Severed Moon is a battle arena game focuses on LAN and Hotseat Co-op or VS battles.
It was inspired by my favorite game from childhood, Future Cop LAPD.
Screen Shots
The game is set on a distant future where earth has been taken over by flying machines and the remaining humans must escape the terror by moon turned into spaceship.
- Multiplayer (LAN and Hot-Seat)
- Co-op vs AI
- In-game Power Ups
- Tank modification : Just unlockable weapons and all participating players will have access to the same weapons (unlocked by any players) in multiplayer mode
- Spawn-able Units (Aircraft*/Hovercrafts*)
- Capturable Outposts*
[Features marked with * are actually completed, the rest are just plans which can be changed due to my inability or simply if I change my mind. I actually have a shit ton of features to add in my personal list but don't want to add to many incomplete stuff here]
The game is currently being developed by just one person, Ferdowsur Asif
(me). I have been casually practicing game dev for a few years. I have been mostly developing random stuff privately for fun. Now I just finished my studies and finally want to settle down and start my career as a professional game developer(/programmer).
[This will be my main dev blog. Will try to keep weekly development updates here and will upload occasional GIF/Videos to facebook]