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NO LOVE (RPG, Action, Adventure)

A topic by WallaceLovecraft created Sep 25, 2017 Views: 24,650 Replies: 509
Viewing posts 41 to 240 of 492 · Next page · Previous page · First page · Last page

Implemented all dialogue into characters in the town and made sure none of the words cut off

Adjusted Agro left side happy and sad busts because I saw a little bit of his eye wasn’t coloured in

Wrote script for new cutscene

It’s a big scene…  ;..-[

I really don’t want to spoil anymore things in this village because I want it to be an experience. Some of the stuff in this village is sad and really funny.

I started working on the a cutscene

Adjusted cutscene 8 SC 3, put Agro’s bottom crystals in, I believe before I thought I didn’t need to with the added fact that I didn’t want to do it but I need it to be consistent

Still working on cutscene, I’m almost done


Adjusted ELLE’s entire walk cycle to match updated bust

Need to do 2 more pictures then I’m done the cutscene

This cutscene was a lot of work. Fuck me.

Adjusted cutscene 8 SC 5 AND 7 because Games crystals weren’t placed correctly 

Adjusted one of Gabe’s bust

Adjust some cutscenes for Gabes crystals

Fixed cutoff dialogue on one object in lvl 7

Added music for battles in LVL 7

Finished a character sideview battle animations

Added in character face for new character

Finished another characters sideview battling animation tileset

Made three new skills, need to implement the assets into the game and animate them

Made another dog skill

Implemented skill into game

Made new icon for dog skill

Implemented new character assets into game

Added info for the new characters passive state so you can see it in game 

Added info for new characters bio

Made passive state animation for Berseker

Removed Berserker state animation since it wouldn’t work the way I want it to, It still works but just won’t show an effect

Made passive state animation for DMG stagger

Made icon for the Staggered DMG passive state

Implemented You’re too slow into game

Removed “SPECIAL” type skill from game

Specials can still be used but will be found in “MAGIC”

Implemented Staggered DMG into game

Implemented “Spark shit” into the game

Implemented “Too Much Love” into the game

Had to do a work around with some code because I believe things got buggy but it looks good now

Finished another character sideview battle animation tiles

SV tilesets are a witch and I hate doing them

Adjusted cutscene 8

Added a tiny bit more content into lvl 8

Implemented cutscene 9

We are getting really close to seeing the first appearance of Darkness 


Download the demo at the link below if you’d like to play the demo ;..-]


Still working on cutscene

It’s kinda like a fucking novel 

I was very sick yesterday

Threw up then drew

Threw up again then drew

Threw up again then drew

I pulled something in my right arm but it feels better.


Almost done cutscene

Have one more part to do

Image result for bee-lieve in yourself

Thanks Mark! You aren't gonna believe this but I actually had a bee-lieve in yourself pun cross my mind a couple hours ago. It is very weird. Thanks again. Lovely drawing.


That's odd, and no problem!  And thanks I found it on google images (i'm not  that good at the draw)

Finished cutscene and implemented it, still needs to be word box checked

Wrote script for small scene 

Started on lvl 9

Adjusted a little bit for cutscene 10 in colouring a dot and making some lines crispier

Finished level 9 tiles

Built level 9

Implemented dialogue into game

Made sequence

Made a note of how the very end of the game should be 

Currently drawing new cutscene


Still drawing/painting cutscene 11

I am very tired

"Square Onix". Heh.

BTW, checked out your preview/trailer video on YouTube. While I really dig your visuals, I have to say, I think I'd play it with the sound off if that's the music you're using in-game...

I know there will be people who won't like the music and that's fine. Do what you gotta do! 

Anyway, every song in the game is pretty much only heard once throughout the entire game.  I have a ton of music for the game that I even have a spread sheet to keep track of what's being used. I'm very strict on only using a song once. 

Thanks for your comment! ;-]

Adjusted the body of a characters bust so that it matched the right side

Added one more picture to cutscene 10

Have to colour cutscene 11 and I’m done.


