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Kinky dungeon tips and tricks by a rambling madman

A topic by Snoopah created 4 days ago Views: 972 Replies: 16
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(4 edits) (+1)

Here be the mad ramblings of mine about general knowledge and tricks within the game from personal experience. There is a possibility for information to be inaccurate, missing and become outdated as game is being developed.

This is a discord thread converted to itchio thus i apologize for horrid formatting and massive info dumping.

Thread contains following info rambles:

1. Creating a foundation to escape as many restraints as possible. Includes willpower explanation
2. Spellpoints acquisition
3. goddess reputation
4. Assortment of tips
5. Imprisonment, security, high security prison and escaping
6. Locks
7. Fighting in bondage
8. Factions and reputation
9. Collection, Summit and facilities
10. How to bind a damsel
Bonus 1. Dealing with Liquid metal
Bonus 2. Escaping cages, display cages and other immobile furniture

(3 edits)

Ramble  1: Creating a foundation to escape as many restraints as possible:


Picking right perks is crucial to turn escaping from  impossible to possible.

here are the perks to make it more likely.

Restraints category:

- Strong: Makes you struggle better

- Flexible: boosts and speeds up your unlocking options. being able to use feet to remove and use items makes this one extremely valuable. It also helps with opening doors with negative unfair doors perk.

- Locksmith: Improves lockpicking and speed. Optional, as there are other ways to remove most of the restraints. Its best use is for picking doors and increasing chance to rescue prisoners with lockpicks.

- Frantic Struggle: 3 times faster struggling with downside of using more stamina. This is a very powerful tool when used in a pinch, but it can drain your stamina during combat pretty fast. It also slows all struggling to take 1 turn instead of progressing multiple turns. This affects other aspects too like unlocking.I personally do not use it, but that is mostly due me preferring stamina over speed.

- Psychic: You no longer drop keys and lockpicks while allowing unlocking restraints, using potions and cutting with bound hands. It is a very expensive perk, but more free item use is valuable benefit.

Kinks category:

all 4 boost their corresponding goddess reputation and makes escaping  from their respective restraints easier. They all also offer 10% reputation Boost to respective goddesses.

- Unchained: Metal. Metal restraints are the most restrictive and generally hardest to escape with struggling. Also gifts a key.

- Escape Artist: Rope.

- Slippery: Latex. Can get quite hard to struggle out of when accompanied with cat suit.

- Escapee: Leather. The most common restraint type.

I always recommend picking all of them. Skip on rope, if your perk points are sparse.

Damage and resists category:

- Rigger. On top of the binding boost to binding attacks, Rigger also grants Scissors and rope at the start.

Scissors are a great cutting tool.

Restriction category: everything here makes spellcasting either easier or effortless, but one perk here has extra merit for escaping in general for both melee and and magic users.

- Deft Footwork. Along with making leg casting and moving with heels easier, the main merit is ignoring some slowing effects of slime and and classic heels perk . This also synergizes with  "like the wind" perk extremely well allowing you to move faster above 95% stamina even with leg restraints like legbinder.

Magic category:

- Studious: Being able to pick 2 free schools is extremely helpful for some very crucial escaping spell point purchases. Always recommended

Starting Scenario category: useful ones

- Prisoner: This makes you start in "submissive" state. Stops you from being completely overrun by every foe at the start, if you start with multiples of starting bondage perks.

 - Submissive is the state you end up in, when enemies let you out of jail for good behaviour.

 - Hostiles will appear as regular npcs, and remain so as long as you do not do anything provoking like loot their stuff or attack another creature in their sight.

 - If you are noticed, they wont attack you, instead they might come play with you, bind you more and then leave or take you to cage eventually returning you peacefully back to jail bed. Struggling and unlocking close to anyone provokes this behaviour from any humanoid.

these are the perks i generally recommend taking as foundation for easier restraint escaping.

Perks Bonus round

Starting Scenario Category: Starting bondage, the perk point accumulators and ordeals involved.

These perks will put you in bondage right away and give you a threat/task to deal with.

Beware that picking all will be rough start, but making through will net you with lots of perk points to play with depending on your settings.

Enemies involved in these quests do not belong to regular factions, and do not respect submissive state. they are always a threat. Avoid and defeat at your own leisure.

- Hogtied: you start in hogtie and rope restraints. You will lose Knife.

 - Ordeal: Bounty hunter belonging to Rope Dojo starts appearing,

- Elemental Slave: Start bound in Obsidian metal Bondage. You get a free Elemental Slave dress.

 - Ordeal: Slavers can sometimes teleport to your close position.

- Wolf trainee: Start in Nevermere bondage combination of latex and metal. You get a free Wolfgirl suit

 - Ordeal: Nevermere belonging to Illegal poachers start appearing.

- Maid Sweeper: Start in Maidforce Bondage mixture of metal, latex and Illusion. You get a free Maid uniform.

 - Ordeal: Cleaning duty: Dirt piles will start appearing in every floor and you are tasked to clean them up.

 - Failing to clean every dirt pile before entering the next floor will incur you -1%+ Maid force reputation and maids belonging to Delinquents will show up.

- Latex Doll: You start in Latex restraints, with a neat mask.

 - Ordeal: Dressup co belonging to Doll shoppe start appearing.

Unlockable starting Scenarios:

- Fuuka's pet: Start in Her Plug gag, binding Dress and collar.

 - Ordeal. her collar will spawn a revenant from any hp valued creature ( ghosts excluded) you defeat. Defeating revenant has a chance to drop an ectoplasm.

 - Collect 25 ectoplasms to remove the collar.

- Cyber Doll: Start in Cyber doll restraints of metal and Latex.

 - Ordeal: Doll maker Inc Enemies start appearing.

 Spell points

Biggest part is done. now we cover spell point purchases.

The Big ones:  for general escaping if you have to pick something , i recommend always getting these 2 first. Studious Starting perk allows you to take them right away while leaving room for other spells.

- Super Strength: Unlocked from spell Tree Earth Novice.

  - Super Strength is a toggle effect that increases physical damage by 20 using 10 mana per attack, but main selling point is it considerably boosts struggle chance for same cost per struggle.

  - this combined with other bonuses and perks will let you Struggle out of lots of restraints, whe you normally could not. Extremely valuable.

- Willfull struggle: Unlocked from Upgrades. A passive effect.

  - Increase your struggle power by 1% with every 10 will power points above 50.

 - Starting out with 100 will power adds total of 5% struggle power. It might not sound much, but one point can make a huge difference.

 - as you gain more maximum willpower the bonus will become even greater.

 - combined with Super Strength it can make restraints once impossible to escape doable with right circumstances.

useful Spells for General bondage removal:

 Conjuration spells:

- Unlock: unlocks one "magic" type lock per cast

- Greater Unlock: Unlocks all magic type locks.

  - both spells require fully free mouth or scroll.

- Disenchant: Completely removes Magically enchanted Ropes, belts, and other potentially magical loose restraints

  - Added Bonus it slows and damages living restraints.

- Release: Removes all general restraints that have not been locked. Some restraint might still remain, if they are under a locked one.

- Remove Slime: Requires Latex 101 spell school. Removes Slime and liquid metal on you.

  - Casting it on Encased adventurers frees and turns them into capable fighters.

  - Adventurers Adore you, are recruitable and fight anything hostile to you.


With Willful Struggle passive active lets talk about Willpower:

- Willpower in general  protects you from the hardest restraints. This effect is cancelled by negative perk "No way out".

