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The new house is in. It could do with a little bit of polishing up I reckon but the main thing is that the goblins aren't getting hidden by it any more.

Same for the sheep. Looking pretty.

Some other little things have been changed, the spiked wall trap now gets added to the goblin grid so they no longer run on top of it.

The rain is fixed now. It wasn't working for a while as I accidentally deleted the emitter a couple of lines after creating it. Pro stuff here people.

I need to make the night-time version of the house which is in shadow, polish up the existing house and get an outline on it.

We've also got some celebration trumpets now when you complete a level, although they could do with some better placement.

Thanks for reading. We're working on all this stuff so check back next week for some more updates.

all the best,
- James