I sent an email to support@itch.io about an issue I was having, and the email was returned to me as undeliverable... so now I have two problems!
The first problem is that I've made a Halloween sale, but it hasn't shown up anywhere. My original email:
Hi there, I currently have a Halloween sale running that I set up a while back. (I think I used the pre-filled dates button.) However, the sale is not listed on the itch.io/sales page nor the itch.io/bundles page, and it's not a co-op bundle. I've never had this happen before, my sales/bundles have always shown up there in the past.
The sale is located here: https://itch.io/s/21145/pixel-spook-sale-2019
I've made sure it's published and the discounts are active. I've also tried setting it back to draft and publishing it again, but no luck. Also tried ending my other running sales, and it's still not visible there.
Hope you can help! Even a little bit more visibility makes a difference.
And what I got back:
Hope someone can help! Never had either of these things happen before.