- Willpower also affects your chance to decline bondage from dialogue.

- Willpower is reduced by general damage, "letting go",  edging and long term chastity with toys.

- Reaching 0 willpower renders you with "Surrender debuff" that reduces evasion, block, unlocking, lets enemies apply more restrictive restraints and most notably penalties to the power of cutting and struggling.

- This means having willpower and increasing maximum cap will make reaching 0 harder and offer even greater potential struggle power with Willful struggle.

- Upgrading willpower will also increase general stamina regeneration.

- Perk "Second wind" Was removed in 5.4

  - Recovers 10% of your maximum willpower with eyes, mouth, hands, legs and feet free.

  -  Purchasing spellpoint upgrade "triumphant wind" increases the effect to 25% willpower.

  - at maximum willpower cap you innately recover up to 100 willpower, which is rather incredible.

Restoring willpower:

- Defeating enemies. Capture does not count.

- Willpower potions: at base restore 25% of max wp.

- Cookies and food: value depends on the treat you eat.

- Restoration shrine: Restore max mana and 25% of max wp.

- Teachings of restoration tablets found within floors regenerates mana and Wp up to same amount as restoration shrine.

- Willpower tablets.

- Flipping tables (5.4.49)

- Beds: Restores up to half of your maximum willpower and max mana

  - Beds are the best way to get back good amounts of willpower.

  - You can Sleep in bed once in every floor and it is refreshed any time you enter a new floor.

  - You can always rest in shoppe once per entry.

  - Bed use refreshes after a while when you are in captivity at jail or high security prison.

Restriction and moving forward

As of 5.20 new implementations and mechanics that affect escaping were added.

Edit: 5.3.35 value changes added.

- Added small escape power penalty for NOT having help

- Having help increases escape speed

- Easier to Remove restraints if hands and arms are unbound and player is not distracted

- New variable: Restriction. Each restraint adds 1 restriction. Some add more.

  - Restriction reduces cutting power by up to 60%

  - Restriction reduces struggle power by up to 20% (5.3.35 changed to 30%)

  - Restriction reduces remove power by up to 30% (5.3.35 change to 40%)

  - Restriction reduces unlock power by up to 30%

  - Restriction reduces pick power by up to 40%

- Restraints can have varying tightness value making them harder to remove. Restraints loosen by progressing.

Corsets and harnesses especially add more restriction, making struggling out of binders and other heavy restraints harder.

If you do not use all bondage perks, as long as you do not get too bound, you can get out of alot of restraints now, but there are still many restraints that can disable you.

How to continue improving your escaping chances:

- Increase your willpower to keep powering up the willful struggle maximum bonus and wp restored via beds.

- Increase goddess reputation to make all escape methods more effective.

- Keep looking for more powerful weapons to use as cutting tool.

Next parts will cover all bondage start in detail.

The trial of all bondage start: Shoppe

The all bondage start even with all perks will be an ordeal to take, not recommended for inexperienced or the impatient.

This is written as general guide excluding unique class abilities and stats 100 wp as baseline for willful struggle.

as of finalized. 5.20 this is now stealth mission to make it an friendly npc or shrine to undo your bindings.

Consider learning stealthy and crawling to make yourself harder to see.

WIth 5.3.35 restriction change and change how cutting works you will be not be able to cast any spells. and your accuracy will be 15% with limited vision.

Your goal will be clear out as much restriction as possible along with shock module, tracking module and as many ropes and harnesses before setting out.

Ropes and harnesses can be easily cut with your scissor or scrap. To remove corset protecting other harnesses you need to combine both cutting and struggling.

As baseline without any class skills, next step is to enter within the floor to search for help while avoiding threats.


Entering the dungeon itself in search of help with minimal ways to fight back you will  try to avoid everything.

If you picked the Prisoner Perk, all the regular dwellers will not attack you on sight, so if you pass them fast enough, you can avoid them trying to play or steal your valuable scissors.

Maid Sweeper perk has littered the dungeon with dirt piles, which can be used to activate Fuuka's collar to create revenant. Beware this can backfire.

Biggest threats will be the all bondage start enemies and dragongirls. They do not respect the prisoner starting perk, so they will always be hostile regardless. Getting caught by the starting scenario foe is a surefire trip to high security prison while Dragongirls can bind you while severely draining mana (shadow dragongirl especially).

Elemental Slavers are the most dangereous, as they can potentially appear all around you, if you end up right by Elemental goddess shrine acting as their teleport point.

Getting sent to high security prison is not necessarily the end, as depending which faction owns it, you could be left out, which lets you try searching the prison itself for a ghost to get out.

Beware though this can be an ordeal, if enemies are by the ghost, they will play with you and apply restraints.

If you are in the high security prison above 50%, i wish you good luck. You can still escape, but that can take planning on freeing yourself off the leash and dashing to exit.

If you keep trying to escape such a precarious predicament, Respect and godspeed!

Freedom through help.

With Knowledge of threats and unraveling at shoppe stopped, now comes the search for help.

help can be achieved by 3 ways:

- Adventurer ghost. If found relatively safe, she can help you out of majority of the restraints apart of some cyber.

  - There is a chance that floor has no ghosts. 

   -  Submissive perk users cant get help from ghost.

- Angel. Summoning her from shrines will cost 10% reputation with the goddess, but she can certainly get you free of restraints easily along some handy escape tools.

  - Angel is the most reliable, as there are always shrines.

- Friendly Npc. Non allied npc can be a gamble if you started with prisoner perk, as she will surely start playing with you. Make sure to endure her toying before trying to ask for help.

  - If you can get someone allied via saving them or accepting chastity, they wont have that issue.

When you locate a friend, remove start by freeing hands to assist with other restraints.

with combination of cutting and struggling you will still remain in cyber cuffs, chastity, control harness and plug gag.

Angel can cut you free from the Plug gag, but for the rest, you will need either keycards or shrine of metal.

Keycards are obtained from robots, cyber enemies and sometimes Nevermere.

Keycards can open multiple cyber if they are just base cyber or integrated cyber. Advanced cyber locks consume entire keycard.

metal shrine can remove all cyber restraints, but it will be very expensive.

Fortunately if you find Metal shrine with a quest, restraint removal will be free.

If you managed to free yourself, Congratulations! You have earned your freedom!

Ramble 2: Precious Spell points and how to get them. The regular progression to learn new spells, skills and passives all rely on spell points.

Orb shrines

  • Every floor holds 2 orbs shrines for you to pillage
  • To take the spell orb, you must choose a goddess that receives -10 penalty to reputation (picking a random goddess reduces the reputation by -9 instead)
  • This does not only affect your goddess reputation and likelihood of escaping their restraints, but also all the factions that follow that goddess
  • Using Journal you can see your reputation with everyone, which goddesses each faction follow and how they treat other factions.
  • you can either pile all the penalties to one goddess and face their anger along with their followers, or try balancing it with shrine quests and bondage offers to keep everyone happy.

