Here be the mad ramblings of mine about general knowledge and tricks within the game from personal experience. There is a possibility for information to be inaccurate, missing and become outdated as game is being developed.
This is a discord thread converted to itchio thus i apologize for horrid formatting and massive info dumping.
Thread contains following info rambles:
1. Creating a foundation to escape as many restraints as possible. Includes willpower explanation
2. Spellpoints acquisition
3. goddess reputation
4. Assortment of tips
5. Imprisonment, security, high security prison and escaping
6. Locks
7. Fighting in bondage
8. Factions and reputation
9. Collection, Summit and facilities
10. How to bind a damsel
Bonus 1. Dealing with Liquid metal
Bonus 2. Escaping cages, display cages and other immobile furniture