I finished the cutscene

I am currently drawing the animated skills for the boss and a character

Drew 4 new skills

Animated the 4 new skills

Made 4 icons for the skills

Added a little bit of content to lvl 9

Made 4 new skills

Made a new battle back 

Up’d cost for magical worm by 10

Need to run couple more tests on boss

Adjusted wording on “Too Much Love” because it gets cut off in the word box

The boss is ready

Made new icon for provoked

Changed an NPC’s name from “Arthur” to “Kyle” in Town one “HANOTOWN”

Made Happy bust for Ed and implemented it into game 

Made new bust for a character

Made new mana and hp potions

Organized items

Implemented what items that you get from the shop in desert town

Applied scenes within boss fight into game

Went back to lvl 8 and fixed text on two wordboxes 

Fixed some doors exit placement in lvl 8

Added small bit of content to lvl 9

Implemented cutscene 11


Working on cutscene 12


Still working on cutscene 12

(1 edit) (+1)

Still working on cutscene 12 but I’ll be done it today.

It honestly takes a lot of time to draw these cutscenes and I could only hope that people who buy the game would appreciate it.


Made small adjustment to Agro body and Tony crystal ink at the bottom by making it cleaner for C10 SC1

Finished drawing/painting cutscene 12

Made tons of several small adjustments on cutscene 12 pics

Implemented cutscene 12 into game

The cutscene looks great imo


Drew and painted LVL 10

Implemented LVL 10

Added 4 new icons

Made 3 new items

Added content to LVL 10


I really don’t want to show the new enemies but I don’t know what to do. 

Drew 2 enemies

Implemented these enemies into the game

Made 2 new item icons

Implemented 2 new items

Added more content to LVL 10

Drew 2 new skill attacks

Made two new skill animations

Made the skills and implemented them into the characters

Made two new icons for the enemy skills

Made new battleback

Working on a new cutscene

Made small adjustments to Agro right busts happy, mad, sad, beat and Agro left busts happy and sad

Made small adjustments to Elle right busts happy, mad, sad, beat and Elle left busts happy and sad

Still working on new cutscene

Finished cutscene

Implemented cutscene into game

Made tileset 1 and 2 for new level

Currently making the interior for the new houses

Finished interior for houses

Working on bg for new level

Adjusted level 11 tiles 1 and added more stuff

Made new character template walk cycle

Finished character walk cycle tilesheets

Finished NEW character sv battle tileset

INKED/PAINTED 4 busts for characters

(1 edit)

Finished inking and painting all busts for characters in new town

Made minor changes to past levels and added change formation option.

Made adjustments and additions to tileset 1 for new town

Updated doors colours 

Build new town

Added characters and dialogue for them into game

Added content to lvl 11

I dunno I did stuff

(1 edit)

Made several new icons for items

Removed/changed some icons like “May’s Hammer” and changed it to “Nickle”

Removed passive states from weapons

Drew and painted 12 new animations for different items so they are unique

The picture above is one of them called “Nickle.” It’s just one of the frames.

(1 edit)

Adjusted "Ellie's touch" item animation 

Made all animations for items and implemented them

Wrote all details for items

Updated item list

Updated what items to get in shop 1

Changed some items placements

Lowered happy revive item to 50 to make it easier to get revive item

Did other stuff, don’t remember

Added one scene to cutscene 11

Adjusted one scene in cutscene 11

Adjusted cutscene 11’s placement 


Updated all of Agro’s busts

Adjusted his eyes and made lines more cleaner

Finished cutscene

Working on tileset for new level

Made more tilesets and finished them

Added a characters walk cycle

Did cutscene

Implemented cutscene

Built some levels

Doing cutscene

(1 edit)

Quick fixes on some word boxes in lvl 10

Adjusted all enemies variables like their ATK and stuff and basically weakened them

Adjusted all of LVL 8 interior houses because the bed sprite wasn’t placed right

Updated LVL 11 tilesets too

Did other stuff, can’t remember

(1 edit)

I want to show you the cool animations and items that I’ve done but I feel like I shouldn’t because if you play the game, everything that you use will feel like a Christmas present cause you don’t know what you’re going to see when you equip it and it’s a cool feeling.

