If You Have A Indie Platformer That You Want Me To Play Send It My Way And I Will Play It And Give My Throughts And Openins On The Game (Must Be A Free Game)
Hi Nick. Do you try the game Randy & Manilla on Early Beta?
I know that isn't a full platformer game, but it has a platformer levels: https://ofihombre.itch.io/randy-manilla
Oki, which one(s) you decide to play is up to you but here are my platformers:
PipeRunner - Simple, Hard, One level currently
60 Second Santa - Very simple, Game-boy coloring/style, Santa
Fresh - Made a long time ago, not the best art, pretty good platforming challenge tho
Cat Go BRRRR - One of my first games, simple, kinda just a meme, not very hard
if you don't play any of them that's fine also lol, Just putting em out here :3
Here are some games I've made for you to play:
Robz Rush : Boss Rush with upgrade feature
Langit Lands : Platformer with 5 secrets
Cherry On Top : Short metroidvania with food theme
There's Game Duo: Clouds and Tomatos, Critter Collector The first game in the game set is a Platformer.