite level was the large square ice skating one because it helped me to think about the rolling mechanics rather than using trial and error.

Thanks for the fun!


There are a lot of games like this in this jam but I really appreciate the simplification to 3 colours. Neat game.




The nice feeling while playing , it's so enjoyable <3

Thank you and good luck


Cool idea. I have seen some games where you have to match the side/value of the dice with a tile, but 3 colors instead of 6 numbers was new to me.


A fun puzzle game with a creative mechanic sound effects that are just a little bit annoying. I like it.


I like the choice of having a coloured dice as opposed to a regular dice. It sets it apart from other dice puzzle games. The sounds effects are nice but get kind of repetitive and annoying after a while, other than that it was really fun, great job!




Love the game's simplicity and art style. A really solid puzzler with some interesting color-based mechanics. Great work!

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