in recent weeks I had a lot of buyers complaining that they didn't get any Steam key. I have checked and ALL my games should still have 100+ unclaimed keys. How is this possible ?? They should be all getting the keys. Thanks
Thanks, if was just one user might have been random but I got really a lot of emails in last weeks. Also a reminder when you run out of Steam keys would be a nice feature to add :)
yes this issue is VERY VERY bad!!!! i have King Under The Mountain and have yet to recieve the steam key (added my own thread because i didn't realise this one)
Starting your own topic was the right thing to do. I would have missed your reply here if I hadn't been looking for this topic to tell you about the situation.
a temporary solution would be to make a form so customers can contact you and you can give the code manually until the problem is solved. It would seem like thr problem is that requires 1 row with 1 key each, not 1 row with 100+ keys.