What is this?
Glow Flower is an action/adventure game I have been working on for the past few months. The game will have a strong emphasis on exploration, in the same vein as the original Zelda game. The game will be open for players to explore but players will have to survive as well as use their wits to explore it all.
This game started as an entry for the GBJam earlier this year. I didn't end up submitting an entry but I liked this concept and art style enough to continue working on it. The game (per jame rules) started with out 4 colors. It has since jumped up to 7, but I don't intend on going much higher than that, if at all.
The game is being developed in HaxeFlixel for PCs (Windows, Mac, Linux). I'm doing the programming, art, and music for the game.
Progress so far
So far, I have a lot of code groundwork done. After building the incredibly rough version intended for GBJam, I spent time doing some heavy refactoring and writing systems to more easily allow me to create entities (based off of JSON data). During which, I did spend time on art and animation. At this point I'm ready to start building content like enemies, locations, other npcs, etc. I've decided to start with designing enemies. I still have a bunch of work ahead of me, obviously! :D
Mockups/Character Art
So, I have a bunch of art to share, so I'm just going to dump those here.