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Jam not visible, although set to published

A topic by the_l0bster created Aug 23, 2022 Views: 173 Replies: 4
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I ran into a problem where i'm not sure if it is intended behaviour or not: i created a jam, and set it to published: It's also not set to unlisted.

Three hours later this jam still doesn't appear in the jam overview and not even in my personal space for jams. 

Is it intended behaviour (maybe the jams need an approval or something), or is there something wrong here?


Yes, jams need approval before they show up in the calendar, as explained in many topics. Three hours is probably much too short. Please wait.

can youaprove this on?

good thing to know that that was why no one joined my first jam


No, staff does that. And you have to advertise jams too, not rely on the calendar.


Please don’t bump old topics

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