Adjusted boss fight from before and gave it more DEF

Fixed word box clipping

Finished new tileset for new level

Built new level

Made scripts for dialogue and cutscene

Made some animations

Im going to change “Armpits End” weapon to “Hand up my ass”

Making new animation attacks

I started going through my old sketchbook drawings for these new ones

The picture above is one of the newly drawn animations, it’s a drawer.

Drew/painted all new animations

It was quite fun because I was just creating art for fun again even though I used some of my old sketchbook drawings.

Drawing for fun was actually how I created the first inception of Agro.

I did a lot of stuff for the new items

Updated some busts

Updated one cutscene scene

Finished all items for SHOP 2

Adjusted exp gain

Working on cutscene

Working on cutscene

Almost done

(1 edit)

--Can't show picture for some reason. Oh well!--

Cutscene will be done in 1 or two hours.

I will then start working on a boss.

will you be replacing the battle sprites that are rtp?
I really like this project concept :)
looking forward to seeing your world come more and more to life :D


Hi! ;-] If you look at the second page, you can see that I already replaced them. They were place holders. My whole project will have no assets from what the engine gave me. 

Thank you for your kind message.

yes I noticed after I posted :P I like your artstyle, it reminds me of a friend's that uses ace. really great work man.


Ah ok! Thank you!

Finished cutscene

Cleaned up “Furtron” skill

Made new boss

Drew/painted 8 new skills

The picture above is one of the new skills. The other new skills are too cool to show.

Drew/painted 7 or 8 more skills

Made new icons and adjusted some old ones

I will be animating them today, of course I will be making the sound for them too.

I was drawing for fun for these new ones. Except one which was inspired by something from my childhood in the 90’s.

Completely changed some past animations items and skills appearance, they are truly from my mind now.

I went back and changed some stuff.

Made new animations and sounds for some of the new skills

Did all sounds and animations for new skills and stuff, fuck

Made descriptions for all statuses that will appear on the character in battle so that the player can read them in the status menu if they want to. It took a lot of time to do this.

Made new battle back

Updated FACE's file for updated Agro face

Made two new detailed busts of an enemy

The above picture is part of the new battleback.

Implemented new cutscene

Updated one of the items colour

Quick fixed one cutscene picture

Quick fixed “Too much love” skill

Adjusted items

Working on new cutscene

Honestly, I’m working on the new cutscene and it is so much work. It’s more work than your typical, talk to some person, then a bust of the characters show up or a couple still pictures show up for a cutscene. This cutscene is also action packed. I’m trying really hard not to think about how much work that I have to do.

Still working on cutscene

Updated one picture from cutscene 12 and basically just made Elle and davids lines cleaner

Still working on cutscene

Finished cutscene

Programmed levelling changing stuff for game

Adjusted script for lvl 13

(1 edit)

Implemented cutscene 17

Removed weapons with abilities that I felt were too complex

Did so much shit that I don’t even want to say like balancing

Also did boss

Updated some animations

Made script for new cutscene

Updated icons

Updated all busts for David 

Quick fix on all Agro busts

Working on new cutscene

Finishing drawing/painting cutscene

Working on a new cutscene

Quick fix 2 pictures from cutscene 13

My old wacom is literally dying and it makes it hard to work with. If it keeps disconnecting, doing the future cutscenes are going to be quite a challenge for me.

Finished other cutscene

Working on new cutscene

Working on cutscene

Made new busts

Working on cutscene

Made new busts

Darkness is here

Made new busts

Still making cutscene

Deleted 6 years ago

Those were placeholders. ;-]

Deleted 6 years ago

I don't know what show that you're talking about. I'm not going to draw you designs or whatever for your game. I use pretty much all my time on my game. 

Still working on cutscene

Still working on cutscene but almost done

Updated town 1 locked entrances dialogue and added one line for “Ed” dialogue

Finished cutscene

Implemented first cutscene

I have to proof read the word boxes so it doesn’t clip or fuck up words in the boxes

I typed around 2100 words for this cutscene

I have a ton of animating to do.

I had no idea that it would take this long to do this stuff. I wanted to get out of the next town this month but it looks like that is not going to happen. 