Orb chests

  • Each floor spawns 2-4 chests with orb symbol on them. You can also find one quaranteed orb chest with every visit to the "Edge of reality"
  • These chests need magic keys to open and yield quaranteed spell point
  • Ways to obtain Magic keys:
    • lucky appearance in shrine of commerce
    • asking goddess help for -10 reputation penalty
    • Lucky find from chests
    • defeating, trading or capturing Mage enemies that are carrying a magic key. Witches and school of magic are the most prominent, but couple other factions have a mages in their roster with magic keys (cult of bast and wild as example)
    • Floor 4 boss rewards one upon defeat
    • Shiny loot Objects (rare)
    • Book shelves of Magic Library ( decent chance)

Goddess Shrine quests

  • Each floor include 3 shrines that allow you take a quest (circle as indicator)
  • Each quest requires you to take down targets ( both defeat and bondage work equally) based on the goddess.
  • Upon completion of the quest, you are rewarded goddess rep and 3 items that can be weapons, enchanted restraints and most importantly spell points
  • at best you could end up with 3 from quest, but chances are slim.
(1 edit)

Ramble 3: New testament of goddess reputation acquisition:

Effects Goddess reputation plays a big role not only on spell point acquisition and restraint removal, but also in faction relations and traps. With each spell orb and help request reducing goddess reputation by -10%, it is important to know both negative and positive effects of goddess reputation. Effects decreasing goddess reputation:

  • decreases reputation with factions that follow the goddess. Relations can be seen from Journal page.
  • Makes removing their restraints harder.
  • Restraint traps of angered goddess occur more likely
  • Enemy traps generate their followers more likely
  • Goddess at lower reputations will not not remove restraints at their shrine.
  • Shrine summons shadows when used at the near 0.
  • Dropping goddess reputation below 5% with Orb shrine punishes you with corresponding living restraint collar.

Effects of increasing of goddess reputation:

  • Higher goddess reputation increases unlock, struggle and cutting power on restraints that goddess governs over.
    • Some restraints can have multiple goddesses affecting it like Bast petsuit is governed by latex and restoration.
  • Increases reputations with factions that follow the goddess.
  • Increases likelihood of tablets of the goddess appearing
  • Higher success rate for praying.
  • Reaching 95% reputation with a goddess spawns a chest with special weapon to the mid floor section in front of perk altars. Each goddess has their own weapon.

    Ways of increasing goddess reputation.
    • paying money at the shrine.
      • Elemental goddess shrines will give you a buff or restorative effect along +2% to their reputation.
      • Restraint goddesses will give ranging from +0.5-2% depending on how many of their corresponding restraints you are wearing. Restraints will be removed.
    • Shrine quests
      • Each floor has 3 shrines with a quest to their respective goddess. Shrines with quest have circle on them.
      • Quest will generate group of targets, that you need to eliminate for the goddess.
      • first quest in the floor will increase goddess rep by +7.5% while other 2 quests will increase it by +5% instead to their respective goddesses.
      • Devouting yourself to a goddess at their shrine will make the future floors always include a quest for that specific goddess, when applicable.
      • Leaving to next floor before completing accepted quest will displease the goddess and punish with divine lock.
    • Bondage offers
      • Either as prisoner, submissive state or with nonhostile npcs you can initiate bondage offer through flirting at the dialogue options.
      • Accepting their offer makes you more submissive, increases faction reputation and give one time goddess reputation boost based on restraints used. Declining only reduces submissiviness.
      • Depending what type of restraint they are offering, you get +1.5% goddess reputation for that goddess ONCE per floor. You can still get one time bonus with other restraint types.
      Example: Bondage offer gives you leather. Any other bondage offer involving leather restraints will only boost faction reputation and submissiviness, but you can get the one time boost for another goddess, if they/someone offers you different restraint instead.

Factions can give numerous types of bondage offers, but some of them are more common than the others. Keep in mind there can be cases of offers that do not match or are rarer, because bondage offer type is more tied to the enemy than a faction

Potential goddess rep gained through bondage offers by faction:
Bounty Hunters Guild: Rope and Metal.
Bandits: Leather and Metal
Alchemists: Leather, Latex and Metal
Nevermere Trainers: Metal
School of Magic: Latex, Rope, Elements
Dressup Co: Rope, Metal and Conjuration
Elementals: Elements, Rope, Latex and more
Dragonheart Order: Leather. Metal and Elements
MaidForce: Metal, Illusion and Conjuration
Cult of Bast: Restoration
Cult of the Wild: Restoration, Metal and Rope
Old Guardians: Metal

Npc does not need to be part of a faction to give the goddess rep.

Ramble 4: assortment of tips

These are random general tips to survive and manage within the dungeon:

- waiting instead of moving or acting restores stamina double the normal rate.

- Buying Vault ( followup for dodge I in upgrades) with spell points lets you sprint past flying enemies. this Includes all the living restraints and shadow hands, making escaping crowded room possible.

- Enemies like living restraints, animals, slimes and encased adventurers Cannot Open doors. Sometimes best way to fight assortment of trap restraints is just to dash out and close the door.

- Shadow creatures like shadow hands slow down at presence of light sources. carrying a torch or fighting by light source slows their movement and attack speed.

-  Healing and casting restraint removal spells on bound faction members that are not currently hostile is an alternate way to increase faction reputation outside of bondage offers and goddesses.

- defeating humanoid enemies with bondage does not damage reputation with their factions. 

- Blinded enemies cannot dodge. Using items like flash bang and conjure blindfold are an excellent way to Nullify evasion.

- Gagging enemies with truss em up and conjure gag spells  not only stop spell casting, but also prevents them from raising an alarm during submissive state after freed from prison for good behaviour.

- Slowed movement helps with stealth. Crouching is genuinely good way to avoid enemy detection or to ambush.

- Temporary tile effects like slime and leftover ropes can be used to your Advantage. Slime and ropes are flammable, so you can set them on fire, while you can melt ice to water. Conjuration also has spells to use leftover bondage on the ground to bind anyone standing on top of any (yourself included).

- Spending enough money at Shrine of commerce (appears after exiting a floor or with perk) summons a portal to visit Shopkeeper for her services, bed or general furniture to remove bondage. Each portal needs more money Spent.

- Summoning circles around trapped chests are actually not based on where the chest is, but where the player is standing. With magical sight one can determine best place to open the chest for minimal ambush.

 - It is possible to block summoning circles with allies, bodies of captured enemies and earth spell Earthshape from activating.

- Rogues with unique passive and everyone else with spell school "Arcane knowledge" can see enemy resistances and damage types. Use this to your advantage to exploit weaknesses.

- High security prison can serve as extra chance to nab goddess shrines for reputation and magic keys depending which faction owns it. Just Gauge if you can take the risk.

- Make a noise can be useful for luring enemies to an ambush.

- You can retrieve most of your items after capture by progressing to next perk room. Open the cest to get your items back. Note item stacks are maxed out at 10.

- You can sell anything you carry, including restraints at the shoppe. Bear in mind that more you sell of the specific item, more its sell value decreases.

- Some perks add extra effects with other perks. Example "Flexible" positive perk allows use of legs to open doors with free legs while using negative perk "unfair doors".

- If you are captured and have looted chests within the floor, dont forget to check them again for duplicate knife that you might have forgotten.

Ramble 5: So you were caught and sent to jail. What now? Explanation and compliant way to get out

When enemies catch and bind you helpless, they will leash  and drag you to jail after a stop at cage.

What happens when you are jailed?

- bringing you to a jail strips you of all of your items and puts you on prison outfit. Some keys and lockpicks might remain, if you were carrying large sum of them.

- You gain a state "Prisoner". During this state enemies will not attack you, as long as you remain inside the jail.

- You will be visited by guards who will apply restraints. How many and how tough the restraints are depends on your Security level. I will explain security below eventually.

You can get out by being compliant, or by force.

