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Sleepy Bones Demo's itch.io pageComments
Skull in main menu talks very fast
Instruction's text are uneccesarly complicated. The mechanics are quite simple.
Negative score?
Spooky and neat art style. Solid controls and gameplay in general. Right amount of "OH FUCK FOR GODS SAKE I TOTALLY DID NOT SEE THAT BAT"
I jumped up all the way and tried to talk to the skeleton after the two first bats.
I pressed r instead of t by mistake and got ported back to menu, bad place for a restart button.
Cute graphics. In general, I think there needs to be pros and cons from being in skull mode, because right now its a.) only way to kill enemies, b.) much more mobile, c.) removes the startup lag from jumping, and d.) is more fun.
Also yeah either more checkpoints or a better explanation (not in text, but some other way) of gameplay mechanics. I don't know if I arrived that you cant touch red dudes from your gifs or naturally, but long checkpoints are only frustrating if it feels like the reason you died is the games, not yours
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