Quick fixed C18 SC 3, 9, 11, 12, 14, 15 , 18, 20, 23, 25, 27, and 41

Fixed all dialogue word boxes in cutscene

Implemented 2nd cutscene into game

Implemented new cutscene

Made new script addition to this cutscene

Typed a lot

Checked and fixed word boxes, spelling, blah blah

Quick fixed some scenes like a small part of the sky wasn’t coloured in 

Currently making tiles for new level

This new cutscene may need slight adjustments on the movement of certain animations

Working on tileset for new level

Working on newer level

I feel like I haven’t been working as hard as I could for the past 2 days. Lots of noise in the bg.

Finished tilesets

Implemented tilesets

Finished building level 14

Have to proof read word boxes for this level

Working on new tilesets for new town

Finished tiles for town

Making interior houses

Built level for new town

Adding stuff to level still

(1 edit)

Finished adding objects with unique dialogue to new town 

Made new doors  images for new town

Built interior house levels

Implemented all door level transitions 

Making busts for new characters

I’ve had to force myself to sleep for the past 2 days

Did little work on the busts

Had a panic attack again and decided to just lay in bed

(2 edits)

I have completed the busts of the new characters

Currently colouring character walk cycle animation tilesets

I decided to sleep in today


So about the panic attacks,

I kept thinking that another panic attack would happen and today I felt it was coming again because my heart was starting to beat faster but listening to some guy talk about it and some girl doing some tapping exercises, it has actually pretty much removed it. I breathe regularly now. Like, it kinda blows my mind. It took less than 5 hours of just listening to him and just knowing that he was right. He kept calling out all the symptoms that I had. I kept worrying about a spike of pain that I’d feel or having another episode or if I was breathing correctly. I doubt that I will experience another panic attack while I’m awake again. I should note that had a nightmare and didn’t wake from a panic attack.

I will put the links of the vids that has pretty much made it completely go away, for future reference for others. Some of the views are low but it has honestly helped cure it.

The girl tapping exercise thing  video

This is the video that I watched first, her method actually helps

The first video of Dr.Harry Barry that I watched that helped me understand it

The second video that I watched that helped me understand it more and think about it

The third video that I watched and it calmed me down a lot 

The fourth video of Dr. Harry Barry that pretty much removed it midway through watching it, my heart started to pound again it just turned off and I felt pretty close to normal again 

So, I still sort of kept thinking about it  for the rest of the day because I couldn’t sleep but when I woke up I felt completely normal again but I would say that I’m still healing. I seriously don’t think that working on my game for 12-16+ hours is a good thing which is why I have force myself to sleep.

I’ve downloaded the vids above so that if they are somehow not online anymore, you will just need to find my email and send me a message for them. The reason why I’ve downloaded the videos is because it worked. If a doctor actually wants to help the patient and not have them take meds or something then its a good thing. It’s like how I feel that the medical industry would rather you stay sick because they make money off of people being sick. I’ve been reading the comments and people are talking about how they’ve been dealing with it for years. It’s quite sad.

Like, I literally lost a days worth of work because of it. Time is of the essence for me so I had to find a way to fix it since the panic attacks starting happening daily 3 days ago. If you haven’t experienced a panic attack before then you have no idea what its like.

Completed walk cycles for new characters and implemented them into game

Implemented new character busts into game

Adjusted script to a past cutscene and added more dialogue 

Currently writing script for new characters in town

Completed script

Currently implementing it into game

Implemented whole script into game

Proof read and checked word clipping from word boxes

Made decisions where exp should go

Made new enemies

Made attacks for new enemies

Made new battleback

Updated an animation for a skill 

Made new skills for enemies

Made animations for those new skills and added sound

Decided to give more chances to get potions from enemies so player can heal up after battle

Added dialogue to objects in new town

Put more music into game

Changed victory and defeat songs

Designed 7 animations for items

Made icons for enemy skills and items

Made icons for the 7 items

Put one more item in the first shop

Implemented an Baggy item into game

Made all the animations for the new items and weapons

Image above is part of the story.