Compliant way:

With security  below 50, you can get out for good behaviour.

Wait inside the jail and let them restrain you however they do and do not resist. You will gain submissiviness during captivity.

Eventually guard will tell you are free to leave.

Your prisoner state changes into a "Submissive" state

What does Submissive state do?

- During submissive, faction enemies are not hostile to you and treat you as non threat. Any npc can decide to come bind and play with you

- trying to free yourself from bindings can activate nearby npcs to play with you too.

- Enemies will strip you of your weapon if they see you holding one.

- ANY aggressive action, shrine use or opening chest within presence of a hostile enemy will make them turn on you and attack before raising an alarm.

- Submissive ends when enemy raises an Alarm for witnessing you doing anything of the above. you will also gain security.

- Regardless, you can recover your items on next floor. Now you have choice of either continuing normally, or upkeeping "Submissive" state.

- Keeping the state up lets you ambush enemies through dialogue, while they are less observant of you.

- Gagging enemies stops them raising the alarm if they spot you.

Explanation of security and High security Prison

Security is the stat affecting your jail experience.

Security can be seen from journal and it is affected by your initial number and your relations with a faction controlling the floor.

How does security increase and what does it do?

- Security increases anytime you open a chest (1% normal chest, 2% white chest and 3% gold chest) belonging to a faction without eyewitnesses and escaping from cages and jail after capture.

- Violent escapes increase security by 10%, while just being detected without attacking increases it by 5%. You may gain bonus security if you defeated lots of enemies before hand.

- resisting guard, when they are taking you to high security prison increases by 10%

- Entering a brand new floors lower security by 5%, and you can bribe the first guard that comes check on you after imprisonment with money to reduce security huge amounts.

- rescuing prisoners increases security by 0.5%

Security Determines numerous things:

- stricter Restraints to tie you with inside a jail.

- Time spent inside jail.

- above 50 security you will be sent to high security prison.

- Possibly more Wardens

What is a High security Prison?

High security prison works in same way as regular jail, but with some critical changes.

- It is completely separate area that is filled with faction members of whoever is running it.

- You WIll not be freed, unless you bribe yourself out or depending on your restriction settings. At strict it is up to you to get out.

- If your Security level is above 100, you can no longer pay bribes to get out and some factions will use way stricter restraints. Beware the cult of Bast and Nevermere!

- Old Guardians instead of high security will take you to Doll processing, special area where they will keep you in cyber and try to coat you in latex to make cyber restraints become nigh impossible to remove via struggling and cutting.

The hard way out

Now that security is covered, getting out the hard way:

this could be just as simple as running out while punching anyone to the face and slinging spells, but you are most likely currently limited by bindings.

Ways to get out mostly depend on your perks and difficulty. This will be with assumption, that you have been sent to High security Prison.

- Use the Bed. In the jail and high sec prison, your bed uses regenerate after couple guard visits, use that to recover mana and willpower as resources.

- free yourself little by little. Be wary of struggling  in presence of prison inhabitants can activate them to play with you. Collect some restraints this way.

- If you are hard bound  and struggling cant get your hands free enough, look at your resources for spells and upgrades that could help you, if you got spell points available or your already purchased ones.

- Next option is to scout the Prison for ways to free yourself. You get a chance to scout when guard is taking you out for a walk. You can get a chance to interact with furnitures and other things while you are  passing them. Possibly buy more time by them with struggling, triggering the guard holding the leash play with you.

- Look for following:

  - Hooks

  - adventurer ghosts

  - sharp furnitures

  - Bondage goddess shrines. be careful using them before making your escape.

- If you can free your hands. You can start going loud by punching and spelling your leash holder down. Just prepare for a fight.

- Stealthier approach is to be taken back to your cell and waiting for next guard. If your hands are free, you have a chance to dialogue sneak attack on her and use Truss em up to bind her.

- Now you can try sneaking your way out, or be a devil and take down the entire Prison. Some factions carry magic keys, so you can take the risk and turn misfortune to a fortune.

- enter exit or entrance to leave High sec prison.

Ramble 6 : Locks of the trade. Lockpick, locks with keys and keycards

Kinky Dungeon has numerous types of locks, Many of them can be unlocked with a picklock and keys, but some require more specific tools to be opened. Lock type can affect restraints cutting and struggling difficulty.

Locks with keys:

- Simple lock. shabbiest looking one.

  - Using a regular key first time on simple lock creates a simple key, infinite use key that can be used to unlock all simple locks.

- Base locks. Standard locks that use regular keys. 

  - These locks have multiple different variations affecting picklocking and unlock speed up to high security lock. Depending on your perks and restraint + lock combination, your skill with lockpicks might not be enough to fully unlock the lock.

- Disc locks. These locks require additional special tool to lockpick. You can get these from shrine of commerce and enemies. Regular key works as normal

- Runic locks. These Locks are powerful and cannot be lockpicked. These Locks need Magic key to open. 

- Crystal locks. Has protective layer. Requires less than 25 distraction to reveal the regular lock under the crystals.

- Ancient locks. These locks are the most powerful temporary locks. Cannot be picked and require extremely rare ancient key to unlock.

  - Ancient locks downgrade to runic locks after progressing 1-3 floors down.

  - Ancient keys can be found from Gold chests, Kitty chests and as rewards from Goddess quests.

  - Ancient keys are the only way to remove Ancient restraints found in ancient vault.

  - Ancient lock restraints cannot be removed with goddess shrines.

  - Ancient Keys will not be recovered from capture.

Cyber locks. (5.3.35)

- Unlike other locks, Cyber locks require keycards.

- Keycards can be used on multiple restraints until it reaches 100% security.

- Entering new floor resets security.

- Cyber locks have 3 tiers which each add different value of security

  - Cyber around 20%

  - Integrated 30-40%

  - Advanced 100%

Special locks

Special locks with unique ways to unlock. Lockpicks and usual keys cannot open these.

- Enchanted locks. These locks are locked with magic. You need a spell "unlock" to open these yourself.

  - If you do not possess unlock spell, Nonhostile mage npc can unlock locks for you too. Submissiviness will affect if they do it.

- Rubber locks. These locks are opened with cutting.

- Divine locks.  these locks only come to play with perk bound crusader when you accept or fail a goddess quest.

  - these locks are impossible to open yourself. Even goddess shrine will not remove it. Only way to remove the lock is to complete any goddess quest.

- Cursed locks. Restraints with curse lock are impossible to remove with cutting and struggling. regular cursed restraints are affected by shrines and shopkeeper.

  - Curses usually come with enchanted restraints and curse effect.

- Cursed restraints have a specific ways to remove that is explained in the lock:

  - at presence of specific goddess shrine. Getting close to a correct shrine automatically removes the cursed lock.

  - Maximum willpower

  -  200 mana cost

  - magic key

  - Capture multiple mages. This means rendering a mage helpless with bondage and then capturing.

  - Edge multiple times (reach 100 distraction and do not let go)

  - Be hit by specific damage types

- Special Cursed locks like Fuukas collar, Dollmakers visor, ancient restraints and star/moon cursed choker have fixed way to unlock and cannot be removed with shrines.

  - Fuuka: 25 ectoplasms. Ghosts and revenants drop these

  - Dollmaker: 8 doll id's. You get one per floor from first hunted doll.

