In a world where high level heroes are off in distant lands, slaying Dragons, Un-dead Kings and Necromancers, embarking on epic quests and defeating evil in its most powerful forms, a menace rises from under the earth to steal silverware, wee on things and be a general nuisance.
The Goblin horde comes!
As the leading (the only) pest control service in the land it’s up to you to deal with this mild annoyance, and whatever may follow...
Goblin Pest Control is a top-down hoard defence game which seeks to push the genre into new territory, with chaotic hack n slash combat, random level generation, and a rich, detailed world. It’s currently in its alpha stage so bugs are to be expected. We always love feedback so send us an email or drop us a tweet or leave a comment.
Rely on your combat ability and in-the-moment reactions with a fast, fun and addicting combat system, or set up traps at night and use the environment to your advantage.
The levels are comprised of handmade chunks, stitched together procedurally. This combination of hand-made and random elements means that the levels feel relevant and impactful on the gameplay, while still allowing for over 200,000 unique levels.
The Goblin hoard comprises of 6 types currently, each with a distinct look and differing AI. Not much of a challenge on their own, but they can quickly overwhelm!
We are a tiny studio based in Bristol in the UK. Currently we are two illustrators turned game-devs who are working tirelessly, wearing multiple hats at once, all in the name of making, fun, cool things that you can play.
Goblin Pest Control is a product of our shared love of classic fantasy, Jim Henson and action RPGs.
Thanks for checking out what we're doing. We hope you have fun, and are always working to make it better. If you want to help us make it better with bug reports, general feedback or anything else then send us an email (, tweet us @MantraTeam, or post on here.
We have a lot more planned for the final release of the game, but work will be slower from now on. I'll continue bug fixing and patching so check back in case there's a new update, but we probably won't be adding anything new to it for a while. I'll post updates here and on our website blog to keep you in the loop.
All the best, thanks for reading :)
- James