Ramble 1: Creating a foundation to escape as many restraints as possible:
Picking right perks is crucial to turn escaping from impossible to possible.
here are the perks to make it more likely.
Restraints category:
- Strong: Makes you struggle better
- Flexible: boosts and speeds up your unlocking options. being able to use feet to remove and use items makes this one extremely valuable. It also helps with opening doors with negative unfair doors perk.
- Locksmith: Improves lockpicking and speed. Optional, as there are other ways to remove most of the restraints. Its best use is for picking doors and increasing chance to rescue prisoners with lockpicks.
- Frantic Struggle: 3 times faster struggling with downside of using more stamina. This is a very powerful tool when used in a pinch, but it can drain your stamina during combat pretty fast. It also slows all struggling to take 1 turn instead of progressing multiple turns. This affects other aspects too like unlocking.I personally do not use it, but that is mostly due me preferring stamina over speed.
- Psychic: You no longer drop keys and lockpicks while allowing unlocking restraints, using potions and cutting with bound hands. It is a very expensive perk, but more free item use is valuable benefit.
Kinks category:
all 4 boost their corresponding goddess reputation and makes escaping from their respective restraints easier. They all also offer 10% reputation Boost to respective goddesses.
- Unchained: Metal. Metal restraints are the most restrictive and generally hardest to escape with struggling. Also gifts a key.
- Escape Artist: Rope.
- Slippery: Latex. Can get quite hard to struggle out of when accompanied with cat suit.
- Escapee: Leather. The most common restraint type.
I always recommend picking all of them. Skip on rope, if your perk points are sparse.
Damage and resists category:
- Rigger. On top of the binding boost to binding attacks, Rigger also grants Scissors and rope at the start.
Scissors are a great cutting tool.
Restriction category: everything here makes spellcasting either easier or effortless, but one perk here has extra merit for escaping in general for both melee and and magic users.
- Deft Footwork. Along with making leg casting and moving with heels easier, the main merit is ignoring some slowing effects of slime and and classic heels perk . This also synergizes with "like the wind" perk extremely well allowing you to move faster above 95% stamina even with leg restraints like legbinder.
Magic category:
- Studious: Being able to pick 2 free schools is extremely helpful for some very crucial escaping spell point purchases. Always recommended
Starting Scenario category: useful ones
- Prisoner: This makes you start in "submissive" state. Stops you from being completely overrun by every foe at the start, if you start with multiples of starting bondage perks.
- Submissive is the state you end up in, when enemies let you out of jail for good behaviour.
- Hostiles will appear as regular npcs, and remain so as long as you do not do anything provoking like loot their stuff or attack another creature in their sight.
- If you are noticed, they wont attack you, instead they might come play with you, bind you more and then leave or take you to cage eventually returning you peacefully back to jail bed. Struggling and unlocking close to anyone provokes this behaviour from any humanoid.
these are the perks i generally recommend taking as foundation for easier restraint escaping.
Perks Bonus round
Starting Scenario Category: Starting bondage, the perk point accumulators and ordeals involved.
These perks will put you in bondage right away and give you a threat/task to deal with.
Beware that picking all will be rough start, but making through will net you with lots of perk points to play with depending on your settings.
Enemies involved in these quests do not belong to regular factions, and do not respect submissive state. they are always a threat. Avoid and defeat at your own leisure.
- Hogtied: you start in hogtie and rope restraints. You will lose Knife.
- Ordeal: Bounty hunter belonging to Rope Dojo starts appearing,
- Elemental Slave: Start bound in Obsidian metal Bondage. You get a free Elemental Slave dress.
- Ordeal: Slavers can sometimes teleport to your close position.
- Wolf trainee: Start in Nevermere bondage combination of latex and metal. You get a free Wolfgirl suit
- Ordeal: Nevermere belonging to Illegal poachers start appearing.
- Maid Sweeper: Start in Maidforce Bondage mixture of metal, latex and Illusion. You get a free Maid uniform.
- Ordeal: Cleaning duty: Dirt piles will start appearing in every floor and you are tasked to clean them up.
- Failing to clean every dirt pile before entering the next floor will incur you -1%+ Maid force reputation and maids belonging to Delinquents will show up.
- Latex Doll: You start in Latex restraints, with a neat mask.