 - Warden's belt: pay 8 spellpoints

  - Ancient restraints: Ancient key

 - Star/moon cursed choker: Remove all star/moon cursed restraints

  - Star/moon cursed restraints require you take specific amounts of damage with willpower. Some damage types do not apply ( curse tells which)

Ramble 7: Art of Bound War. Perks

Biggest threat in the game is getting completely bound, but we also have restraints that offer enhancing beneficial effects, one might start to think: "I love being bound, i want to fight like this!"

This Ramble will cover ways one can temporarily or long term have a fighting chance, while unable to slash or cast in normal circumstances.

 To cast spells you have Mouth, hands and leg component spells, that get disabled with enough bondage applied.

Melee fighting relies on hands and arms usually going in route of Lowered accuracy-> disarmed-> reduced unarmed damage-> even more lowered accuracy and unarmed damage.

Starting with perks that can help:

- Psychic. We have covered this earlier, but on this topic the perk allows you to use potions and some items while fully bound, letting you fill up resources or drop a bomb down for last resort actions.

- Novice pet. I will cover this more in detail later.

- Smooth Talker, Deft Fingering and Deft Footwork. All these Make casting possible with more than regular basic bondage. bear in mind, that there will eventually be a treshold that stops you from casting completely still.

- Like the wind. The reduced slow level can potentially let you cast leg spells again, if you are not too severely bound. Combine with Deft footwork for bigger benefit.

- Burning Desire. This can be tricky, but you could try utilizing the setting things on fire to burn down some of your foes. I dont recommend this as main way to survive though.

- Path of Least resistance. This is rather commonly known perk. Making enemies take damage, and potentially hurt themselves to if you have room to have bondage applied on you.

- Grounded in reality. simple damage buff with maximum mana. All rounder benefits.

- Bound power. Evasion and damage boost when bound.

- Berserker Rage. More Melee power at cost of gaining distraction.

- Brawler. Stronger unarmed that does not get weakened by bondage. Can use legs.

Trainee specific Perks

These perks are normally negative, but turn to positives with Trainee, who can use distraction as a weapon:

- Bondage Lover. escaping increases distraction.

- I Have... needs. Distraction builds up all the time.

- Masochist. Taking damage increases distraction.

- Arousing Magic. Casting magic increases distraction.

- Vengeance. Defeating and capturing enemies increases distraction ALOT.

Consumable Items

With Psychic, you have limited way to use items.

- Scrolls. These scrolls allow you to cast spells of matching component regardless of your bound state for 10 turns and do not need hands to use them. Scrolls are extremely powerful to get out of desperate situations.

- Flashbangs and flash bombs. Stuns and blinds targets hit. Stunned enemies take critical hits, while blinded foes cannot dodge. Good for either escaping or punching and swinging.

  - Rogues can craft Flash bombs

- Runes. Numerous runes offer different benefits with either defensive or offensive effects. 

- Gunpowder Easily flammable. combine with Burning desire for popcorn and hellfire

- Bola. ranged attack to root and bind

- Bomb. Takes 5 turns to detonate, but it explodes for 100 blast damage aoe

- mana Orb. restores 200 passive mana. Requires no hands to be used.

Weapons and restraints

There are some weapons that can still be used even in impossibly bound state.

- Escort drone. Rare drop from Nevermere. This little zapper needs no hands that deals electric damage and has 33% chance to stun target

  - Escort Drone deals low damage and in electric, but it has base 100% accuracy. The stun effect is extremely powerful

  - Even pacifist can find use for this weapon as delivery mechanism for "on hit apply" effects.

- Arcane orb. Also Needs no hands.  Can be found from shops, shadow chests, library, rare "wizards study chest" and potentially rare drop from demons.

  - Stronger base damage than Escort drone dealing arcane type damage, but 80 accuracy and cannot crit. This counts as a mage weapon for upgrades like Magical Implements

 - Arcane Sphere too can be used as delivery mechanism same as Escort drone.

As for restraints many enchanted ones and ancient restraints offer different benefits, but i will be speaking of 3 restraints with very unique effects.

- Potion Absorber. Collar that lets you consume potions bound. Unlike Psychic, you can Even use them when mouth is completely blocked. Highly valuable.

  - Potion Absorber can appear at either Shrine of commerce, chests or as a reward from goddess quests.

  - Bear in mind it is still a collar, so it can hold a leash.

- Duster Gag. a Gag that adds tickle damage and distraction to your attacks

  - Duster Gag can appear in shrine of commerce or you start with it using a perk "Maid Sweeper"

  - It is quite a high level gag, so it can be hard to remove.

- Ancient blindfold. Noticeably limits your vision, but with charge it adds +10 melee damage and +100% accuracy.

  - This allows unarmed attacking with heavy arm restraints very effectively.

Special mention: Crystal cuff restraint for Trainee.

General Melee spellpoint upgrades and Reaching Authority

There are alot of them. Lets start of with ones that affect Melee. 

- Accuracy upgrades. With bound arms reducing accuracy, any extra accuracy will be valuable to get through Enemy Evasion.

  - There are 3 accuracy upgrade for full total of +50% accuracy.

- True sight from From Arcane Knowledge School. Can see through walls with added 40% accuracy. It will drain mana each turn.

- On hit effects. There are numerous passive effects when toggled on from different schools with mana cost per hit, that will add extra effect to your melee.

  - Super Strength from Earth Novice. More Melee damage.

  - Flame Blade from Flame Novice. Fire .

  - Chain Strike from Metal 101. Chain and binding, spreads chains.

  - Ropework from Rope 101. Chain and binding, spreads ropes.

  - Leather whip from Leather 101. Pain and binding, spreads belts.

  - Tentacle slap from Latex 101. Glue and binding, spreads Slime!

Reaching Authority is one of the newer additions.

- Requires Greater unlock learned.

- When purchased, it allows use of truss em up and quick bind restraints arms bound if your mouth is free, while increasing the their effective range by 2 and command spells by 1.

- Truss em up can be used to apply restraints from your quick inventory or truss em up ability on enemies that are:

  - Stunned. Note heaviest restraints like petsuits require stun duration of 3+

  - Fully bound or helpless

 - Quickbind lets you use handcuffs, stuffings, head eye and mouth wraps and non harness ballgags (half binding efficiency) on enemies when they are Vulnerable or casting a spell.

  - Enemies become vulnerable when you avoid their melee attack or get behind them, making them suspectible for quickbind. Some spells like Tremor/earthquake can also cause vulnerable.

  - Ballgags quickbind can additionally be used if enemy has just casted a spell.

Latex and Telekinesis

There are only 2 types for spell casting, but the effects they have are Massive.

1. One with slime passive from latex 101 with cost of 3 spell points :

- What this does is, if you are standing in either slime or latex, you ignore ALL component requirements for latex and rubber spells.

- Utilizing tentacle slap, you can create slime anywhere without casting a spell in order to get the passive effectively going.

- Turning slime into latex with Solidify spell makes tile damaging, but it lasts for a very long time to allow component free casting.

  - Learning upgrade slime repulsion stops you from taking damage standing in latex tiles.

2. Telekinesis School.

Unfortunately i do not have personal experience with this, so i try to give the basics. Feel free to correct me:

- Allows you to telepathically hold a weapon with 0 accuracy, allowing castings of different spells utilizing held weapons damage type effects on enemies while still needing components to cast

- Telekinesis spells ignore general spell fizzle chance, but can fail depending on bondage.

- Psychokinesis allows free component casting of telekinesis spells with each cast increasing distraction depending on mana cost. Casting is impossible at 100% distraction.

