I use macOS and none of the games that I dowload work beacuse a screen apperes that doesnt let me open it saying that since it cant find the developer, how do I fix this?
Also, once you've downloaded a macos app, you can control-click on it and in the resulting context menu select Open to run it (it'd be a nice itch.io feature to have these instructions displayed for macos apps downloads)
Apple has the tendency to block all applications not coming from the AppStore or being developed by verified developers.
This is a measure taken to make sure they keep earning money on you to make sure you are never target of malware.
What technicat says is as far as I know still true (I left Mac a few years ago, as Apple's paranoid attitude was getting on my nerves to be honest). You can by the way if you have a two button mouse also use the right mouse button.
I used to use a Mac computer.
The old “unidentified developer” error. Open up Preferences/Settings.
Go to Security and Privacy. Closer to the bottom of the screen, it will tell you something like “[app name] was blocked from opening because it is not from an identified developer” and next to it will be a button that says “Open Anyways.” Click on it, and you’re all good. You may need to put in an administrator password, however.