- Ordeal: Dressup co belonging to Doll shoppe start appearing.
Unlockable starting Scenarios:
- Fuuka's pet: Start in Her Plug gag, binding Dress and collar.
- Ordeal. her collar will spawn a revenant from any hp valued creature ( ghosts excluded) you defeat. Defeating revenant has a chance to drop an ectoplasm.
- Collect 25 ectoplasms to remove the collar.
- Cyber Doll: Start in Cyber doll restraints of metal and Latex.
- Ordeal: Doll maker Inc Enemies start appearing.
Spell points
Biggest part is done. now we cover spell point purchases.
The Big ones: for general escaping if you have to pick something , i recommend always getting these 2 first. Studious Starting perk allows you to take them right away while leaving room for other spells.
- Super Strength: Unlocked from spell Tree Earth Novice.
- Super Strength is a toggle effect that increases physical damage by 20 using 10 mana per attack, but main selling point is it considerably boosts struggle chance for same cost per struggle.
- this combined with other bonuses and perks will let you Struggle out of lots of restraints, whe you normally could not. Extremely valuable.
- Willfull struggle: Unlocked from Upgrades. A passive effect.
- Increase your struggle power by 1% with every 10 will power points above 50.
- Starting out with 100 will power adds total of 5% struggle power. It might not sound much, but one point can make a huge difference.
- as you gain more maximum willpower the bonus will become even greater.
- combined with Super Strength it can make restraints once impossible to escape doable with right circumstances.
useful Spells for General bondage removal:
Conjuration spells:
- Unlock: unlocks one "magic" type lock per cast
- Greater Unlock: Unlocks all magic type locks.
- both spells require fully free mouth or scroll.
- Disenchant: Completely removes Magically enchanted Ropes, belts, and other potentially magical loose restraints
- Added Bonus it slows and damages living restraints.
- Release: Removes all general restraints that have not been locked. Some restraint might still remain, if they are under a locked one.
- Remove Slime: Requires Latex 101 spell school. Removes Slime and liquid metal on you.
- Casting it on Encased adventurers frees and turns them into capable fighters.
- Adventurers Adore you, are recruitable and fight anything hostile to you.
With Willful Struggle passive active lets talk about Willpower:
- Willpower in general protects you from the hardest restraints. This effect is cancelled by negative perk "No way out".
- Willpower also affects your chance to decline bondage from dialogue.
- Willpower is reduced by general damage, "letting go", edging and long term chastity with toys.
- Reaching 0 willpower renders you with "Surrender debuff" that reduces evasion, block, unlocking, lets enemies apply more restrictive restraints and most notably penalties to the power of cutting and struggling.
- This means having willpower and increasing maximum cap will make reaching 0 harder and offer even greater potential struggle power with Willful struggle.
- Upgrading willpower will also increase general stamina regeneration.
- Perk "Second wind" Was removed in 5.4
- Recovers 10% of your maximum willpower with eyes, mouth, hands, legs and feet free.
- Purchasing spellpoint upgrade "triumphant wind" increases the effect to 25% willpower.
- at maximum willpower cap you innately recover up to 100 willpower, which is rather incredible.
Restoring willpower:
- Defeating enemies. Capture does not count.
- Willpower potions: at base restore 25% of max wp.
- Cookies and food: value depends on the treat you eat.
- Restoration shrine: Restore max mana and 25% of max wp.
- Teachings of restoration tablets found within floors regenerates mana and Wp up to same amount as restoration shrine.
- Willpower tablets.
- Flipping tables (5.4.49)
- Beds: Restores up to half of your maximum willpower and max mana
- Beds are the best way to get back good amounts of willpower.
- You can Sleep in bed once in every floor and it is refreshed any time you enter a new floor.
- You can always rest in shoppe once per entry.
- Bed use refreshes after a while when you are in captivity at jail or high security prison.
Restriction and moving forward
As of 5.20 new implementations and mechanics that affect escaping were added.
Edit: 5.3.35 value changes added.
- Added small escape power penalty for NOT having help
- Having help increases escape speed
- Easier to Remove restraints if hands and arms are unbound and player is not distracted
- New variable: Restriction. Each restraint adds 1 restriction. Some add more.