Unique class specific spellpoint upgrades.

Classes have partial ways to fight while being severely bound.


- Unconventional Warfare. You take 5 turns to tape weapon into yourself that lets you attack with 60% accuracy as long as you have unbound arms or legs.


- Querilla warfare: You can use mouth to wield light weapons with 75% accuracy.


- Akashic Conflux. use of 100 arcane energy allows 3 turns of component free casting with 100 mana restoration

- Arcane Blast. spending mana charges arcane blast up based on your max mana.It requires no components, so it can be used anytime


- Chaotic overflow. for cost of 25% of your max willpower, you are given full mana and 10 turns component free casting. at the end of the effect you are equipped with crystal cuffs, that keep draining your mana and increasing distraction.

- Desire Burst. Requires Path of pleasure to access. an aoe around you that deals charm damage based on your distraction and desire (the heart indicator below distraction bar) while reducing desire by 30. can be casted as long as you have some desire with weaker effect.

- If you have lots of distraction building negative perks and crystal cuffs, you can build desire in fast pace for convenient use of Desire burst.

- Bear in mind charm is not effective against nonliving creatures like shadow hands.

Novice pet

This perk has its own section, because it severely changes how you play:

Novice pet: Allows sprinting in petsuit while unlocking petsuit specific upgrades for spellpoints. You are given a magic petsuit to your inventory.

- Petsuit has 3 upgrades that increase your movement with the suit while making movement without harder.

- Effect is so altering that it has a one way out upgrade called "bad pet" to revert the changes, but only once.

Negatives of full petsuit upgrade:

- without petsuit, you move slowly and you can no longer sprint.

- Use of weapons and hand spell casting become impossible. Unarmed accuracy is 20%.

- you have hard time removing restraints on you.

- Negative Perks like unfair doors and cant touch that are in effect when the perks are active. You can still pick items and open chests as long as your mouth is free

  - Flexible perk allows opening of unfair doors while legs are free.

- lockpicking is almost impossible and you will drop your keys without Psychic perk.

- you cannot close doors.

Positives of full petsuit perk:

- You become speed incarnate. You are VERY hard to slow down.

- Hand restraints mean nothing to you.

- You can cast leg component spells more freely. It can still be hindered by leg restraints.

- Petsuits can have some of the more powerful enchantments from goddess quests and kitty chests (located in ancient tombs).

Quick perk recommendations to go with Petsuit build:

- Psychic to not drop keys and use potions

 - Potion collar can also allow potion use.

- Flexible to have more use for legs with negative perks like unfair doors and cant touch that

- Deft footwork/Smooth talker For even more reliable spell casting.

As of now, as petsuit you will be mostly relying on class features, mouth and leg spells to get by  , if you dont go route of rubber/telekinesis or find escort drone/Arcane Orb.

Ramble 8: The Factions. Reputation

This ramble will focus on factions. Check your journal for see your relations.

There are total of 14 factions with their own alliances and foes whose relation to you and floor security is affected by reputation.

 Reputation has value of 0-100. Higher number means friendlier while lower means less. There are 3 Notable tresholds with reputation.

First treshold is  25%. This determines faction hostility to you.

 - Factions below 25 reputation are hostile to you. They will always attempt to chase  and capture you.

 - Any allied faction of theirs will join and help. This can be prevented by having very good relations with the allied faction.

 - As soon as faction rep goes above 25, they become "annoyed". They will not be automatically hostile to you, but have decent chance to come play with you.

Next Treshold is 45%. Neutral.

- At neutral reputation faction will try to recruit you to their ranks.

-  Accepting will give you their faction outfit (more about in top post) and considerable rep bonus to their faction and their allies while considerable rep penalty to their enemies,

- Declining the offer has 3 outcomes. it is determined how dominant the recruiter is vs your submissiviness stat, how much will power you got and how restrained you are

  - 1. At low submissiviness and decent willpower they respect your choice and let you be.

  - 2. At medium levels "succeeding" the decline turns recruiter and members around them temporarily hostile.

  - 3. At high submissiviness, low willpower and potentially restraints, failing the decline puts you in their costume and favored bindings of the faction.

  - This does not count as official recruitment and can be used to obtain more outfits.

  - going above neutral will eventually stop faction taking friendly fire.

Final treshold is 85%. Allied

- Above 85 factions members are your allies.

-  Faction will help you with bindings without asking and can be asked to join your party.

Affecting reputation

Now we talk about what rises and lowers faction reputation,

Lowers reputation:

- Defeating factions with damage. Capturing instead does not affect reputation negatively.

- Lowering reputation of their preferred goddess.

- Opening faction owned chest at sight of them or their allies.

- Accepting enemy faction recruitment.

- Threatening them through dialogue.

- Freeing faction owned prisoners in their vision.

- Releasing from collection. (5.3.35 it is very minimal -0.010 or -0.005 based on enemy)

- Ransoming captured faction members for gold. (5.3.35)

Increases reputation:

- Defeating or capturing faction enemies. Does not apply to all factions. 

- increasing reputation of their preferred goddess.

- freeing Prisoners. decays at higher reputations. ( buffed in 5.3.35)

- Asking them to bind you with bondage offers. (big change rep only occurs once per npc in 5.3.35)

  - Bondage offers are disabled with factions below 25% reputation normally.

  - You can accept offers from hostile factions, if you are in prisoner or submissive  state.

- Since 5.3.35 you can only get reputation once per person. Reputation gains buffed from 0.25% to 0.6%

- Healing damaged faction above 25% rep. decays at higher reputations.

- casting release on bound faction members above 25% rep. decays at higher reputations. ( Considerable buff to 2.5% in 5.3.35)

- Purchasing items from their inventory.

- Selling items.

- Feeding restorative items (5.3.35)

Meet the factions 

Summaries of each faction.

Bounty Hunters Guild

preferred goddesses: Rope and Illusion

favorable faction: Dragonheart Order

Allies: Nevermere Trainers, Dressup co

Enemies: Bandits, Demons

Base members: Ninja, Ninja Assassin, Debuty and Escape Artist.

General restraints. Ropes and Metal restraints like cuffs, handcuffs.

Unique Restraints: -

Faction outfit: Tactical Catsuit


preferred goddesses: Leather

favorable faction: Nevermere Trainers

Allies: Witches Coven (dun dun duuun)

Enemies: Bounty Hunter's Guild, Dressup Co, Maidforce, Dragonheart Order, Demons

Base members: Bandit pet, Bandit, Bandit guard, Bandit hunter, Bandit grappler, Shady Dealer, Bandit Chief, Bandit Miner

General restraints: Leather

Unique restraints: Slave cuffs from Shady Dealer.

Faction outfit: -


preferred goddesses: Latex, Conjuration.

favorable faction: Nevermere Trainers

Allies: Maidforce

Enemies: Old Guardians, Demons

Base members: Lab Assistant, Alchemist, Slime Enthusiast, Alkahestor, Glue technician.

General restraints: Latex and Slime/rubber

Unique restraints: Glue (hostile Glue technician), Resin coating (bondage offer), Latex posture collar (Hsec prison), Experimental boxbinder and Binder Harness (Alkahestor and Glue Technician)

Faction outfit: Latex Catsuit, Scientific uniform with imprisonment wearing latex posture collar.

