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Necrofear: ApocalypseView game page

Civilisations last stand against an undead threat
Submitted by ZKyle — 1 hour, 49 minutes before the deadline
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Ranked from 13 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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Did you use any existing assets? If so, list them below. Mixamo Animations - HEAVILY MODIFIED FOR PURPOSE

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I really liked it; it's exceptionally well-built, especially considering you made it alone in only 10 days. The only feedback I have is that there's no sense of impact when hitting enemies. At first, I wasn't sure if my sword was doing any damage. Adding some blood particles and sound effects would definitely enhance the experience.


Nice one. I would like to have some feedback when hitting the zombies, but other than that it was very decent and a solid entry.


Thanks for the feedback, really wish i'd got the stagger mechanic in place, just ran out of time unfortunately

Submitted (1 edit)

Not sure if I'm doing something wrong. But unleashing my entire stamina bar on a single zombie isn't killing them. Because of the lack of hit reaction it's hard to tell whether it's because I'm missing or something else.

But regardless, you did a good work on the ambience.


Thanks for the feedback, the basic starter sword is around 1 stamina bar to kill depending on which stats the zombies choose to scale, but once an enemy drops a better sword, you'll be seeing them die much faster, as well as consume less stamina, also difficulty matters in that regard too, glad you liked the ambience

Submitted (1 edit)

Well done. Nice game.


Thank you! Appreciate the feedback from stream massively


Interesting concept, unfortunately during my play, I was only able to encounter zombies in my first wave, in which I died after being boxed in when trying to collect a new weapon, there was also a lack of feedback or indication of a successful attack. I loaded the last save and went on multiple more missions, however, no zombies spawned in any of these missions anymore, so I successfully defended the village by doing nothing.


I saw that in a stream of the game just, i'll have to look into that, not sure what the cause is though, glad you enjoyed the concept


Very nice graphics, and I really like the loot system. Others have already pointed out some areas of improvement. I would just add that during the missions it was hard to tell when you hit a barrier because it was so dark and there really wasn't anything in the background. At one point I could see zombies in the distance, but I couldn't get any closer to them and they were not moving at all.


Thanks for the feedback, glad you enjoyed your looter experience! I did want to tailor the barrier system with trees and other physical elements but didn't get time to, haven't seen "idle" zombies in my testing, i'll have to look into that


Impressive visually with animations etc. But as others have said could do with feedback that you are actually harming the enemy or maybe even a health bar. Also the delay at the start until enemies appear is too long and confusing. Also the font especially for keys for interactions is difficult to read especially in a an action game like this. Otherwise mega impressive and a cool looking game.


Thanks for the feedback, glad you liked the game. That delay was one of the things i wish i'd managed to balance out better, but didn't have time to in the end, feedback was also unfortunately dropped for the same reason. Would definitely have a health bar if i had more time, probably one similar to those seen in souls games


Oh this is great! This looks like something I’d try to make tbh Great work with the visuals and the systems.

My only complaint would be that you have to wait forever to see any enemies. I thought the game broke or something at first. I can imagine it being easy to see enemies from afar without the fog, so maybe that’s what cause this issue?

Also, very minor thing, but the font is difficult to read. That font is better for titles, but actual text blocks should probably have something else.


Thanks for the feedback, the waiting was a balance issue, if I put them much closer you'd be able to see them spawn, and they'd often swarm the player too quickly even on easy, so I had to put them further away, in future I'd probably put a closer wave exclusively for the first wave to prevent the downtime. And I do agree with the font, but it was my last change made before the build and I just wanted to get off of default font 😂


This is really impressive, great job! I do agree with the previous commenter, it was confusing that there was no feedback from the enemies as I did damage to them. I'm also not sure if my game had a problem or loaded weird or if this is how it works, but when I started the first mission there were no enemies for like 30+ seconds, there was just nothing. I wasn't sure if I was supposed to venture out into the nothingness, but I decided to just stay and wait and they eventually swaggered over to me lol. 


Thanks for the feedback, as you've probably read I did want combat feedback but time caught up with me, and as for the enemy spawn distance it was a consequence of balance. Put them too close and extra waves overwhelm even on easy, and the player sees them spawn, put them further away and the player has nothing to do for a while 


The 3D visuals were fantastic and very impressive that you built so many of those in Blender. I saw on your game page that you focused on having the modular loot system and I thought you pulled that mechanic off very nicely and was one of the most enjoyable parts of the game loop so well done!


Thanks for the feedback, I'm glad the art and looting were well received, and glad you enjoyed the game loop


This is one of the best looking 3D games I've played in a game jam. Really nice work, I read from your game page that you have been working on Blender this past year and your hard work is paying off.

Gameplay - I really enjoyed the looting! The mission choices and the combat were great also. My one small critique is that I wish I had some kind of visual/audio confirmation that I was doing damage to the enemies. For a while I thought I wasn't doing damage to them.

Really nice submission and thanks for sharing!


Thank you for the feedback! I had planned to have a stagger and audio system in the game to show enemies were being hurt, everything but the code to cause a stagger is actually present in the files but time got to me and it was one of the core features that never made it to release, thank you for the high praise, glad you liked it!


All good I figured it was just a matter of the crunch time. It's still a super enjoyable game and you should be proud!


The stylized art be looking good as hell. Also the ambient and atmosphere is great. Loved traversing around the land. totally immersive.


Thank you for the feedback, I'm glad the art is well received as it's my first time doing my own art for any game projects I've undertook