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MetabolaView game page

Follow the life cycle of a caterpillar as it undergoes a complete transformation.
Submitted by EelShep, ShouridoPx, PsychoSoldier — 21 hours, 56 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Is the graphics 1 bit?#344.8614.861

Ranked from 36 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Please enter your nicknames in discord and the nicknames of your teammates.
EelShep, ShourPx, PsychoSoldier

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Submitted (1 edit) (+2)

cool game. this is a nice concept and the gameplay was very fun


Despite the simple idea, the game's sound effects, music, and art style helped you achieve a peaceful and enjoyable experience. I can tell your team communicated fluidly with each other because although you each worked on separate components of the game, they all meshed well together and created good vibes. I can tell a lot of effort was put into the player character as the movement felt fantastic and I loved the character evolution and abilities. I faced no FPS losses, at least on the web version that I tried. The only error I noticed was that I unlocked the ability of flight twice throughout the game, but it wasn't  game-breaking so it didn't affect me. Overall I think this was an amazing entry and your team should be proud :)


Thank you so much for your feedback! We really appreciate it :)


This game has a lot of potential. The one things that had me docking was the fps losses (i am on a good computer so this shouldn't happen), and the lack of instructional direction. Cool game!


This game has very warm vibes, thanks to nice line-art with cleverly used palettes, and to melancholic background music. These transformations reminded my of the Little Nemo The Dream Master.

I would only wish for a more obvious difference between obstacles and background (sometimes you can't go through a tree, but sometimes you can), but fixing that may damage the art.


Very adorable game! I can tell it was put together very nicely with how smooth the movements are. 10/10!


EelShep, the pprogrammer, is a monster. Does great work.


Really nice game and atmosphere. Short but well thought out, would love to play a fully realized version one day.


really neat game my dude. really reminds me of knytt stories on general atmosphere for some reason

just gotta say, on the first climbing section, i didn't understand at all how to climb at first. seems like you need to press up two times? or maybe you just can't climb certain mushrooms?


Yeah, you can only climb the one mushroom tbh.  The initial plan involved a bit more level design around climbing before you evolved to a butterfly, but scope happened. Thanks for playing and the nice comments!


Nice game with a cozy atmosphere! I love the serene music and the art is detailed even with the limited palette. I like how you switched the color palette between the aboveground and underground areas. Using the lifecycle of a caterpillar is a clever way to take on the theme. Nice job!


Thanks for the feedback! We've had plans to update a more detailed and polished art for the enemies and  the environment but there's not much time to execute them all.


Beautiful game, I loved the animations!


Thank you so much! 😃


It's a great job, a short but well done story. I really love it.


A really great entry! I especially liked the color differences between the above ground areas and the below ground areas. The brighter tones did a great job of simulating daytime while the darker palette helped sell the mood of the underground. The mystical-sounding music added a lot as well.

The game also felt surprisingly good to control despite the simple control scheme. Digging as a caterpillar felt especially good in terms of movement speed and orienting direction! Great work!


Awesome experience! Pretty original idea, it felt really great when you finish it, great work! Also loved the music, specially when you change to a butterfly, i liked how the composer used soft sounds and arpegios to represent that evolution of the character, it's even cinematographic haha, i liked a lot.

Submitted (1 edit) (+3)

This game is really great! The metroidvania elements are good and the sound design is incredible! Keep up the great work!


very fun! excellent work!


Fun little metroidvania.


I really liked this game, short and sweet with nice music and general art direction. I like that it sort of takes an educational approach. The jumping didn't feel too strange outside of a section in the bouncing mushroom area with the flying ants. It seemed like it was well playtest, and I like that you can finish the game without getting all of the leaves. Good luck with future endeavors!


sound is beautiful, colors are well thought out, the art onb the player character looks a little weird, perhaps a pixel shader over the entire game could change that because it appears to have the pixel size change between frames on my end which is probably not how it's supposed to work. the backtracking would be annoying if the game went on longer but it's truly a short and sweet metroidvania, which is something i didn't think was really possible. well done!


We appreciate the feedback! Please feel free to send us a screenshot of the issue with the player character whenever you can, and we'll try our best to address the issue . Thank you :)


A very nice metroidvania with a perfectly fitted way to implement transformation! Great job!


The usage of changing the pallete is really good and fits the atmosphere!! great job! 


an interesting idea with a literal transformation. We go through the life of a caterpillar from beginning to end :) a fun game

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