NeverMere Trainers

preferred goddesses: Latex. Dislikes Metal

favorable factions: Alchemists, Bandits 

Allies: Bounty Hunters Guild, Dressup co

Enemies:  Cult of Bast, Old Guardians, Demons

Base members: Wolfgirl, Wolfguard, Nevermere operative, Wolfgirl Trainer, Executive, Wolf instructor, Trainer's Apprentice, Tape Drones, Shield Drone

General restraints: Metal and Latex

Unique restraints: Training collar, Shock module, Wolf Binder, Training Gag, Training Harness, Wolf panties, Training Leash, Smart Training Cuffs, Punishment suit, Wolf queen armbinder

Faction outfit: Wolfgirl Suit

School of Magic

preferred goddesses: Restoration, Conjuratiom Illusion, Restoration

favorable faction: Dragonheart Order

Allies: Maidforce, Cult of the Wild

Enemies: Demons

Base members: Witche's Apprentice, Conjurers Apprentice, Latex Apprentice

General restraints: Rope, Latex, Slime/rubber

Unique restraints: None

Faction outfit: None, Lingerie ( Imprisonment?)

Dressup Co

preferred goddesses: Conjuration, Ropes

favorable faction: None

Allies: Bounty Hunters Guild, Nevermere Trainers

Enemies: Bandits, Dragonheart Order, Demons

Base members: Dressmaker, Nurse, Librarian

General restraints: Rope and Conjuration

Unique restraints: Suspicious Mask , Binding Dress, Fancy Ballgag, Fancy Muzzle, Ornamental Corset, Dress Bustier, Asylum muzzle, Asylum Jacket, Transport Jacket, Asylum cuffs ( Asylum gear and transport jacket Nurse exclusive)

Faction outfit: Combat Bikini


preferred goddesses: Elements, Metal, Leather

favorable faction: 

Allies: Cult of the Wild

Enemies: Dragonheart Order

Base members: Latex Homunculus, Rubber Elemental, Air Elemental, Rope Elemental, Ice elemental, Fire Elemental, Leather Elemental, Earth Elemental, Earth Keeper.

General restraints: Rope, latex, metal, leather, ice

Unique restraints: None

Faction outfit: Shadow Latex Dress

Dragonheart Order

preferred goddesses: Leather,

favorable faction: Bounty Hunters Guild, School of Magic

Allies: Bounty Maidforce

Enemies: Bandits, Dressup co, Elementals, Demons

Base members: Dragonheart Initiate, Dragonheart Shield, Dragonheart Leader, Shadow Dragonheart, Iceheart, Poison Dragonheart, Crystal Dragonheart

General restraints: Leather

Unique restraints: Dragonscale cuffs, Dragonscale boots, Dragonscale Straps, Dragonscale queen straps, Dragonscale Boxtie binder, Dragonscale gag, DragonScale Muzzle, Dragon Collar

Faction outfit: None, Prisoner outfit (imprisonment while wearing Dragon Collar)


preferred goddesses: Illusion, latex

Allies: Alchemists, School of Magic, Dragonheart Order

Enemies: Bandits, Demons

Base members: Maidforce recruit, Maidforce Parasol, Maidforce unseen Blade, Maid force Goin' Loud, Heavy Weapons Maid, Maidforce Mastermind

General restraints: Metal, Illusion, Leather, Vibes and Chastity

Unique restraints: Maid Gag, Maid security Gag, Maid Jacket, Devious Maid Costume, Maid Collar, maid chastity belt, Punishment Maid jacket

Faction outfit: Maid Uniform

Cult of Bast

preferred goddesses: Restoration, Rope

Allies: Alchemists, Old Guardians

Enemies: Nevermere Trainers, Cult of the Wild, Demons

Base members: Cursed one, Mummy, Bast Fighter, Bast Cleric, 

General restraints: Restoration, blessed wrappings

Unique restraints: Bast Paws, Bast Gag, Bast Blindfold, Kitty Collar, Bast Suit, Bast Petsuit (100+ sec prison)

Faction outfit: Harem Outfit

Cult of the Wild

preferred goddesses: Restoration, Leather

Allies: School of Magic, Elementals 

Enemies: Cult of Bast, Old Guardians, Demons

Base members: Dryad, Elf Ranger, Druid of the Wild

General restraints:  Mithril ropes, vines and cuffs

Unique restraints: None

Faction outfit: Elf Dress

Old Guardians

preferred goddesses: Metal, Rope, Latex, Leather 

Allies: Cult of Bast

Enemies: Alchemists, Nevermere Trainers, Cult of the Wild

Base members: Drone, Auto Capture Unit, Cyber Warden (prison), Forcefield Unit, Artillery Unit, Auto Enforcer Unit,Auto Tape Unit.

General restraints: Metal cables

Unique restraints: High tech Gag, Doll jacket , Doll Gag, Doll Muzzle, Doll Plug Gag, Cyber cuffs, Doll Heels, (all doll restraints are related to Cyber Warden)

Faction outfit: Cyber Dollsuit (imprisonment)


preferred goddesses: All

Allies: None

Enemies: Demons 

Base members: Holy Construct, Angel

General restraints: Holy ropes

Unique restraints: Divine Muzzle, Divine cuffs

Faction outfit: None

Repless factions

There are other factions that exist with no reputation to affect them.

I will not be covering Goddess quest factions as they do not appear Naturally.


- Even as it is classified as faction in journal, Demon  faction has no existing members. All Demons are part of no faction.


- a Neutral group of fighters that can appear occasionally.

Witches Coven

- Always hostile faction the most commonly met anywhere in dungeon.

- Unlike most other unlabelled factions, they have an alliance with Bandits.

- They are very varied group with lots of different restraints.


- Practically not a faction, but all ambush trap spawned foes belong to this.

Ramble 9: Collection, Summit and you : The Collection

Whenever you defeat an enemy or an npc with binding damage types like chain and glue, they become helpless allowing capture.

Capturing will place them to collection.

access collection through items-> collection.

What can you do with the collection npcs?

1. You can Bind to keep them there as your personal captives, put to work in summit (Summit will be addressed later) or raise their opinion enough to be made a party member.

  - to keep them secure, you need to bind them enough to stop them escaping represented by bars below their image and with yellow ! in collection page.

  - When bars are filled, they can never escape.

  - Putting them in display stand or cage wont require any bindings.

  - Not binding your collection fully has them do struggle checks anytime you enter a new floor.

  - You can tighten restraints to reapply the restraints they have struggled off.

  - progressing 2 perk shrines without tying them up will mark them escaped ( red ? ).

  - Escaped are stuck in Summit until you either go there and deal with them or release them through collection menu.

  - If you deal with them, entering summit you either fight them to return them back collection, or let them reach the door so they can escape for good.

2. You can change their outfit to your own liking.

3. You can release them.

  - Releasing factionless currently has no consequences.

  - Releasing faction members for now incur minimal rep penalty of -0.01% or -0.005%.

4. You can Ransom faction members for money. Note you will get -0.4% rep penalty for it.

5. You can put them on display stand with bindings of your likings. Anyone placed within display stand or cage can never escape regardless of bindings, unless you let them out.

  - Interact with furniture to get options to put npc in.

Now that collection is somewhat covered, now on to summit.

 The summit and its facilities 

What is the summit and how to access it?

- Summit is special safe area for player to store their their items (just drop to floor and it will not despawn), display captives from collection or make them manage recycler and the cuddle Lounge facilities.

- To access Summit, you need to clear out point of interest called "Dark passageway" or "Elevator hall" of its resident/s to unlock an elevator with summit access.