(1 edit)

Currently making a level, decided not to follow my original design

Updated tileset 3 for LEVEL 16 and added more stuff

Built new level

Currently working on cutscene

Quick fix Tony crystal on the right side of his body in cutscene 12 for 3 scenes

Working on cutscene

Finished cutscene

I’m going to make a bust for the new boss and make moves and stuff

I've made over 460 scenes for the cutscenes and I haven't even done the most complex ones yet. :..-O

I finished the busts and started working on the part that I hate most which is the battle animations for the boss

Finished two sideview battle animation tilesets

Need to do 1 more

I know I said boss before but its actually bosses. I keep doing this thing where I just don’t want to talk about the other stuff that I actually do because I don’t want to spoil the game. But, I have decided to show the other character this time only because I’m probably going to show them in the final trailer when I get around to it.

(1 edit)

Finished another SV battler tileset

Been playing around in gm2 again, it’s addicting. I have to try harder to not open the program.

The above picture is a sneak peek of an item

Finished a characters walk cycle tileset

I made 4 new skill designed

I animated 2 of them

When I animate, I also make and implement the sounds into them.

Please note that the above gif is the bosses skill and that enemy is not the boss. I only wanted to show one of the skills.

(1 edit)

Adjusted battles before second town like making the drop chance for “goo” 1/3 to 1/4

Completed 3 skills and animated them

Implemented those 3 skills

Made 5 new icons for the new skills

Made bosses and set their skills

Adjusted and made more icons

Made an OBJ in characters tileset

Made cutscene images

Made 2 new bg tilesets

Made more sparkling water sprite tile sets

Finished cutscene images

Made a script for a scene

Made new item

Implemented cutscene

Did some stuff for the game other than the list below

Adjusted LVL 14 tileset 1 and made the holes in the ground how I originally wanted it to be

Implemented cutscene

Added new rock sprites to a tileset

Made script for new cutscene

Working on new cutscene

Working on cutscene

Still working on cutscene

Drawing/painting images the size of my screen takes time

Still working on cutscene

Quick fix on Agro left shoulder crystal for C20 SC12 cutscene

Completed cutscene

Implemented cutscene into game

Created new skill that looks like a dinosaur

Made animation for new skill

Implemented it into game

Made new icon for skill

Fixed letters for “Too much love”

Adjusted the bosses sv battler tileset when they are in crisis

Adjusted all enemies MATK AND ATK 

Testing plains level for how many steps until random encounter

Did other stuff that is so minuscule and boring, I hate doing it.

Above is part of the cutscene

Implemented new faces png

Fixed bug I believe in game for “Blood Rose” that basically like a vampire skill

Implemented dialogue within boss fight

Tested boss fight

Adjusted blood rose position

Put more hp and mana potions drops into enemies

Changed passive states for game and Elle 

Removed one passive state from Agro

I’m currently working on a new cutscene.

The above picture is part of the cutscene. I don’t think I’ve ever shown an action sequence cutscene in full without cutting it off, so here. ;-]

Working on cutscene

Working on cutscene

Working on cutscene

Working on cutscene

Working on cutscene

Working on cutscene

Basically the picture above is a first person view of punching

Working on cutscene

Working on cutscene

Working on cutscene

Finished cutscene

Need to implement into game

Implemented cutscene

Working on bg tiles for new lvl

Implemented new picture to last cutscene

Drew new level design on paper 

Currently making more bg tiles

Finished bg tileset for last lvl

Currently making bg tileset for newer lvl

Finished tile sets

Currently building levels

Finished one level but still making adjustments to tile sets if needed

Added more dialogue to one town

Currently building the bigger level right now

Building level

Doing last touches to level

Made new icons

Made new items

Basically populated the level a lot more. I don’t think that anyone should actually try and collect everything since the level is big.

Updated first town objective event and added something

Implemented more stuff into new lvl like transferring player and items

Adjusted one of the cutscenes so you just press something to go to the the picture, it used to be timed

Testing stuff so everything works as I wanted it to

Created new enemies

Created new enemy skill sprites

Made new icons and item sprites

I need to make a huge script

Made slight adjustments to last lvl 

Adjusted two past battlebacks

Made new battleback

Made more dialogue for a text box in a past level

Made adjustments to dialogue for some items 

Made new sounds

Made new animations and skills

Need to test new enemies

Battle tested/testing enemies

Evented stuff

Made new icon for a skill

Added music to lvl

Boosted hp of a character a little

Made 2 scripts for cutscenes

Started working on new cutscene

Did some stuff in the game

Working on cutscene

Made a colour adjustment to one picture in the last cutscene

Worked on cutscene a little

Adjusted crystal on all of David busts

Working on cutscene

Working on cutscene

Made adjustment/additions to one script

The games story is very text heavy because it’s essentially about the characters. Action sequences are very straight forward because it’s linear.