- Restriction reduces cutting power by up to 60%
- Restriction reduces struggle power by up to 20% (5.3.35 changed to 30%)
- Restriction reduces remove power by up to 30% (5.3.35 change to 40%)
- Restriction reduces unlock power by up to 30%
- Restriction reduces pick power by up to 40%
- Restraints can have varying tightness value making them harder to remove. Restraints loosen by progressing.
Corsets and harnesses especially add more restriction, making struggling out of binders and other heavy restraints harder.
If you do not use all bondage perks, as long as you do not get too bound, you can get out of alot of restraints now, but there are still many restraints that can disable you.
How to continue improving your escaping chances:
- Increase your willpower to keep powering up the willful struggle maximum bonus and wp restored via beds.
- Increase goddess reputation to make all escape methods more effective.
- Keep looking for more powerful weapons to use as cutting tool.
Next parts will cover all bondage start in detail.
The trial of all bondage start: Shoppe
The all bondage start even with all perks will be an ordeal to take, not recommended for inexperienced or the impatient.
This is written as general guide excluding unique class abilities and stats 100 wp as baseline for willful struggle.
as of finalized. 5.20 this is now stealth mission to make it an friendly npc or shrine to undo your bindings.
Consider learning stealthy and crawling to make yourself harder to see.
WIth 5.3.35 restriction change and change how cutting works you will be not be able to cast any spells. and your accuracy will be 15% with limited vision.
Your goal will be clear out as much restriction as possible along with shock module, tracking module and as many ropes and harnesses before setting out.
Ropes and harnesses can be easily cut with your scissor or scrap. To remove corset protecting other harnesses you need to combine both cutting and struggling.
As baseline without any class skills, next step is to enter within the floor to search for help while avoiding threats.
Entering the dungeon itself in search of help with minimal ways to fight back you will try to avoid everything.
If you picked the Prisoner Perk, all the regular dwellers will not attack you on sight, so if you pass them fast enough, you can avoid them trying to play or steal your valuable scissors.
Maid Sweeper perk has littered the dungeon with dirt piles, which can be used to activate Fuuka's collar to create revenant. Beware this can backfire.
Biggest threats will be the all bondage start enemies and dragongirls. They do not respect the prisoner starting perk, so they will always be hostile regardless. Getting caught by the starting scenario foe is a surefire trip to high security prison while Dragongirls can bind you while severely draining mana (shadow dragongirl especially).
Elemental Slavers are the most dangereous, as they can potentially appear all around you, if you end up right by Elemental goddess shrine acting as their teleport point.
Getting sent to high security prison is not necessarily the end, as depending which faction owns it, you could be left out, which lets you try searching the prison itself for a ghost to get out.
Beware though this can be an ordeal, if enemies are by the ghost, they will play with you and apply restraints.
If you are in the high security prison above 50%, i wish you good luck. You can still escape, but that can take planning on freeing yourself off the leash and dashing to exit.
If you keep trying to escape such a precarious predicament, Respect and godspeed!
Freedom through help.
With Knowledge of threats and unraveling at shoppe stopped, now comes the search for help.
help can be achieved by 3 ways:
- Adventurer ghost. If found relatively safe, she can help you out of majority of the restraints apart of some cyber.
- There is a chance that floor has no ghosts.
- Submissive perk users cant get help from ghost.
- Angel. Summoning her from shrines will cost 10% reputation with the goddess, but she can certainly get you free of restraints easily along some handy escape tools.
- Angel is the most reliable, as there are always shrines.
- Friendly Npc. Non allied npc can be a gamble if you started with prisoner perk, as she will surely start playing with you. Make sure to endure her toying before trying to ask for help.
- If you can get someone allied via saving them or accepting chastity, they wont have that issue.
When you locate a friend, remove start by freeing hands to assist with other restraints.
with combination of cutting and struggling you will still remain in cyber cuffs, chastity, control harness and plug gag.
Angel can cut you free from the Plug gag, but for the rest, you will need either keycards or shrine of metal.
Keycards are obtained from robots, cyber enemies and sometimes Nevermere.
Keycards can open multiple cyber if they are just base cyber or integrated cyber. Advanced cyber locks consume entire keycard.
metal shrine can remove all cyber restraints, but it will be very expensive.
Fortunately if you find Metal shrine with a quest, restraint removal will be free.
If you managed to free yourself, Congratulations! You have earned your freedom!