  - Floor 1 has quaranteed Dark passageway and unlocking multiple elevators allows you to fast travel between them.


Within summit there are 3 useable facilities. To access them you need to enter summit and then go items-> facilities.


- To use recycler, you need to be within summit.

- Recycler allows you to recycle restraints and armor into base materials to make specific Restraints to bind your prisoners (or yourself) and unenchanted armor.

  - While armor is unenchanted, it gives base access to ones with powerful passives even without the magical enchantments.

- You get the 4 base materials from their respective recycled restraints while the runes come from recycling enchanted armor.

- When you recycle restraints, it first adds them as unprocessed material, that gets processed based on your recyclers effectiveness anytime you enter a brand new perk shrine ( complete  a floor)

To make Recycler more effective, it will need servants and management.

To make make willing servants, there are generally 2 ways:

1. Saving prisoners.

  - Saved prisoners will automatically love you enough to be servants.

  - after removing them from your party they can be seen in guests section of the collection with options be promoted to servant. 

  - Npc needs to have been at your party at least once to show up as guest.

  - While instant access, it is limited on prisoners found while stronger servants are extremely rare as captives, which leads to the second way.

2. Capturing enemies to your collection and Raising their opinion through Cuddle Lounge.

Cuddle Lounge

- Cuddle lounge is how you raise opinion of your captives and servants.

- Unlike recycler, after accessing Summit once you can adjust Cuddle lounge any time.

- Placing collection members in the lounge and then progressing to new perk room will improve their opinion of you.

- More captives you put in, more effective the cuddling will be with effectiviness varying based on how submissive or dominant the captives are.

- Eventually with high enough opinion you can promote them to servants to operate recycler or as management.

- Assigning servants to cuddle lounge will visually have them start moving captives in lounge to display stands. Servants in lounge will also considerably boost the prisoner opinion gains.


- Assigning servants to management increases efficiency of all the facilities.

- Stronger npcs offer better results.

- Assigned management will roam the summit.

To help with prisoners, there is Warden


- Assign Warden and give them restraints and they will apply restraints to prisoners.

- She will need you to give her restraints for her to operate.

- She applies restraints same time as other facilities, at the perk shrine room.

- She apply one restraint to each prisoner and does not tighten.

- Perk shrines have a courier you can use to give restraints to warden

*Ramble 10: How to properly approach a damsel and bind them.

1. Choose binding method.

2. Locate the damsel.

3. Proceed to bind your damsel with following tips:


- binding applied on enemy restricts and debilitates their offensive capabilities. 

- Adding more binding will make additional binding more effective, turning more restrictive and adding debilitations until they are finally fully bound.

- Fully bound enemies cannot act and all attacks on them are critical hits.

- More hp enemy has, harder they are to bind. Going below 10% of their maximum hp renders them helpess regardless of binding amount.

- Enemies with Unflinching and Unstoppable buffs are harder to bind, but getting above 50% will slow their struggle progress.

- with enough bindings depending on enemy and their hp, they can become helpless and drop their belongings before reaching 0 hp.


- Attacking with binding melee weapon adds binding based on the weapon binding efficiency with the damage.

- Utilizing vulnerable criticals by dodging enemy attack or running behind their back yields better results.


- Magic works similiar, but for criticals it relies on element of surprise.

- Pay attention to magics effect to make binding easier.

Truss em up.

- To truss them up enemy, either sneak attack them via dialogue if they havent noticed you, or stun/freeze them.

- Then either use the truss em up or quick inventory to apply restraints. Heavier restraints like straitjackets and petsuits require stun duration of 3 turns.

- Unlike other sources, if enemy is rendered helpless with truss em up bindings, they cant escape alone regardless of their hp.

You can now bind a Damsel!

Small ramble: Liquid metal and Resin coating

Liquid metal from small liquid metal cubes appears to be a dangereous newcomer trap.

Liquid metal cubes are normally ambush foe hiding in shiny sparkles.

When cube is attacked, it will spew liquid metal to the floor. If you have will power, it will damage you and willpower as glue damage. at 0 wp the tile will start covering you in liquid metal.

Liquid metal in general is harder to escape compared to other encasement type restraints.

Ways to get out:

- Try using hook to struggle out of it

- Try asking the ghost or friendly npc to help you get out of it

- Shrine of metal (beware this can be expensive)

- Super strength spell from Earth novice

- Ask for an angel through any shrine as more powerful help

- ask shopkeeper to help you for a fee

Means to get out of it easier by yourself:

- strong perk to make struggling more effective

- Unchained perk to give metal reputation and make metal restraints more manageable

- Increasing metal goddess reputation

Resin coating is a restraint that act as immobile restraint exclusively given by alchemist faction via bondage dialogues.

If you end up stuck in resin, you cannot struggle out of it your own leaving you with:

- calling for help. Every Immobile restraint/furniture has a failsafe to send npcs ruling the floor to let you out if you shout for it regardless of bindings.

- using blast damage like bombs to break the resin

- wearing/ putting on  a leash and asking npc next to you take you for a walk. This works on all immobile restraints/furnitures.

- Teleporting spells like blink.

Small Ramble 2: Getting out of cages and display stands:

At some point you will end up stuck within a furniture like cage or display stand through trap, imprisonment or very dominant npc.

These furnitures have a failsafe of someone coming to get you out belonging to the floor controlling faction, but if you are being captured by hostile forces, you might not have the luxury to wait.

There are suprisingly many ways to get out of these predicaments.

Ways to free yourself:

- Super strength. It is powerful enough to rip yourself free from any regular furniture, from cage to one bar prison.

- about 200 willpower buffed willfull struggle without any perks or additonal effects. About 120-130+ willpower with strong perk.

- Psychic perk to use keys and lockpicks in display stands. Regular cage should be easier if you are not bound completely.

- Wearing a leash and asking a npc to take you out for a walk. This will work on ANY immobile furniture effect, resin included.

- Physics 101 Spell called Blink as long as your mouth is free.

- Summoning 101 spell Flash portal as long as your mouth is free.

- Physics 101 Spell Swap, if you can use your arms. Display stand like furnitures need scroll of sleight to be able to use it.

- Consumables like Ancient cutter.

Let me know if i have forgotten any other methods?

(1 edit)

Much useful info on escaping and avoiding bondage, but your mention of Telekinesis 101 is limited to its 0% accuracy, even though it's one of the most powerful late-game escape tools you can have, since it allows you to wield a bolt cutter and use it to aid in cutting restraints even if you are fully bound. Sometimes however, you will drop the cutter as you are trying to use it. If you are in a cage or a display stand, the Retreival telekinesis spell can help getting it back. Of course it also allows less potent cutting tools, if you don't have a cutter. Also not a single mention of bondage resist stat on armor? Stack in sky high and you will never be bound.

(3 edits)

Most of the info posted had to be skewed due discord text limits.
I personally dont use armor due its strong potency and telekinesis so generally so i cannot give fair data on those.
didnt speak of cutting as theme was fighting in it.
Also who needs cutting when you have so much struggle power that you can just squeeze out instead :)

good enough for me to take a month for read all of these tip...

I have found that Telekinesis is such an indispensible spell school that it is always a first pick for me. Sure, the "zero accuracy" line seems like it's a handicap, but the actual perk of TK is that you are able to use knives, scissors, and tools while fully bound. If you have a magic knife or sword this dramatically expands your escape options. Metal restraints end up being the only significant handicap until the heavy magic and curses start showing up.