Adjusted a past script and added a little bit and removed a sentence then made the change within game

Working on cutscene

Working on cutscene

Working on cutscene

I’ve finished inking/painting the cutscene

Doing boring shit, implementing cutscene into game and then will proof check all word boxes

QUICK FIXED 49, 51, 53, 66, 67, 68, 70, 71, 72, 76, 79 images that aren’t fully coloured







I’ll be gone for 2 days. I’ll see if I can still do stuff.

Added a little more dialogue to a character in first town

Animated item and implemented into game

Put character obj into game

Changed unique passive state for Agro

REMOVED TP gauge from game to make the game more simple by just using MP

I made adjustments to the hit animation

I forgot what else I did

Adjusted hit animation again and updated it

Designed new character object

Adjusted chests and made them even more forgiven

Adjusted prices for the potions and made them more forgiven

Designed hp and mana heal animation

Designed revive animations

Implemented hp and mana animations

Made 2 new animations for 2 new skills

Made new icon for a skill

Made animations for revive items

Implemented revive items into game

Started on new cutscene

like your artstyle 

Thank you! :-]

Working on cutscene

Working on cutscene

Working on cutscene

Thought of a new scene for this cutscene and added it to the script because I thought it was funny

Designed new characters on paper

Working on cutscene

Made a script that could be used for a future cutscene

Working on cutscene

I don’t want to show anything because I don’t want to spoil the game. There’s just too much going on in the pictures.

Made script/storyline to be used in the future

Working on cutscene

Created part of a script for next cutscene

Working on cutscene

Working on cutscene

You are most likely looking at this in the future because of what you’ve already seen and you probably want to see the process, so I’ll say something.

You let things flow and go into your butt and then into your mind.

Cutscenes man, tango.

I will again crop images after this and keep things vague.

Made script for future cutscene

Working on cutscene

It’s very hard drawing lots of characters in a single screen doing things

Finished drawing/painting cutscene

Need to implement

Pic above is of a bg

(1 edit)

Implemented cutscene and wordbox checked

Finished new battleback

A battleback is a battle screens background

Working on sideview characters

Updated agro passive state and made it so that when he has lower than 70 mp, he powers up

Finished 2 more sideview characters

Need to do one more

Finished sideview characters

Adjusted an items stats 

Made new skill

Designed new skill animation

Made all busts for new characters

They talk before battle so I’m doing that right now

Finished designing new skill animation

Changing Tony’s “xeno buddy” skill to “Xeno Wraith”

Currently designing the skill “Embrace Everything”

The picture above is one of the creatures that appears in the “Embrace Everything” skill

Finished designing the skill “Embrace Everything”

Updating “Xeno Wraith” and adding more stuff

Currently designing a new skill as well 

Picture above is a glimpse of cut content in the game that I originally wanted to be in the game.

Renamed “Bandage shackles” to “Binding Love”

Finished designing one skill

Currently designing a skill that I call “Mana Balloon”

Designed a new skill. I’m not sure what to call it.

I’m currently drawing a new skill.

I'm tired.

Finished designing “Binding Love” and “Oynx Buddy” skill

I’m basically just designing the rest of the skills in the game.

I added more to a past skill

Im currently working on this skill

So I’m going to try and explain it because I don’t want to show it

Basically what’s going on is, Agro pops up and uses his ultimate then the Agro in the box image disappears. His ultimate is a god like creature that has a skeleton for a head and bandages around it’s body and has a baby and it’s arms are out like it’s holy. Theres a heart in the middle and sword like crosses appear in the sky and form while the heart bleeds and then the enemy gets attacked.

Finished designing a very detailed skill

Finished designing a dark spirit skill

Currently working on another detailed skill

So many skills to design

Finished designing two detailed skills

Cleaned up the 12 new skill designs

I’ve been really tired for 2 days. :_-o

Made 7 new icons for new skills and updated oynx buddy icon

Updated window for game and added a heart

Updated Paul dialogue in first town and added more text

Currently animating skills

Picture above is some skill icons

Animated Rain rain go away

Animated another skill

Animated embrace everything

Animating new skills

Pic above is a glance of embrace everything.

Made sounds for animations and implemented

Adjusted 3 of Tony’s skills and lowered the damage that they can do

I want sushi

Added states that will be removed when a skill is used

Completed 2 new animations “Xeno Wraith” and “Mana Balloon.”

Adjusted most skills so that they appear longer

Adjusted “TOO MUCH LOVE” sprite and updated it so that the chain isn’t connected ( it was messing with the enemies on the ground who are big )

Completed 2 animations “I’ll Protect You” and “Binding Love” and “Oynx Buddy”

Finished two animations and their states “Agro’s one” and “Dark Spirit”

Updated one of the tilesets


Currently working on 1 animation, just need sounds so I have to make em

Changed colour of of rock things on 16 4 tileset

Finished a couple animations, basically two

Designed two animations

Debuffed “Fire Buddy”

Finished animating 4 skills but 2 need sounds

Changed grass colour for “OYNX BUDDY”








Designing new skill animation

Designed “Kabu” animation

Made “Kabu” icon

Designed “Birdation” animation

Made “Birdation” Icon

Animated “Birdation” skill

Basically what happens in this skill a bunch of birds just hit each other until a single one hits the enemy.

(1 edit)

Animated a new skill thats like a beetle

Balancing skills for characters

Balanced enemies and made the game easier

Adjusted “Mana Balloon” and made it stronger 

Almost done

Picture above is not readable but that is pretty much all the skills in the game.

Removed something from blood rose because it gave an error and I believe it’s fix

I wrote some dialogue for a cutscene in the future

Debuffed “Gather The Fishes”

Adjusted “Telly Rabbit” animation

Updated “Telly Rabbit” tileset by making the lightning effects thicker because they looked like lines before and it bothered me when it looked like lines

Cleaned up/Updated “Blinded by the Moon” Tileset because the grey colour went beyond the inked lines

Finished balancing the current skills

Fixed “embraced everything” skill because it wasn’t showing up

Fixed word box on “Heartless heal” because it cut off from word box

Debuffed “I love you “ and dropped it to 500 hp from 2000 hp

Made animation for Kabu’s state

Made animation for Birdation’s state

Adjusted some enemies stats

Testing a battle

(1 edit)

Changed how effective “exposed weakness” is and made it stronger

I’m not even going list everything I’ve done because it’s pretty much been a lot of back and forth

Balancing battle because I can break it

Moved yellow follower a bit to the left

Did other stuff of course

I feel like the fight is good the way it is now

Going to work on a new cutscene and combine all the dialogue scripts I’ve made for this scene into one concise script and add new stuff at the same time. I dunno, I’ll just do what I have to do.

Designed fear ani, silence ani, and poison animation.

Didn’t actually do much.

Working on script.

Finished script

Wrote a little bit more for the script

Organized refs for cutscene

Going to start drawing the cutscene

Working on cutscene

Updated and changed a line from cutscene 25

Working on cutscene

I can’t find a picture that is subtle in spoiler territory so I will not show a pic today

Working on cutscene

Working on cutscene

I feel very tired

Working on cutscene

Even though I have the thought process of what needs to happen is in my head, the in-between parts have pretty much always been made up on the spot, sorry.

Working on cutscene

Working on cutscene

I would think that I haven’t been very productive

Might see some friends tomorrow

Did little to nothing

Went over to brother and his wife home

Watched a show

Working on cutscene pictures

Floaty rock animation picture

Working on cutscene

Working on cutscene

Picture is a sketch of scene from cutscene

Working on cutscene

Don’t feel like showing a glimpse of a picture today

Working on cutscene

Working on cutscene

Working on cutscene

Working on cutscene

Working on cutscene

Working on cutscene

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